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1、. . . .外贸报价单模板-外贸报价单模板 外贸询盘报价流程模板8不同状态下订单,回复 询盘 的方式和技巧各有不同。下面将订单状态大致分为一下几类,一一说明:1、未付款 询盘 回复:第一主动出击,当买家下单后应及时主动与买家联系,联系内容可以按照先后顺序包括为打招呼,对产品进一步的介绍,并告知请付款以及时查看库存备货,尽快发货。下面一个不错的回复:Dear XXX,we have got your order of.The bag you order is one of the hot items from my store and it is made of high quality le

2、ather. But the order seems unpaid. If theres anything I can help with the price or size etc.When the payment is finish, I can stock up the item and get it ready for shipping.If any further questions, please feel free to contact with us.ThanksBest Regards2、已付款订单的回复:主要内容包括确认产品的规格,尺码等等具体事宜,表现卖家的专业性下面是一

3、个不错的例子:Dear XXX,I am very glad to hear from you. The biggest size we have is 39. And this shoes is little bigger in size. So I think 39 will fit.If you have any other questions, Please feel free let me know.We are looking forward to getting your early reply.Best Regards3、发货后的回复:从货物离开中国 海关 至买家收到货物建议每

4、个阶段卖家都给买家发一封邮件通知买家,直到买家收到货为止。因为买家付款后都急于收到货物,而邮寄过程一般又是5-10天不确定的,因此这样随时通知买家货物状态一是表现自己商业城信度二是及时的沟通能让买家不再急切询问。A、告诉买家订单详情Dear Customer,The item you order is already shipped and the tracking number is XXXXXThe mail status is as follows:xx1130 21:43:12SHANGHAIDispatch from Sorting CenterThis is the status

5、of your order. You will get it soon.Thanks for your support and understanding.B、 询问是否收到货物Dear customer,EMS tracking information(EMS网站查询)This is the status showing on EMS. Have you already got the items? If you have got the items, please let me know.Thanks4、 客户投诉产品质量有问题Dear customer,I received the bo

6、ots but I cant sell them because the Gucci box was ripped up if you cant secure the packages better than that then you will not be hearing from me again!Dear friend,I am very sorry to hear that. The damage must happened during transportation. I usually make sure everything is in good condition befor

7、e shipping products out. I make sure giving you more discounts to make up when you buy from me next time. Thanks for your understanding.Best Regards5、订单完成Dear customer,I am very happy to see that you have received the items. Thanks for your support. I hope you satisfy with the item and looking forwa

8、rd to do more business in the future with you.ThanksBest Regards6、提醒买家给自己留评价,这是在交易结束后很重要的一个环节Hi there,Thanks for your continuous support to our store, and we are improving ourselves from service, quality, sourcing and so on.it would be appreciated if you can leave us a positive feedback ,its a great

9、 encouragement to us,if theres anything I can help with ,dont hesitate to tell me .Best wishes7、折扣Dear xxx,Thanks for your message.Well, if you buy the 2 items, we can offer you a GBP discount. Once we confirm your payment, we will post the item for you in time.Please feel free to contact us if you

10、have any further question.Thanks & Best regards!8、常见问题回复A、推广新产品,采购季节期间根据自己的经验,可给买家推荐自己热销的产品。Hi there,As Christmas is coming, we found hair straightened has a large potential market. Many customers bought them for resale on DHgate or in their retail store because its a high profit margin product. we

11、have a wide range of GHD mk4 STRAIGHTER products on sell as well. Please click the following link to check them out. If you have more than 10 pieces in one order we can help you get a wholesale price. Thanks.RegardsB、货物断货,货物偶尔的断货只要认真解释一下,买家一般能够理解,最好的办法是告诉买家自己会积极尽量帮他找到库存,同时向他介绍类似的款式供其选择。Hi there,We a

12、re really sorry that the bag you order is out of stock at the moment. I will contact the factory to see when they are going to be available again. I would like to recommend you some other pretty bags which have the same style. Hope you like them as well. You can click on the following link to check

13、them out.If theres anything I can help with, Please feel free to contact us.Thanks.RegardsC、改完价格再次催款,很多情况买家下单后觉得运费过高,不愿意付款希望卖家能够给与折扣,下面的回复可以借鉴一下:Hi there,We already reset the price for you. I give you another 10% discount on top of the original shipping price. Because the price we offer is lower tha

14、n the market price and as you know the shipping cost is really high, we do not make much profit from this product. Hope you are happy with it.IF any further questions, please feel free to contact us.RegardsD、大量订购询问价格,大量订单 询盘 买家若是赶上采购季节应该是很有诚意的买家,对他们的回复要详尽一些,内容一般包括样品的价格,采购量和相应的价格,这个报价建议是包括运费的,给买家感觉是给

15、他的一个优惠。Hi there,Thanks for your inquiry, and we really want to do more business with you, and I think it is the best way to place an sample order which is 45 USD shipping included, If 100 pieces in one order, we can offer you the bulk price which is USD/piece. I am looking forward to your reply.RegardsE、 海关 问题,某些国家 海关 由于定期的严格检查或者罢工等问题造成邮件延误,建议及时和买家通知,及时的沟通让买家感觉你是一直在跟踪货物的状态,以免置之不理造成误会Hi there,According to the news from EMS in



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