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1、教学内容Unit4 Then and now(Story time )教学目标1. 能正确理解故事内容,有感情地朗读故事。2. 能听懂、会读、会说词汇:then and now, use, telephone, mobile phone, anywhere, radio, make friends, all over the world, do shopping。3. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写词汇:ago, office, newspaper, news, watch, e-book, with, yesterday。4能听懂、会读、会说、会写句型:ago, he/she Now he/she

2、。5学生通过观察、对比等方式总结归纳两种时态的用法,并尝试在正确的语境中使用。6.通过对比Mike一家人过去与现在的学习、工作和生活等方面,让学生感受科技对生活和工作的影响。教学重点1、 能正确理解故事内容,有感情地朗读故事。2、 四会掌握词句。教学难点一般过去时与一般现在时的比较和运用。教学准备准备录音机,本课 Story time部分的磁带,课件教学环节教师活动学生活动二次备课(分层操作)Step1 Warm upStep2Presentation and practiceStep3ConsolidationStep4Homework1.Free talka. What day is it

3、 today? What day was yesterday?b.What lessons do you have on Monday?What lessons did you have yesterday?2.Watch and say 教师利用课件呈现一些新旧事物的图片,让学生判断用now和then来归类,揭示课题,并理解课题。1. Look and answer教师向学生展示两张自己的照片,一张儿时的,一张现在的,并与学生进行简单的问答。Is it you?Were you ten?Look at this photo.Who is this girl? Guess! Yes, its

4、me!How old was I then?Yes. I was a primary school student then. Now Im a teacher at a primary schoo2.新旧照片对比,操练一般现在时和一般过去时。5. Look find and think看图,预测课文内容。教师呈现课文的四组图片,要求学生观察每组图片两幅图片的不同之处,并思考如下问题:What could he/she do then ?What can he/she do now ?What did he/she do then?What do they do now?6. Listen r

5、ead and write 7. Listen read and judge8.Write and say 1.Read the story by yourself.2.Read the story in pairsCheckout. 课课练P22 B、C。Ss:Its Ss: It was S1:S2:学生自读课文,充分理解课文内容,两人一组,用完整的句子介绍四个人物过去和现在的不同之处。Ss listen and read.Ss do exercise板书设计Unit4 Then and nowThen NowMike could could not canMr Brown wrote u

6、sed canMikes drandpa canMrs Brown madebrought does shopping教学内容Unit4 Then and now(Grammar time & Fun time )教学目标1.能熟练掌握一般过去时结构。2. 能熟练掌握不规则动词过去式及其发音。3.能正确运用一般过去时和一般现在时。教学重点1.能熟练掌握一般过去时结构并正确运用2. 能熟练掌握不规则动词过去式及其发音教学难点1.词汇方面:不规则动词过去式及发音2. 能正确运用一般过去时和一般现在时。教学准备课件,照片教学环节教师活动学生活动二次备课(分层操作)Step1 Warm upStep2

7、Presentation and practiceStep3ConsolidationStep4Homework教师说出一个动词的原形或过去式,要求学生快速说出相应的过去式或原形。教师做动作,学生用动词过去式来描述这个动作。T:What did I do just now?Step2.Presentation (8分钟)Grammar time游戏热身,复习旧知。1、Quick response2、Act and say教师活动示范3.Practice学生小组活动,趣味造句。S1:two days agoS2: my fatherS3: visit the Shanghai Museum.S4

8、: Two days ago, my father visited the Shanghai Museum.Fun time1生独立完成,个别学生口述完整的句子。鼓励学生展开想象,并结合人物的其他信息,用could/could not 对图片进行拓展描述。反馈学生完成的情况教师评价Step4.Production(5分钟)学生个人展示借助投影仪,学生展示自己的照片,并做介绍。 Checkout. (5分钟)课课练P23 A、B、C。1. 背出P39动词过去式。2. 听录音,预习Cartoon time。S1: You listened to music.S2 .Ss practice in g

9、roups. 学生小组活动2. 说写活动P45 Think and write学生介绍照片学生完成练习板书设计Unit4 Then and now 一般过去时:过去发生的事情。时间 six /wenty/thirty/years ago,人物 I/he/she/they做事 couldnt write/wrote letters/bought things for shops/ lstened to the radio for news教学内容Unit 4 Then and now(Culture time & Cartoon time)教学目标1.能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的

10、故事,能读懂其中的幽默之处,能在教师指导下表演故事。2.能了解不同国家的文化差异。教学重点1.能熟练朗读及表演小故事。2.能了解不同国家的文化差异。教学难点1.能熟练朗读及表演小故事。2.能了解不同国家的文化差异。教学准备准备录音机,课件,头饰教学环节教师活动学生活动二次备课(分层操作)Step1 Warm upStep2Presentation and practiceStep3ConsolidationStep4Homework1.Free talk2. Watch cartoon timeQ:Who are playing the game too?教师利用插图,引导学生讨论Who,Wh

11、at和Where,Bobby在四幅图中的活动,要求学生用一般过去时描述3、Listen ,read and judgeIt is a Chinese lesson.Today is Wednesday.Bobby listened carefully in class.Miss Fox is very angry.Sam bade a sentence with “egg”.4、Read and understand.5.Choose a way to reada. Read by yourselfb. Read to your deskmatec. Read to teacher 6.Dub

12、for cartoon time in groups教师播放录音,要求学生跟读模仿,并注意Bobby,Sam和Miss Fox的不同语气。引导学生通过上下文语境理解词汇Teach go on, spell, make a sentence等引导学生将PPT呈现的图片进行排序4Act out the story5.ulture timeWatch and think屏幕呈现给学生更多的发明,以让他们体会科技对生活的影响。引导学生善于发现生活中存在的不同国家的发展水平。Say something different about the culture of China and Western countries6 Checkout. 1. Finish the exercise 课课练P26 F反馈学生完成的情况教师评价1独立完成。2、师生一起校对练习。3学生自评和互评。Ss watch the cartoonSs Listen ,read and judgeSs read the storySs act in droupsS


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