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1、期末考前完型填空训练(1)I walked into the grocery store, not really wanting to buy anything. I just wanted to stay there quietly-the pain of losing my 1 was still too great. And this supermarket held so many sweet 2 . He often came with me, and always bought me yellow roses. Standing 3 the meat, I searched for

2、 the perfect small steak 4 my husband used to love it. 5 a woman came up beside me. I watched as she picked up a large pack of T­bone steaks, dropped them in her basket, 6 , and then put them back. She turned to go and once again 7 for the pack of steaks. She saw me 8 her and she smiled, “My hus

3、band loves T­bone steaks, but they are so expensive.” “My husband 9 away eight days ago,” I told her, and 10 to control the sadness in my voice. “Buy him the T-bone steaks. And 11 every moment you have together. ” 12 by my words, she placed the steaks in her basket and walked away 13 . But sever

4、al minutes later she came towards me again, 14 a package in her arms. She was 15 the brightest smile I had ever seen. As she 16 I saw what she held. “These are for you,” she placed three beautiful yellow roses in my hands. I wanted to tell her what the roses 17 for me, but was unable to speak, only

5、watching her walking away. Looking down at the roses, I wondered 18 she knew it. Suddenly the answer seemed so 19 . I wasnt alone. There were 20 many people caring for me and willing to help me. Just be thankful for what you have and who you are.1.A.father B.brother C.husband D.son2.A.groceries B.me

6、mories C.flowers D.dreams3.A.by B.for C.beyond D.against4.A.even ff B.in case C.until D.since5.A.Actually B.Suddenly C.Instantly D.Hopefully6.A.missed B.suffered C.doubted D.hesitated7.A.reached B.searched C.sent D.paid8.A.following B.helping C.watching D.stopping9.A.broke B.cleared C.moved D.passed

7、10.A.decided B.fought C.offered D.pretended11.A.forget B.recover C.treasure D.imagine12.A.Surprised B.Embarrassed C.Panicked D.Frightened13.A.softly B.violently C.silently D.wildly14.A.fastening B.carrying C.picking D.opening15.A.covering B.rolling C.spreading D.wearing16.A.approached B.turned C.con

8、tinued D.bent17.A.smelled B.tasted C.collected D.meant18.A.what B.how C.whether D.when19.A.accidental B.strange C.obvious D.funny20.A.still B.just C.even D.also(2)I lifted my wet woollen gloves to my face and wiped the snowflakes from my eyes. I could not feel my nose and my 1 formed a thick fog in

9、the air. The biting wind was making me 2 . I was fed up! I didnt want to be here. I wanted to go home. But Mum and Dad had 3 me to go for a Sunday afternoon walk in the park. I could see my 4 in the snowy path, like a trail of breadcrumbs (一串面包屑) in the forest showing me the way 5 I stopped and list

10、ened to my 6 . I could 7 the wind crying like a homeless dog hungry for a delicious 8 The once-green tree 9 which used to wave gently in the breeze, had become bare, and the grass was covered with a 10 blanket of fresh snow. Then I saw a broken spiders web shining golden beneath a pale sun. My breat

11、h was like silky soft 11 floating up into the freezing cold air.Suddenly there was Mum, 12 handing me a big cup of hot chocolate. Her big smile immediately 13 my heart. “Here you are, Jo. This will keep you 14 ,” she said as she placed a comforting arm around my shoulders and 15 her cheek against mi

12、ne. I slowly took a mouthful of the hot 16 and felt it slowly dripping down my throat like lava (熔岩) 17 down a mountainside. My wet woollen gloves were now warm, not 18 My breath warmed, and I was19 fed up or cold. I was happy and 20 1.A.sweatB. breathC. tearsD.words2.A.hungryB. thirstyC. coldD.tired3.A.forcedB. forbiddenC. allowedD.needed4.A.shadowB. imageC. shoesD.footprints5.A.upB .insideC. homeD.there6.A.surroundingsB. whispersC. heartbeatD.mind7.A.seeB. hearC. feelD.smell8.A.Chocolate


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