七年级英语上册《Unit 7 Going shopping》(第一课时)Comic strip and Welcome to the unit学案(无答案)

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七年级英语上册《Unit 7 Going shopping》(第一课时)Comic strip and Welcome to the unit学案(无答案)_第1页
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七年级英语上册《Unit 7 Going shopping》(第一课时)Comic strip and Welcome to the unit学案(无答案)_第2页
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1、Unit 7 Going shopping(第一课时)Comic strip and Welcome to the unit学案学习目标1、知识目标:掌握下列词汇:free, wallet, clip, album, sticker, yo-yo, idea, already, want sb to do sth, want to do sth, need sb to do sth, need to dosth.掌握适合青少年的普通礼物的有关词汇2、技能目标:能就购买礼物的话题展开对话重点难点, 重点词汇的掌握订正、笔记栏 一预习指导:A. 预习下列单词:free, wallet, clip,

2、 album, sticker, yo-yo, idea, alreadyB. 预习74页的对话,找出你认为重要的词组或短语。C. 预习75页A部分,你认识这些物品吗?试着在图的下面写出它们的名称。D. 知识点拨:1. want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事 want to do sth想要做某事2. be free=have time 有空,反义词是be busy3. no=notany, not a/an no 可以接可数名词的单复数以及不可数名词。4. need sb to do sth 需要某人做某事 need sth需要某物5. both表示“两者都”,all表示“三者或

3、三者以上都”,它们通常放在be动词后行为动词前。二学 习 过 程1. Present the pictures in Part A on page 75 and ask:What is this? / What are these?Do you like ?Do you have a/any? Where do you get it/ them?Ask the students to write the correct words under each picture, then check the answers.2. Practise the dialogue in Part B on P

4、age 75.Then ask them to make up their own gialogues in pairs.3. Listen to the dialogue on Page 74, answer the questions: What does Hobo want to do? What does Hobo want Eddie to do?教学后记第一课时Comic strip and Welcome to the unit 当堂检测一翻译下列短语:1、和我一起去购物_ 2、没空_3、想要买许多东西_ 4、跟我来_5、需要你拎所有包_ 6、一个新的购物中心_7、想要买些礼物给

5、他们_ 8、一本相册_9、向米莉求助_ 10、非常喜欢踢足球_二用所给单词的正确形式填空:1. Boys usually like _ (play) football very much.2. Id like _(buy) Jim a walkman. I think he _(like) it.3. Ann, Mr. Wu_(want) you _(go) to his office. He _(wait) for you.4. There _(be) a lot of birds _(sing) in the tree.5. The dog _ (lie) on the ground. M

6、aybe it is ill.6. Its interesting _(play) games. I often play it after _(finish) my homework.7. My mother wants me _(go) _ (shop) with her.8. The old man needs someone _(help) him.9. Please _(not close) the windows. Its hot.10. The house is too big and expensive. Do you have a _(small) and _(cheap) one?三 根据所给汉语完成下列句子:1. 吃得太多对你没有好处。 _2. 我们将不再吃快餐了。_3. 你能教我如何放风筝吗?_4. 你可以多吃一些蔬菜而不会发胖。without_5. 老师叫Tom上课不要再迟到了。_6. 每天做作业要花费你多少时间?_


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