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1、高级英语考试试卷(C)考试时间: 120分钟I. Fill in the blanks (1-10) with the appropriate forms of the given words and phrases in the table below. Fill in the blanks (11-15) with the proper forms of the words in the brackets. (15%)at ones disposal to no avail in the vicinity of look up to act as a battery of obliviou

2、s of speak volumes in lieu of follow suit 1. Her oddness _ about her personality.2. People who live _ airports have become increasingly concerned about potential health effects from aircraft noise.3. Having a powerful computer _, John might easily be content with this gain in performance.4. WWI _ a

3、catalytic agent in the breakdown of the Victorian social structure.5. The two little girls sped toward the foot of the mountain, seemingly _ the danger.6. There are very few popular stars that I _.7. They tried their hardest to save him from his folly, but _. 8. The two parties made it clear that th

4、ey would not _ unless the Centre reduced its tax component.9. The teacher was showered with _ questions from his students.10. The dentist has been keeping his personal records_ official statistics.11. Its managers and workers created an economic marvel _in modern history. (parallel) 12. On a more _

5、note, 74 percent of teens think it is essential to obey “all laws,” and 90 percent said it is “never okay” to cheat on ones income tax. (reassure) 13. Bad blood _ makes you feel cold. (circulate) 14. This journalist sees a deeper _in the rude behavior, the violence, the delinquency of the youth. (si

6、gnificant) 15. A serious fire has broken out in an exhibition hall off Moscows Red Square, and soon this historic building was _in flames. (gulf)II. Please paraphrase the following sentences. Pay attention to the underlined parts and be sure to write complete sentences. (20%) (see “Answer Sheet”)III

7、. Proofreading (10%) (see “Answer Sheet”)IV. Reading Comprehension (25%) In this section there are four reading passages followed by a total of twenty five multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and then mark your answers on your answer sheet.TEXT AWhen people are struck by lightening, they fa

8、ll to the ground as though they were struck a severe blow to the head. After the shock they may remain unconscious, become semiconscious or be conscious but confused and dazed, at least for a time. Flashes of light may continue passing before their eyes, and blindness and deafness may follow. The ne

9、rvous system may be badly affected, causing paralysis, pain in the limbs and even hemorrhage. There will be burns where the lightning passed through the body, and like all electrical burns, they are often deep and severe. All persons, especially campers and hunters, should know how to give first aid

10、 to someone who has been struck by lightning. Do not be afraid to touch the victim. You wont get a shock. The lightning has already been grounded. Remember that speed is of the greatest importance in severe cases. The first thing to do is to loosen tight clothing about the throat and waist. Then cle

11、ar the air passages of mucus if present, and apply artificial respiration if necessary. Give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation if needed or give oxygen if available. Many victims thought to be dead have been revived after treatment. Send someone for a doctor as soon as possible, but dont leave the victim

12、 alone. If a doctor is not available, take the person to a hospital as soon as the person can be safely moved. Signs of shock are: pale, cold, clammy skin; weak, rapid pulse; shallow, irregular breathing or, in extreme cases, no breathing at all. To treat shock, you must keep the patient lying down

13、with the head lower than the feet and cover him or her with a blanket but watch out for overheating. Giving a simulating hot tea or coffee will help, but only if the patient is thoroughly conscious. After breathing has been restored and shock is treated, treat the burns. Apply some ointment and cove

14、r them with a clean or a sterile dressing. If conscious, the patient will be badly frightened, so do all you can to be reassuring. A little knowledge and a helping hand may save someones life. 1.The passage tells usA. where to go in a thunderstorm. B. how to treat someone struck by lightning.C. whic

15、h metals conduct electricity.D. the rules of mouth-to mouth resuscitation.2. According to this passage, all of the following are signs of shock exceptA. irregular breathingB. clammy skin.C. skyrocketing fever.D. rapid pulse3. From the passage we can guess that A. many campers and hunters are struck by lightning.B. cars are good conductors of electricity.C. electrical shock causes little damage to the human body.D. only registered nurses or doctors are allowed to give first aid. 4. The first paragraph tells usA. that it s okay to to



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