七年级英语上册《Unit 8 Fashion》(第四课时)Vocabulary学案(无答案)

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1、Unit 8 Fashion(第四课时)Vocabulary学案(无答案)【学习目标】1.掌握新单词:jumper, shorts, suit, heavy, light, boring.2. 能用不同词汇来描述我们身上穿的服装。【重点难点】掌握wear a pair of shorts, a white suit.【预习指导】A: 预习单词 (1)jumper套头衫 (2)shorts短裤 (3)suit套服,一套衣服 (4)heavy重的 (5)light轻的 (6)boring无聊的B: 预习P96部分,你能回答下面的问题吗?What is Sandy wearing? _Is Amy

2、wearing a red jumper? _Is Simon wearing a pair of jeans or shorts? _C: 知识点拨:shorts意为“短裤”,是一个具有复数概念的词,类似的还有trousers(裤子), jeans(牛仔裤), glasses(眼镜), clothes(衣服)等。【学习过程】1、检查学生预习情况,帮助学生找出本节课的重点和难点。2、完成A选择题,订正答案。3、让学生谈论他们自己的服装。4、完成B搭配题,订正答案。5、让学生归纳出更多的近义词。6、提问本课重点,加深理解和记忆。7、 布置相关背诵和抄写的作业。【教学后记】第四课时 Vocabul

3、ary 当 堂 检 测(一)基础题:a)短语翻译:1.举行时装秀2.穿着白色的裤子3.看上去酷4.一条短裤5.一套套装6.一件蓝橙相间的毛衣b) 用所给词的适当形式填空:1.The girls like to wear _ (colour) clothes.2.The box is too _ (heavy). I cant carry it.3.The book is very _ (interesting). I dont like it.4.The coat is too _ (new). I want to buy a _ (new) one.5.He usually _ (spend

4、) lots of time _ (do) homework.6.Do you know where _ (go)?7.All of us feel _ (happy).8.The boy _ (call) Tom is very tall.9.The coat looks _ (well).10.They are _ (called) Lucy and Lily.(二)提高题a) 句型转换:1. Daniel is wearing a white coat.(对划线部分提问)_2. Sandys boots are long. (对划线部分提问)_3. The girl in green is Kate. (对划线部分提问) _4. Daniel is often in brown. (改为同义句) _5. I dont know what I can buy in the shop. (改为同义句) _b) 完成句子: 1、Daniel穿着一件蓝白相间的外套。 _2、Simon穿着一条棉短裤。 _3、Millie穿着一套白色的套装。 _4、这些书很无聊。 _


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