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1、動物生產自動化 電解水原理及滅菌應用 生物環境控制與系統分析實驗室生物環境控制與系統分析實驗室 Laboratory of Bio-Environmental control and Systems Analysis 國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院國立臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院National Taiwan University, College of BioNational Taiwan University, College of Bio- -Resources and Agriculture Resources and Agriculture 生物產業機電工程學系生物產業機電工程學系Depa

2、rtment of BioDepartment of Bio- -Industrial Mechatronics EngineeringIndustrial Mechatronics Engineering Automation of Animal Production 1 control and Systems Analysis 莊啟佑 康世緯 方煒 The Great Plague, or Black Death, swept from Central Asia to The Great Plague, or Black Death, swept from Central Asia to

3、Europe, killing an estimated oneEurope, killing an estimated one- -third of the population wherever third of the population wherever it spread. It reached Tunis in 1348 when Ibn Khaldun was 17; its it spread. It reached Tunis in 1348 when Ibn Khaldun was 17; its victims included his parents and seve

4、ral of his teachers. These victims included his parents and several of his teachers. These losses, together with the ensuing social and economic chaos .losses, together with the ensuing social and economic chaos . Historical Aspect Great Plague, Airborne Transmission Disease The Great Plague, or Bla

5、ck Death, swept from Central Asia to Europe, killing an The Great Plague, or Black Death, swept from Central Asia to Europe, killing an estimated oneestimated one- -third of the population wherever it spread during 1340s. The total third of the population wherever it spread during 1340s. The total n

6、umber of deaths worldwide is estimated at 75 million people; approximately 25number of deaths worldwide is estimated at 75 million people; approximately 25- -50 50 million of which occurred in Europe million of which occurred in Europe 2009/2/252 人畜共通傳染疾病 (Zoonosis infectious diseases) 鼠疫、 狂犬病、沙門氏桿菌

7、、禽流感:永無止境的威脅?永無止境的威脅? 農委會家畜衛生試驗所自76年1月至92年3月17日止接受豬隻病性鑑定案 件共計1779例,其中呼吸系統疾病居首位共計771例,其發生率佔全部豬 病之43.3% 依據農委會動植物防疫檢疫局疫情通報系統動物疾病統計表,統計88年1 月至92年2月,通報豬隻病例計565例,其中尤以豬隻呼吸系統疾病272例 最多;其發生率佔全部豬病之48.1% 目前困擾台灣豬群疾病之分析及對策;李淑慧,農委會家畜衛生試驗所 2009/2/253 表面污染表面污染 Surface contaminationSurface contamination 畜舍空氣噴霧防疫系統 致病

8、原傳播控制 核心裝置核心裝置 食品食品 安全安全 空氣擴散控制系統空氣擴散控制系統 雞蛋清洗抑菌設備雞蛋清洗抑菌設備 可攜帶式消毒裝置可攜帶式消毒裝置 消毒藥劑製備消毒藥劑製備. .擴散設備研發擴散設備研發 Direct Contact Ingestion 致病原傳播自動化控制措施-我們需要什麼? 空氣傳播空氣傳播 Airborne TransmissionAirborne Transmission Respiratory 消毒藥劑產生裝置消毒藥劑產生裝置 畜舍畜舍 環境環境 基礎測試基礎測試 ? ?有效劑量測試有效劑量測試 ? ?應用消毒方式應用消毒方式 ? ?適用性及安全性評估適用性及安全

9、性評估 ? ?現行消毒劑效力測試比較現行消毒劑效力測試比較 實用化產出 現場測試現場測試 ? ?活性生物氣膠量測活性生物氣膠量測 2009/2/255 應用於滅菌消毒之電解水 電解含鹽類之水溶液?功能性電解水飲用水 具有高氧化還原電位(ORP) 高電化學活性破壞細菌細胞膜 電解生成次氯酸產物 (Free active chlorine) 具化學殺菌力 電解水(Electrolyzed Water) 2009/2/256 respiratory burst: rapid release of reactive oxygen species (MPO) Myeloperoxidase neutro

10、phils macrophages 2009/2/256 電解水Electrolyzed Oxidizing (EO) water Acidic electrolyzed oxidizing (EO) water kills a variety of fungi, bacteria and virus. Positive itive pole 2H2O 4H+ O2+4 e- 2NaCl Cl2+ O2+2 e-+ 2 Na+ Cl2+ H2O HCl +HOCl ? EO water pH 2.3-2.7, ORP 1000mV , high dissolved oxygen and AFC

11、 2009/2/25 7 Negative Pole 2H2O + 2e- 2OH-+H2 2NaCl + 2OH-2NaOH+Cl- Kim et. al., 2004 Huang et. al., 2008 The Effect of Individual Properties : pH, Oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) and available free chlorine (AFC) ? ER water pH 10.0-11.5, ORP -800 to -900mV , high dissolved hydrogen 電解水微生物活性抑制與殺

12、滅效力殺菌原理 Bacteria generally grow pH range of 4-9 Aerobic bacteria grow mostly at ORP +200 to 800mvORP +200 to 800mv, anaerobic bacteria grow well at - -700 tp +200mV700 tp +200mV High ORP in the EO water could cause the modification of metabolic metabolic fluxesfluxes and ATP production. ATP producti

13、on. Low pH may sensitize the outer membrane of bacterial cells to the entry of HOCl. 2009/2/25 8 membrane of bacterial cells to the entry of HOCl. Pullar et. al., 2000 Koseki et al., 2007 Huang et. al., 2008 SEM of the surface on the lettuce treated with acidic EO water 電解水微生物抑制作用效力驗證研究真菌、細菌、病毒 Bact

14、erial speciesEO water Property a Efficiency/proce ssing material b Reference P. aerugionosa, E.Coli O157:H7, Ssonnei, Senteritidis, VRE, MRSA, B. subtilis, C.botulinum, pH 5.0, AFC50ppm, 20 106to 100 CFU/mL Culture- spike Tachikawa et al., 1999, JPN Salmonella Enteritidis, S. Typhimurium, E.Coli O15

15、7:H7, Listeria monocytogenes pH2.3-2.5, ORP 1153mv, AFC86mg/L, 23 5 to 8CFU/mL to 0 CFU/mL Venkitanaray anan et al, 1999 Campylobacter jejuni, Enterococcus faecalis, Bacillus cereus spore, pH2.53-3.18, ORP 1125 1178mV, 7CFU/mL to 0 CFU/mL Park et al., 2002 2009/2/25 9 faecalis, Bacillus cereus spore

16、, E.aerogenes, Staphylococcus aureus 1125-1178mV, AFC53mg/L, 23 0 CFU/mL 2002 SFV, Influenza, HSV, Adeno V, HIVpH 5.0, AFC50ppm, 20 TCID/mL, antigen pg/mL, InactivationInactivation Tachikawa et al., 1999, JPN Nrovirus: Human, murine NV, MS2 phage MRSA, Acinetobacter baumannii pH5.5 to 6.2, AFC20ppm, SteriloxSterilox Tech. foggingTech. fogging 99% reduction, ceramic tile, stainless steel Park et al., 2007 Clark et al., 2006 Fungi : Aspergillus, Botrytis, Cladosp



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