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1、英语倒装句【知识简介】一般陈述句结构为“主语+谓语”,如果将句子某一部分移到句子前面而引起主语和谓语的顺序颠倒就成了倒装。疑问句一般均为倒装,但我们这里将不予讨论。倒装有两种情况:部分倒装(系动词、情态动词、助动词放在主语之前)和全部倒装(整个谓语部分放在主语的前面)。【要点难点】1) 部分倒装 含有否定意义的副词(有时是词组)置于句首以表示强调时,句子用部分倒装形式。这类词有:not, never, never before, nowhere, no longer, in no time, not a + 名词, not a single + 名词, not often, at no tim

2、e(决不,注意和in no time立刻,不用倒装不同), by no means(决不), in/under no circumstances(决不), in no way(决不), on no account(决不), in no case(决不), seldom, little, hardly, scarcely, rarely, barely(仅仅、很少、几乎不), still less(更不用说)Never before have I shown it to anyone. 我从来没有拿给任何人看过。Never before in my life have I enjoyed suc

3、h beautiful scenery. 我一生中从未欣赏过如此之美景。Little did I realize what was upsetting him. 我完全没意识到什么让他不高兴。Nowhere could I see him. 哪儿都见不到他。By no means is it true that all English people know their own language well. 并非所有的英国人都通晓本国语。He doesnt even like her; still less is it his intention to marry her. 他甚至不喜欢她,更

4、不用说打算娶她。Not a single word did he say for a whole hour. 他整整一小时一句话也没说。Under no circumstances must you relax your efforts for a moment. 在任何情况下,你一刻也不能放松自己的努力。Neither do I know her address, nor does he. 我不知道她的地址,他也不知道。Not could the patient eat, nor could he drink. 那个病人既不能吃,也不能喝。Seldom in my life have I m

5、et so determined a person. 一生中我很少见到如此果断的人。At no time will I give up my belief. 我决不会放弃我的信念。(注意和这一句不同:In no time, he gave up his effort to survive. 他立刻就放弃了求生的努力。这里没有用倒装句) 两个重要倒装句型:Hardly/Scarcely had A happened when B happened.(A刚发生B就发生了。)No sooner had A happened than B happened. (A刚发生B就发生了。)Hardly ha

6、d he begun to speak when his wife stopped him. 他刚开口说话就被他妻子制止了。Hardly had she come into the room when he saw someone disappearing through the French window. 她一走进房间就看见有个人穿过落地窗不见了。No sooner had I left my house than it began to rain. 我刚刚离开家就下雨了。Scarcely had he gone out when it began to rain. 他刚一出门就下起雨来。

7、No sooner had he gone to sleep than the telephone rang once again. 他刚睡着,电话铃又响了。 Not until倒装句型。完全形式为:Not until/till + 某一时间(用名词词组、介词词组或从句表达)+ 助动词 + 主语 + 谓语其他部分.Not until a long time afterwards did I realize that he was mixed up with the gang. 过了很长时间之后我才知道他与那一帮人厮混在一起。Not until I lost that job did I rea

8、lize the importance of learning a foreign language. 我失去了那份工作之后才意识到学习一门外语的重要性。 not only but also结构中的not only置于句首时,not only之后的句子要部分倒装。Not only did we lose all our money, but we also came close to losing our lives. 我们不但把钱全丢了,还几乎丢了命。Not only will he do the work, but he will also be able to do the work w

9、ell. 他会做这个工作,而且,他也能够把这工作做好。 用neither或nor表示“也不”时用部分倒装形式(neither/nor要置于句首)。I know little about 3D Max. 我对3D Max懂得不多。Neither do I. 我也不懂多少。The couple quarreled again last night. 那对夫妻昨晚又吵架了。I dont know, nor do I care. 我不知道,我也不关心。She wont go. Neither/Nor will I. 她不走,我也不走。He had no friends nor acquaintance

10、s, nor did he make any. 他没有朋友也没有熟人,他也不结交任何朋友或熟人。I said no more. Neither did she. 我没再说什么,她也没再说什么。That day I didnt watch TV, nor did I play PC games, nor did I do any of my homework. 那天我没看电视,也没打电脑游戏,也没做任何作业。 表示肯定的“也是”时可用“So + 部分倒装结构”。The corn is ripening, and so are the apples. 玉米成熟了,苹果也成熟了。Maxim has

11、told me so, and so has Frank. 马克西姆曾这样告诉我,弗兰克也曾这样告诉我。People love having lots of friends, so do those with disabilities. 人们喜欢广交朋友,残疾人也一样。Was the weather cold in your place yesterday? 昨天你们那里天冷吗?So it was and so is it today. 是啊,今天也冷。注:当so在简短回答中表示同意对方的意见时,不用倒装。例如:You have spilled coffee in your dress. 你把

12、咖啡泼在你的衣服上了。Oh, dear, so I have. 唉,天哪,可不是吗。 “only + 副词/介词短语/状语从句”结构置于句首时,句子要用部分倒装。Only then did we realize that the man was blind. 直到那时我们才发现那个人是盲人。Only when the war was over in 1918 was he able to get happily back to work. 直到1918年战争结束后,他才得以愉快地重返工作岗位。Only in this way can we expect to achieve great suc

13、cesses. 只有这样我们才可能期望取得巨大成功。注意:当only与主语连用时,不用倒装。例如:Only two of us had some experience in sailing. 只有我们两个人有些驾船航行的经验。Only teachers of this school can use the on-line reading-room. 只有本校教师才可以用网络阅览室。 so that结构或such that结构,so或such在句首时,随后的句子要作部分倒装。So moved was she that she could not say a word. 她激动得一句话也说不出来。

14、So loudly did he speak that even the people in the next room could hear him. 他的声音那么大,连隔壁屋子里的人都听得见。So fast does light travel that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed. 光速如此之快,我们很难想像。In such a plight did I find myself that I was at my wits end what to do. 我发现自己处境如此窘困而不知所措。 某些表示频度方式的状语如often, ma

15、ny a time, well等置于句首时,句子可用部分倒装。Many a time have I seen that man begging from door to door. 我曾许多次看见那人挨门乞讨。Well do I remember the advice you gave me last June. 我非常清楚地记得去年六月你给我的建议。Often have I heard it said that she is generous and warmhearted. 我常听人们说她又慷慨又热心。 as或though引导的让步状语从句中,名词、形容词、副词或动词置于句首。Young

16、as he is, he knows some of the family secrets. 尽管他年纪小,他却知道家里的一些秘密。Difficult as the work was, it was finished in time. 工作虽然困难,还是及时完成了。Try as I might, I could not lift the stone. 尽管我用尽力气,我还是举不起这块石头。Try as he would, he couldnt make her change her mind. 尽管他尽力而为,却仍不能让她改变主意。Eloquent though she was, she could not persuade


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