江苏省八年级英语上册 Unit 4 Do it yourself精美教案

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1、Unit 4 Do it yourself课题Unit 4 Do it yourself -Welcome to the unit课时第一课时执教时间复备人教学目标1.知识目标:学习词汇:Instruction,had better,tool,brush,glue,rope,scissors,tape,DIY,exactly,stand for,repair,decorate,instead of,rose 学习词组: had better do sth. , No problem, do it yourself, stand for, instead of , make some paper

2、 roses学习句子: Whats DIY exactly, Suzy? It stands for “do-it-yourself”. When you do DIY, you make, repair or decorate things yourself instead of paying someone to do it.Shes going to make some paper roses. She needs some paper, glue and a pair of scissors. Youd better get some tools.2. 技能目标:a. To learn

3、 to understand the conversation between Hobo and Eddie.b. To learn some tools for DIY.c. To learn to talk about DIY.3. 情感目标:培养亲自动手能力。教学重点词汇识记运用,重点句型的运用。教学难点Learn to talk about DIY.教学媒体录影机,多媒体,实物等教学过程Step1:预习指导与检测 见导学案交流预习情况,讨论预习中存在的问题Step2:展示目标 见导学案Step3:课堂导学与互动 任务一:Free talkShow some pictures to ta

4、lk about what is do-it-yourself.任务二:PresentationShow some pictures to talk about how to do it yourself. T: Eddie and Hobo want to do something by themselves. Ask: How can we do it yourself?DIY a sweater:如果你觉得自己的sweater太过单调,可以试着在上面画一幅画。Read the picture and match the tools with the pictures.(Students

5、read and match them with pictures. Teacher avoids to present the words directly with pictures. Give the students chances to guess the meaning of places with context and pictures.) Discuss: Which picture do you want to choose? Why?任务三:Listen and answer: Listen to the conversation between Eddie and Ho

6、bo. What should Hobo do? (见课件)Watch and Practice in groups.Practice acting out the dialogue.任务四: Tell a story about Eddie with the help of some sentences. Hobo has a new house. What should Hobo and Eddie do? They read the i_ first. Then they had b_ get some t_. Next ,Hobo should make his new house b

7、y h_.任务五: Millie and Suzy are talking about DIY. Listen to their conversation and answer the questions. 1. Whats DIY?2. What is Suzy going to do?3. What does Suzy need for her DIY?任务六: ExercisesStep4:总结提升 Words & phrase review 1. Youd better (not) do sth. 2. stand for 3. or并列连词,表示选择关系,多中 选一4. instea

8、d of 5. enjoy doing sth.Step5:当堂反馈见导学案Step6:课后拓展见导学案Step7:布置作业1. Write about your DIY stories.2. To read the new words on Page 127。3. To read the text on Page 44 and try to get a general idea。再备教学反思课题Unit 4 Do it yourself -Reading 1 课时第二课时执教时间复备人教学目标1.知识目标:学习词汇: crazy, terrible, once, mistake, pipe,

9、 fill, ceiling, shelf,Whoops, advise, course, already, instead, attend学习词组: be crazy about, make a mistake, put in, power cut, fill with , not only ,but (also), make something full of something else, take a course , have a power cut, keep on painting, hit a pipe, put up学习句子:1. Suzys cousin is crazy

10、about DIY.2. He once tried to put in a brighter light in his bedroom, but he made a mistake.3. Another time, he wanted to put up a picture on his bedroom wall, but he hit a pipe and filled the room with water.4. Now the living room has not only blue walls but also a blue ceiling and floor.5. Stop it

11、.2. 技能目标:a. To learn the new words and expressions in the article.b. To grasp the main idea of the article.c. To learn to describe Andrews working.3. 情感目标:引导学生的DIY意识。教学重点a. To learn the new words and expressions in the article.b. To grasp the main idea of the article.教学难点To learn to describe Andrews

12、 working.学法指导学会运用略读和精读相结合的方法去学习课文教学过程Step1:预习指导与检测 见导学案Step2:展示目标 见导学案Step3:课堂导学与互动 任务一:Free talk1. Do you like DIY?2. Have you ever tried DIY? What is it?3. Do you want to take a course in DIY?任务二:Listen and finish Part B 1 on Page 45.Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.任务三:F

13、inish Part B 2 on Page 45.Suzys cousin Andrew is crazy about DIY, but he is not very good at it. Listen to Suzys article and match the jobs he did with the problems he caused. 任务四:Read and finish Part B 3 on Page 46.任务五:Watch and finish Part B 4 on Page 46.Step4:总结提升Work in several groups.Make up se

14、ntences with your partners with the phrases above. Speak them out to us. Lets see which group is the most active. Step5:当堂反馈见导学案Step6:课后拓展见导学案Step7:布置作业1. Finish Exercise B4 on Page 46.2. Practice reading the story on Page 44. 再备教学反思课题Unit 4 Do it yourself -Reading 2课时第三课时执教时间复备人教学目标1.知识目标:学习词汇: cra

15、zy, terrible, once, mistake, pipe, fill, ceiling, shelf,Whoops, advise, course, already, instead, attend学习词组: be crazy about, make a mistake, put in, power cut, fill with , not only but (also), make something full of something else, take a course , have a power cut学习句子:1. Suzys cousin is crazy about DIY.2. He once tried to put in a


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