安徽省马鞍山市第二十中学七年级英语下册 Unit 1-2教案

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《安徽省马鞍山市第二十中学七年级英语下册 Unit 1-2教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《安徽省马鞍山市第二十中学七年级英语下册 Unit 1-2教案(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1-2(一)教学设计一、Teaching aims Students will be able: 1.to talk about the topics “Dream home” and “Welcome to Sunshine Town”; 2.to use some key words and phrases of the two topics; 3.to write an article about your hometown.二、Keys and difficulties Students will be able: to sum up the useful expressio

2、ns of the topics三、Teaching aids Multi-media三、Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-in1.I have two dreams. 2. Students organize their oral compositionStep 2 Topic one (Dream home) 1. Where is Beijing? It is the capital of China.Revise some words. 2.What can we do in our living room? Revise some phrases. 3.R

3、evise some important points. 4.I have just bought a new house and want to tell my best friend abroad about it. What should I do? Revise how to telephone. 5. Revise some prepositions and numbersStep 3 Topic two (Welcome to Sunshine Town)1. Ask students some questions about different jobs. Revise some

4、 occupations.2. Revise some key points.3. Try to use how many and how much correctly.Step 4 Writing1.Teacher tells students it is common for us to write about our hometown.2.Students discuss some writing skills. If they cant, teacher can show them some examples.3.Show a passage about Johns hometown.

5、 Get students to correct their orders.4.Teacher gives a hand if necessary while writing.Step 5 Homework 1.Ask students to write an article about their hometown. 2.Revise Units3-4(二)教学思路本课是7B Unit1-2的复习课。第一单元的话题是Dream home。第二单元的话题是Welcome to Sunshine Town,这两个话题是紧密相连、相互渗透的,所以把这两个话题放在一起复习更有利于学生的理解和运用。在复习第一个话题时,我把口语训练话题放在第一个教学环节,既训练口语,又作为复习课的导入。然后为了激活学生的记忆并为后面的话题作文作铺垫,所以就让学生快速回忆每个要素所涉及的单词、短语等。在第二个话题的处理中,由于时间关系和避免同一方法的重复使用,就直接展示本话题中所涉及的重点短语,并让学生记忆,为后面的写作作准备,并自然过渡到写作话题My hometown。在写作前我先介绍写地点的结构,并就开头、地点及所做的事、结尾给学生一些示范,以降低写作困难生的写作难度。


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