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1、2013 春“文学阅读与欣赏”考前复习宝典同学们,你们好!我是“文学阅读与欣赏”的课程主讲教师吴立高,我这个文件是帮助大家复习考试用的。期末考试临近了,面对厚厚的一本文学阅读与欣赏 , 你是否感到有些紧张呢?请不要担心,如果你按照考试宝典的内容认真复习,相信你会考出一个好成绩的!一、如何复习该课程学习的主线是课本。复习时,依据复习要点(focal points) ,把课本梳理一遍,是其他任何方法都替代不了的。考试内容大多是出自课本的,熟悉课本是得高分的法宝。如果按教学平台里的“复习与自测”部分的要点,对照教材和面授辅导课的课程讲义,从头到尾地详细复习一篇,你的考试成绩会使你满意的。二、复习参考

2、1 面授课上的要点梳理/ VOB 考前串讲2 考前宝典的范围和要点3 论坛上的老师考前提醒三、考点串讲1. 考试范围文学阅读与欣赏教材的一至八单元为本次考试的范围。考试内容主要涉及教材中的文学作品理解以及文学常识的掌握。2考试题型题型 各单项分数 时间(分钟 )文学常识 单项选择/正误判断/填空 35 25诗歌/戏剧分析 简答题 8 15莎士比亚作品理解 英文改述/ 选择 12 10短篇小说分析 问答题 25 30笔试写作 改写小说/续写小说 20 40笔试分为五个部分,第一部分文学常识,占 35 分;第二部分诗歌/戏剧分析,占 8分;第三部分莎士比亚作品理解,占 12 分;第四部分短篇小说分

3、析,占 25 分;第五部分写作,为 20 分。考试时间总共 120 分钟,其中文学常识占 25 分钟,诗歌/戏剧分析部分占 15 分钟,莎士比亚作品理解部分占 10 分钟,短篇小说分析部分占 30 分钟,写作部分占 40 分钟。.3. 试卷各部分详解1)文学常识的第一部分是 10 个有关课本出现的文学概念、文学人物和作品的单项选择题。10 个均是课本的重点或者基本常识,所以比较简单,而这部分得分也较好。大部分同学都在 12 分以上(满分 20 分) ,很多是 1620 分。举例如下:1. The poem “Ozymandias” is about a _.A. traveler B. scu

4、lptorC. writer D. king2. The story “A Horseman in the Sky” takes place in _.A. American Independence War B. American Civil War C. Colonial timeD. 20th century3. A compressed form of writing which relies heavily on imagery is a definition of a _.A. short story B. poemC. drama D. novel4. Heathcliff is

5、 a character created by _.A. Charlotte BronteB. Oscar WildeC. Jane AustenD. Emily Bronte5. When a pair of consecutive lines in a poem rhyme this is known as a_ .A. ballad B. stanza C. couplet D. sonnet6. A _ character is created to represent the living symbol of one of the frequently reoccurring cha

6、racteristics of human nature.A. stockB. roundC. flatD. humorous7. Blank verse is a verse form which _.A. does not use rhymeB. omits certain key words for poetic effectC. is always written in a different wayD. aims to create a sense of emptiness and loss8. An accepted dramatic convention used in Shak

7、espeares time where a character expresses his thoughts and feelings, while alone on a stage, is referred to as a _.A. memorialB. soliloquyC. orationD. setting9. Robinson Crusoe is a story, first published in 1719. In the story, Robinson Crusoe is the major character and Friday is his _.A. enemyB. bo

8、ssC. slaveD. colleague10. It is important to realize that when the author writes a story, he creates “someone” to tell the story: that storyteller is called the “_”.A. writerB. witnessC. characterD. narratorKey: 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. C6. A 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. D11. The Bennett family are characters i

9、n _.A. Gone With the WindB. Pride and PrejudiceC. Upon Westminster BridgeD. Pygmalion12. The point of view of a narrator who observes events like a camera is the _.A. Objective point of viewB. Omniscient point of viewC. I-witness point of viewD. Limited omniscient point of view13. Poetic licence is

10、freedom to _.A. use another poets imageryB. make political statementsC. combine genresD. break language rules 14. Tom Sawyer is a character developed fully in the story representing a typical type of people in the society, therefore we call it the _ character.A. deepB. interestingC. stockD. common15

11、. Adlestrop is a _.A. businessmanB. railway stationC. cityD. poet16. In Wuthering Heights the relationship between the houses and the characters is _.A. mysteriousB. misleadingC. accidentalD. symbolic17. The character who speaks of “a sea of troubles” and “the whips and scorns of time” is _.A. Hamle

12、tB. MacbethC. OthelloD. Shylock18. In a literary writing, the author chooses particular words to convey what he sees, feels and wants readers to know to set the _ of the work.A. viewB. tone C. personaD. interpretation19. When events are arranged “first things first” they are portrayed _.A. chronolog

13、icallyB. symbolicallyC. incoherentlyD. horizontally20. As the tension is resolved the plot comes to the _.A. climaxB. denouementC. expositionD. elaborationKey: 11. B 12. A 13. D 14. C 15. B16. D 17. A 18. B 19. A 20. B第二部分是文学常识填空。一般是每句三空,有的是列举题,有的是考查某个具体文学作品的相关知识。这部分得分不高,反映出考生对文学常识能够认出来,但写出来有困难,也可以说

14、对文学常识掌握得不够扎实。例如:Please list 3 types of literary genres d_, p_, f_.答案是 drama,poetry,fiction如果你写 play, poem, story (or novel) 也是可以接受的。以下请做练习题:1We call Jane Eyre a r_ character, since she has three dimensions as a person, and we see her change and develop. She is a plain-featured, empathetic, hard-work

15、ing, and passionate girl. She works as a governess at Thornfield Hall and falls in love with her wealthy employer, R_. But her strong sense of conscience does not permit her to become his mistress, and she does not return to him until his insane wife is dead and she herself has come into an inheritance. 答案是 round, Rochester2. Unit 6 details five different points of view that authors can employ when writing narratives. Two of these are Objective and I-agent, the others are o_, l_


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