七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Let's celebrate!Grammer教案

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《七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Let's celebrate!Grammer教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Let's celebrate!Grammer教案(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Unit 5 Lets celebrate!Grammar教学目标1 掌握书中所列的八个特殊疑问词。2 学习用这些疑问词提问并回答。教学内容四会内容词汇:dumpling rice dumpling grandparent other thing 句型:What do you do on Halloween? Which would you like? Who is Mr Wu? Whose bag is this? When is your birthday? Where is my pen? Why are you so happy? How do you go to school?教学

2、准备1 一些文具。2 多媒体课件。教学步骤Step I 呈现1 呈现疑问词。教师从学生处搜集一些文具放在讲台上,就讲台上的文具与学生进行白由交流,呈现疑问词,可使用如下问题。(1) What is it in English?(2) Which pen is yours?(3) Who often buys stationary for you?(4) Whose rubber is white?(5) When do you need to use a pencil?(6) Its such a long ruler. Where can you put it? In the pencil

3、case or in the school bag?(7) Why is this pen so special? It looks so funny. Where did you get it?(8) How can J use this tape correctly? Who can help me?2 将这些含有疑问词的句子写在黑板上,并将疑问词用彩色粉笔标记出来。请学生谈谈这些疑问词的含义。3 掌握疑问词。指导学生阅读第61页的表格,掌握what,which,who,whose,when,where,why,how的含义和用法。Step II 练习1 让学生完成课本A部分的练习,核对答

4、案。2 学生独立完成B、C部分练习。全班核对答案。说明:在B、C两部分出现的生词比较零散,如不便在本课时作集中呈现,可以分散在前面课时提及或在本课时前作预习处理掉。3 教师提供以下短文:Im Wendys friend. My name is Kate and Im from the USA.Halloween is my favorite festival. I often spend this day with my family and my cousin Tom. On that day, I wear special colorful clothes and a black-and-

5、white mask. When I dress up, it looks so cool. We are very excited because we can play a game called “trick or treat”. Of course, the big day ends with a big party. Mom cooks nice food for us. Dad prepares cool drinks, and funny Tom tells funny jokes. We eat, talk and laugh till ten p.m. Thats reall

6、y great.让学生阅读,然后两人一组讨论,就短文内容尽可能多地设置特殊疑问句。(1) Whos Kate?(2) Whose cousin is Tom?(3) What does Kate tell us?(4) How does she celebrate Halloween?(5) Why are they very excited on that day?(6) What do they eat in the party?(7) Where do you think they have the party?(8) When do they end their party?Step

7、III 活动1 编写并表演对话。将以下八个疑问句写在黑板上:(1) When is your birthday?(2) How are you going to celebrate your birthday?(3) What do you do for your birthday?(4) What time is the birthday party going to start?(5) Where are you going to have the party?(6) Which is your favourite food?(7) Who will sing at the party?(8) Why dont you ask your teacher to come to the party?要求学生四人一组用这些句子编对话,至少使用其中的五个。2 请几组学生展示对话。3可结合本课时所学内容,开展为期一周的Question Week活动。在学习语法课时之后的一周内,利用课间休息时间,每个学生自由寻找伙伴,用本课时所学疑问词向对方提问,请对方回答问题,记录自己所提正确问题的数目,并请对方签字证明。到本周结束,看哪些学生累计提问和回答的数字最多,对优胜者表扬奖励。Step IV 家庭作业1 复习语法部分内容。2 预习下一课的生词。



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