七年级英语上册 Unit 7 Shopping Grammer教案

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1、Unit 7 Shopping Grammar教学目标1 用some和any谈论数量。2 用there be句型谈论事物的存在。3 培养发现规律和认识规律的能力。教学内容四会内容词汇:paper句型:I need to buy some Christmas presents. Do you have any money? I dont have any money. There is a pear on the table. There is some milk on the table.There is not any bread on the table.There are not any

2、 cakes on the table Is there a pear on the table? Is there any salt on the table?Yes/No, there is/isnt.Are there any vegetables on the table? Yes/No, there are/arent.教学准备1 一些文具如书、铅笔等。2 一瓶水。教学步骤A. Using some/anyStep I 导入L 用实物呈现some和any 的用法。教师拿出一本书说:I have a book. 拿出一摞书说:I have some books. 将some books

3、写在黑板上。再拿出一瓶水说:I have a bottle of water. I have some water. 将some water 写在黑板上。让学生自己发现教师要说明的问题,即some既可以修饰可数名词,又可以修饰不可数名词。2 教师对一位学生说:I dont have any pens. Do you have any? 在学生回答问题过程中,将any pens写在黑板上。教师再对另一位学生说:I dont have any orange juice. Do you have any? 将any orange juice写在黑板上。同样让学生来发现教师要说明的问题,即any既可以

4、修饰可数名词,又可以修饰不可数名词。3 教师再出示几幅可数名词和不可数名词的实物或图片,请学生口头操练some和any。Step II 呈现1 让学生看着课本第85 页A部分的图片,问:(1)Which festival are they getting ready for?(Christmas)(2) What does the girl want to buy? (She wants to buy some Christmas presents.)(3) Does she have any money? (No, she doesnt have any money.将这组对话写在黑板上,并

5、用彩色粉笔将some 和any标注出来。2 让学生根据所给例句和课本第85 页A部分的表格,自行找出some和any的使用规则。当some 和any表示“一些”时,some用于肯定句,any 用于否定句和疑问句。但在表示建议、反问、请求的疑问句中,或期望得到肯定回答时,多用some而不用any。3 学生完成课本第85页A部分的练习。Step III 活动1 将事先准备好的文具装在一个口袋内。教师拿着口袋问学生:Can you guess what I have in the bag? 让学生猜口袋里有什么东西。学生可以问:Do you have any rulers? I think you

6、have some colour pencils, right? 教师根据实际情况回答,如:No, I dont have any/Yes, I have some.2 教师演示后,分别请几位学生上台,与其他学生开展类似的问答活动。B. Using there beStep I 呈现1 教师将一本书放在讲台上,然后对学生说:There is a book on the desk. 将句子写在黑板上,请一位学生试着解释句子的中文意思。然后放一摞书在讲台上,对学生说:There are some books on the desk. 将句子写在黑板上,请一位学生说出两个句子的不同。请学生说出the

7、re is和there are的含义以及两者的区别,帮助学生总结规律。再演示几个例句。(l) There is some water in the bottle.(2) There are some pens in the box.(3) There is an English book in my hand.2 给学生两分钟时间,准备三个含there be的句子。请几位学生说出自己的句子。3 教师指着黑板上的例句问:How can I change it into a “Yes” or “No” question? 请学生两人一组讨论,将结果告诉老师,教师帮助学生总结出正确的方法。(l) I

8、s there a book on the table?(2) Are there any books on the table?以同样的方法请学生总结如何将there be句型转换成否定句。请学生将书上86页B部分的相关例句阅读一遍,有问题可以提出来讨论。4 进入86页B部分的练习,请学生独立完成,集体核对答案,然后集体朗读短文。Step II 活动1 学生四人一组,进行以下游戏:A chain gameA to B: There is a bat in my bag. Is there a bat in your bag?B to A: No, there isnt.B to C: The

9、re is an MP4 in my bag. Is there an MP4 in your bag?C to B: Yes, there is.C to D: .2 教师两只手各拿不同数目的不同物品,如:左手拿两支铅笔,右手拿四块橡皮。请学生迅速描述教师任意出示的一只手的情况。(l) There are two pencils in your left hand.(2) There are tour rubbers in your right hand.教师可以将手中的物品随意变换。如果时间允许,还可以在两人或四人小组内开展此游戏。Step III 家庭作业1复习语法部分内容。2 用本课所学的some,any,there be编写一段50词左右的口头作文。



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