八年级英语上册 Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture教案

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《八年级英语上册 Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语上册 Module 12 Unit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture教案(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module12 unit 2教学目标1. to get information from the reading passage in relation to an earthquake2. to write about earthquake3. to write about earthquake using the imperative sentence教学重难点How to use cancould must to tell the possibilityTo understand the article in detail学情分析对课文的理解力不强,但学生对祈使句的理解还行,本文的句子

2、主要为祈使句,学生理解起来比较容易,不过细节部分有点难度。学法指导Self-study work in groups教 学 过 程教学内容教师活动学生活动效果预测(可能出现的问题)补救措施修改意见一、warming-up二、Reading三Practice四.Test五. Homework1、lead students to talk about Activity12、ask What should we do besides these in an earthquake?1. teach the words2. Play the radio3 Read the passage and che

3、ck your answer to Activity 1.Guide2.Show some requirementsLanguage pointsGuide Write a passage about how to protect oneself in earthquake. Use the words like earthquake, warn, inside, under, Keep calm, brave, must, canmay ,because. About 80 words1、work in pairs and answer the questions2、talk free1.s

4、tudy by themselves2.Finish Activity43. check with each other1.read again and complete Activity57 2.Translate and explain1. Choose the correct answer2. Fill in the blanks using must / can / might.some studentscant say in English ,2.Some students cant understand1.Some cant use right sentences to answerThey an speak in chinese2.If they cant understand ,they will open the book1.Teacher can help them or they can ask classmates for help2.They can look up other books板书设计参考书目及推荐资料教学反思


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