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1、The Necklace玛:Ann,give me a cup of coffe.仆:Wait a minute, Mis.仆:please.1、Received an invitation皮尔德:(兴奋地敲门后急于要给玛看)My dear, open the door, hurry up! 玛:You dont have the keys?(不耐烦地,没好气地由于其美梦被打破) 皮尔德:(开门好心情并未被破坏,走向玛)Look, here is something good for you(扬了扬请柬) 玛:Really?Whats that?(边说边站起,接过请柬感到有些意外,又非常高兴

2、她边走边读,慢慢的,情绪由开心转为懊恼,皮紧跟其后,伸着脖子,希望得到赞赏) 玛:(扔请柬) “What do you want me to do with that?”(一脸懊恼的神情) 皮尔德:(迅速小心地捡起请柬,难过地)But, my dear, I thought you would very happy, you never go out, this is an opportunity, a good opportunity! You know ?Very few staff can get it.(玛任性地背着脸,皮围着玛转,体现皮讨好妻子,而玛任性,不听话的性格)玛:But,W

3、hat am I going to wear?(愤怒,瞪着皮) 皮:(结结巴巴,尴尬) “The dress in which you go to the theater. That looks very nice” (玛哭) 皮:(不知所措,着急地)Whats matter? Whats matter Mathilde,? 玛:(抑制悲痛,擦干泪,平静地)Nothing,Just I have no clothes, So I cannot go to this party, Give your card to some colleague of yours.” 皮:(难过)“Allrigh

4、t, Mathilde, how much would a plain dress cost?”玛:(暗自盘算了一下,然后迟疑地)“I dont know exactly, but it seems to me that with four hundred francs I might do it.”。 皮:(脸色发白,面向观众,沮丧地)Oh, gosh, I just have so a sum of money,I planed buy a gun with it. 皮:(对着玛)Ok, Ill give you four hundred frances, but you have to

5、make the dress looks nicer. 玛:(开心地跳起,热烈地)I will! I will! 2、Received an invitation(音乐:舒伯特小夜曲尾声)旁白:The party day is near,but Mrs.Loisel is depressed and sad.皮:“Whats the matter?My dear,you look quite queer .”(温柔地,关切地)。 玛:It annoys me a lot,you see ,I do not have single piece of jewel for the party.I w

6、ould rather not go to this party.”(略带埋怨) 皮:(沉思片刻)“You can wear some flowers. They are very stylish at the time.” 玛:(身子转到一边,依旧任性地)“No; l would fell so embarrassed facing these rich women.” 皮:( 窘迫地立在一边,绞尽脑汁)“What a goose you are! Go find your friend, Mrs. Forester, you know her so well that she will h

7、elp you. 玛:(兴奋地从座位上跳起来,拉住皮袖子)“Thats true. I didnt think of it.” 旁白:The next day she went to her friends and told her about her distress. 玛:“叮咚,叮咚”(按着门铃) 佛:“Mary , Mary(见叫了两声仆人的名字没有应,从椅子里站起来,放下手中杂志)Oh,Mathilde, its you! 玛:Jenny, How unfortunate I am!(开始伏在桌子哭) 佛:Whats the matter ?had a fight with him?

8、 玛:(放开佛,一边用手帕擦着泪一边说) with that useless guy?”佛But for what?那是为什么?”(用十分疑惑的眼神望着玛) 玛:“That useless guy got an invitation to invite both of us to a party .Where I will meet a lot of officers.”(她一边擦着泪,一边说着) 佛:Thats nice, I would quite happy, if I were you. 玛:But. , you see,I dont even have a piece of jewe

9、lry “(一边说,一边用眼瞟了一下佛来思节夫人,继续哭诉)佛:Youre so silly,I can lend you some!” 玛:”Really?Its very kind of you.” 佛:Just wait , Ill get it for you。”(走向卧室去取梳妆盒) 旁白:Forester went to her mirrored wardrobe, took out a large casket, brought it, opened it.佛:(微笑着 ) “Choose, my dear.” 挑吧,亲爱的。 玛:(打开梳妆盒,惊呆了)So much jewel

10、ry!”她先试了试一条手链,觉得 不好,又试了另一条,又觉得不好,发现一条项链)Jenny,Can you help me wear it? 佛:(为玛戴好项链,笑意盈盈)“Mathilde, youre really beautiful!”玛蒂尔德,你真漂亮! 玛:(照了照镜子,觉得项链不太高贵)“Jenny do you have anything more beautiful?” 佛:“A lot ,pick by yourself!” 玛:(突然发现一个青缎盒子,赶忙拿在手里,打开一看)Wow, diamond necklace!(恳求的眼光望着佛)Can I wear it? 佛:O

11、f course,come here, Ill help you.(拿过项链,帮玛戴上) 玛:(盯着镜子中的她,深情地笑了,这时的她觉得好幸福,觉得自己好高贵,于是,她转过身来对佛来思节夫人)“Can you lend me this, only this?” 佛:Certainly. You looks very beautiful! 玛:Really? Its very nice of you, thank you ,My darling!(整个人跳了起来,搂住朋友的脖子,狂吻,以示感谢,之后,迅速拿起桌上的那个青缎盒子,戴着项链跑了,并且一边跑一边向佛高声嚷)Ill return it

12、to you as soon as possible! 佛:(无奈地望着她的背影,笑着摇摇头)This mathilde!(音乐起 弱 约翰施特劳斯蓝色的多瑙河,伴着音乐,旁白起: The great time comes at last .女:Are you mathilde?玛:Yes.女:you are so charming 玛:Thank you.女:You are the most beautiful lady in the party.(其它男嘉宾把目光投向马蒂尔)玛:really?男:Lady can I have a dance with you ?(音乐强舞会开始)she

13、is the most beatuful lady at the party ,all the male guests are watching her and all want to dance with her,even the minister pay attention to her.; (部长在旁边和皮埃尔交谈。部长手拿玫瑰走向马蒂尔德邀请她跳舞。)(一分钟后音乐停舞会结束)3、Lost necklaceShe leave at four o clock in the morning . 皮:” put it on,put it on!”(赶上前去为她披衣服) 玛:No. 皮:ple

14、ase.穿上,穿上。( 玛急走到左边舞台,站住) 皮:Alas, you see her voice is hoarse , even caught a cold.玛:Dear Pierre, you still there? Come here to open the door.皮:I am coming.(赶到这边开门) 玛:(进门后,脱下旧外套,提起裙摆,跳几步华尔兹)Todays party is really nice! 皮:(站住,欣赏妻子的舞姿)My dear, you are really beautiful tonight!玛:(停止,整理衣裙)Send me a glass

15、 of water. 皮:wait a minute。(先解下领带) 玛:“ah!”皮:“What is the matter with you?”(不知发生什么事,语气平缓地) 玛:“III the diamond necklace!”皮:(急)“What? How can it be?Be serious please!” 玛: “ come on, help me find it!”(急得拼命抖动身上的裙子) 皮:Are you sure you were still wearing it at the party?”(找妻子脱下的旧大衣) 玛:Yes, I still felt it at the party!皮:“But if you had lost it in the street, we should heard it fall. It must be in the cab.” 玛:It must fall in the carriage.(哭,趴在桌子上)皮:(沉默,吸烟)Well, I will search for it along the way we came back, and then go to the police station ha



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