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1、Restaurant Reservation预订座位Key Sentences(重点句子)198.Id like to make a reservation for tonight.我想预定今晚的座位。199.A table for two,please.一张两人的桌位。200.For what time,sir?什么时候,先生?201.Around 830.大约8点30分。202.May I have your name please, sir?可以告诉我你的名字吗,先生?203.A table for two for this evening at 830 for Mr Frank.弗兰克

2、先生,今晚8点30分,一张两个人的桌位。204.I would like to book a table for four for next Wednesday,December 23.我想订一张四人桌,12月23日也就是下星期三。205.What time do you like your table?您什么时间来用餐?206.At 830 on next Wednesday evening.下星期三晚上8点半。207.Please book it under the name of Mr.Watson.请以华生先生的名义订餐。208.We look forward to your visi

3、t.我们盼望着您的光临。209.Id like to reserve a table for dinner.我想预定一个桌位用餐。210.Ill reserve a table for five at 9 p.m., sir.先生,我想预订一张5人的桌位,晚上9点钟用餐。211.Oh,any chance of table by window?有没有可能订靠近窗子的桌位?212.We look forward to having you with us tonight.Thank you for calling.我们期待着今晚您来这里。谢谢您来电话。Dialogue AA:This is th

4、e Beihai Restaurant.May I help you?B:What time do you open this evening?A:At 730.And we close at midnight.B:OK.Id like to make a reservation for tonight.A table for two,please.A:For what time,sir?B:Around 830.A:May I have your name please,sir?B:Frank London.A:A table for two for this evening at 830

5、for Mr Frank.B:Thats right.A:Thank you,Mr Frank.B:Thank you.Good-bye.A:Goodbye.Dialogue BWaiter:Princess Restaurant. Good morning! Can I help you?Caller:Yes,I would like to book a table for four for the next Wednesday,December 23.Waiter:Certainly,sir.What time do you like your table?Caller:At 830 on

6、 next Wednesday evening.Waiter:And what is it going to be,Chinese food or Western food?Caller:Western.Waiter:May I have your name,sir,please?Caller:Please book it under the name of Mr.Watson.Waiter:So its Mr.Watson,a table for four for the evening of the next Wednesday.It is Western food and you are

7、 coming at 830.Caller:Thats right.Waiter:Thank you for calling us.We look forward to your visit.Dialogue CA:Good morning.Fenghua Restaurant.May I help you?B:Yes,Id like to reserve a table for dinner.A:Certainly, sir. What time would you like your table, sir?B:Im not sure, perhaps around 9 p.m.A:Fine

8、!How many in your party?B:A party of five.A:Well,Ill reserve a table for five at 9 p.m.,sir,May I have your name please?B:Yes,Davis.A:Thank you,Mr Davis.B:Oh,any chance of a table by the window?My friends love the birds eye view.A:I see.We have already received many bookings and though I cannot guar

9、antee anything, please be assured that well try our best,Mr Davis. I hope youll under-stand.B:I do,but I would appreciate it,if it could be arranged.A:Ill try my best.We look forward to having you with us tonight,Mr Davis.Thank you for calling.B:Good-bye.A:Good-bye,and have a nice day!Words and Expr

10、essionsreservation n.保留,预定princess n.公主,王妃reserve vt.保留,预定guarantee vt.保证,担保assure vt.向保证,使放心appreciate v.感谢,欣赏Seating the Guests安排座位Key Sentences(重点句子)213.Where would you like to sit?您愿意坐在哪儿?214.We would like a table by the window so that we can enjoy the view of the lake.我们想坐在窗户旁边,这样好欣赏外面湖上的景色。215

11、.Im sorry, sir. The window tables have all been taken.很抱歉,先生,靠窗户的桌子都有人了。216.What about one that is further back but still offers a view of the lake?有靠后一点的桌子,还能欣赏到湖上景色,行不行?217.Would you follow me,please?请跟我来好吗?218.Its number 14 and your waitress will be with you right away.这就是您的桌位,14号,服务员马上会来招待你们。219

12、.Im sorry,the house is full now.对不起,餐厅现在客满了。220.But if you would like to wait you are more than welcome to do so.但是如果您愿意在这儿等的话,我们非常欢迎。221.And it is on?那么账记在?222.Now would you please take a seat and wait over there?您先在那边坐下来等好吗?223.We will have you seated as soon as we get a free table.有空桌就请您入座。224.Wo

13、uld you come this way,please?请这边走。225.Im sorry to say that we havent got any vacant seat at resent.很抱歉眼下没有空桌位了。226.Would you please wait in the lounge for about five minutes?请在休息室等大约5分钟好吗?227.Im sorry to have kept you waiting,sir and madam.先生和夫人,很抱歉让您等待。228.Would you step this way,please?请这边走好吗?Dial

14、ogue ASeating Hostess:How many,please?Mr.Morris:Two on Mr.Morris.Seating Hostess:Where would you like to sit?Mr.Morris:We would like a table by the window so that we can enjoy the view of the lake.Seating Hostess:Im sorry,sir.The window tables have all been taken.What about one that is further back but still offers a view of the lake?Mr.Morris:Thats fine if that is


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