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1、 飞鸟集(通俗版)翻译(271280)刚上你岸我俩陌生住进你屋我是客人离开你时我是亲朋我的大地。I came to your shore as a stranger, I lived in your house as a guest, I leave your door as a friend, my earth.(人生,三个过程!)当我即将离开你让我思想朝你去如同落日的余晖映照沉默的星际。 Let my thoughts come to you, when I am gone, like the after glow of sunset at the margin of starry sil

2、ence.(不舍,离开!)让我的心灵点燃静止的晚星让夜色呢喃爱情。 Light in my heart the evening star of rest and then let the night whisper to me of love.(夜晚,精美!)我是夜色中的孩婴双手暗中伸出被衾我亲爱的母亲。I am a child in the dark. I stretch my hands through the coverlet of night for thee, Mother.(夜晚,母亲!)白昼的工作完成把我脸藏您臂中请让我酣然入梦我的母亲。 The day of work is d

3、one. Hide my face in your arms, Mother. Let me dream.(夜晚,宁静!)集会时的灯光亮的时间很长当那会议终场瞬间灭掉亮光。The lamp of meeting burns long; it goes out in a moment at the parting.(辉煌,有时是别人的棋子!)当我死去世界在你的沉默里替我留下“我爱过”这句。One word keep for me in thy silence, O World, when I am dead, I have loved.(有爱,才不后悔!)当我们爱这个世界才会活在这个世界。We

4、live in this world when we love it.(有爱,生活才有意义!)让逝者留下不朽的声名让生者有着不朽的爱情。 Let the dead have the immortality of fame, but the living the immortality of love.(有爱,生命才有意义!)当我看见您如半醒的婴儿晨光中看见母亲我微笑着酣然入梦。 I have seen thee as the half-awakened child sees his mother in the dusk of the dawn and then smiles and sleeps again.(爱,给人甜蜜的感觉!)



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