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1、IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, VOL. 56, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 20091799 Carbon Nanomaterials for Next-Generation Interconnects and Passives: Physics, Status, and Prospects Hong Li, Student Member, IEEE, Chuan Xu, Student Member, IEEE, Navin Srivastava, Student Member, IEEE, and Kaustav Banerjee, S

2、enior Member, IEEE (Invited Paper) AbstractThis paper reviews the current state of research in carbon-based nanomaterials, particularly the one-dimensional (1-D) forms, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene nanoribbons (GNRs), whose promising electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties make them a

3、ttractive candidates for next-generation integrated circuit (IC) applications. After summarizing the basic physics of these materials, the state of the art of their interconnect- related fabrication and modeling efforts is reviewed. Both elec- trical and thermal modeling and performance analysis for

4、 various CNT- and GNR-based interconnects are presented and compared with conventional interconnect materials to provide guidelines for their prospective applications. It is shown that single-walled, double-walled, and multiwalled CNTs can provide better performance than that of Cu. However, in orde

5、r to make GNR interconnects comparable with Cu or CNT interconnects, both intercalation doping and high edge-specularity must be achieved. Thermal analysis of CNTs shows signifi cant advantages in tall vias, indicating their promising application as through- silicon vias in 3-D ICs. In addition to o

6、n-chip interconnects, various applications exploiting the low-dimensional properties of these nanomaterials are discussed. These include chip-to- packaginginterconnectsaswellaspassivedevicesforfuturegener- ations of IC technology. Specifi cally, the small form factor of CNTs and reduced skin effect

7、in CNT interconnects have signifi cant implications for the design of on-chip capacitors and inductors, respectively. Index TermsCapacitor, carbon nanomaterials, double-walled carbon nanotube (CNT), energy storage, graphene nanoribbon (GNR),high-frequency,inductor,interconnects,multiwalledCNT, singl

8、e-walled CNT, skin effect, through-silicon vias (TSVs). Manuscript received February 18, 2009. Current version published August 21, 2009. This work was supported by the National Institute of Stan- dards and Technology under Grant 70NANB5H1215, and the National Science Foundation under Grant CCF-0811

9、880 and Grant CCF-0917385. The review of this paper was arranged by Editor S. Saha. H. Li, C. Xu, and K. Banerjee are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 USA (e-mail: hongliece.ucsb.edu; chuanxuece.ucsb.edu; kaustav ece.ucsb.e

10、du). N. Srivastava was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi- neering, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 USA. He is now with the Mentor Graphics Corporation, Wilsonville, OR 97070 USA (e-mail: navinsece.ucsb.edu). Color versions of one or more of the fi gures in this pa

11、per are available online at http:/ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identifi er 10.1109/TED.2009.2026524 Fig. 1.Some allotropes of carbon exhibiting different dimensionalities. Except diamond (a), which is an sp3-bonded structure, other allotropes (b), (d)(f) are sp2bonded and can be regarded as d

12、erivatives of 2-D graphene (c). (a) Three-dimensional diamond. (b) Three-dimensional graphite. (c) Two- dimensional graphene. (d) One-dimensional nanotube. (e) One-dimensional nanoribbon. (f) Zero-dimensional fullerenes. I. INTRODUCTION A CARBON ATOM with its distinct types of valence bonds forms va

13、rious allotropes 1, as shown in Fig. 1. While its 3-D structures, namely, diamond and graphite, are well- known, it also forms low-dimensional allotropes collectively known as carbon nanomaterials, such as 1-D carbon nanotubes (CNTs) 2 and 0-D fullerenes 3. Graphene, a 2-D single layer of graphite,

14、is the most recent addition to this list since its discovery a few years ago 4, although its electronic structure and properties have been theoretically studied as far back as 1947 5. Carbon nanomaterials have extraordinary physical properties that make them exciting prospects for a variety of appli

15、ca- tions in microelectronics/nanoelectronics 6, 7, spintronics 8, 9, optics 10, as well as material science 11, me- chanical 12 and biological fi elds 13, and even fundamental areas like relativistic quantum mechanics and condensed matter physics 14. Particularly in the nanoelectronics area, CNTs a

16、nd graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) have aroused a lot of interest in their applications as energy storage (such as supercapacitors 15), energy conversion devices (including thermoelectric 16 0018-9383/$26.00 2009 IEEE 1800IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, VOL. 56, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2009 TABLE I PROPERTIES OFCARBONNANOMATERIALSRELEVANT TOVLSI INTERCONNECTS ANDPASSIVES and photovoltaic 17 devices), fi eld emission displays and radiation sources 18, nan



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