(精品)unit 6 lesson 34 flying donuts

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1、Unit 6 Lesson 34 Flying Donuts,1. How do you usually come to school? 2. If you want to another city , how do you go there ? Why? 3. Do you know what transportation people will use in the future?,Think about it!,1.What did Danny invent? 2.Whats its name? 3.Whats it made of?,A new kind of transportati

2、on.,Flying Donuts .,Its made of an old backpack, two cardboard rockets, some donuts.,Flying Donuts,Read and answer,4.What do the donuts do? 5.How far does Danny think one donut will carry him? 6.Will Dannys invention really work?,The donuts are the fuel.,One donut will carry him one kilometre.,No ,

3、it wont.,Focus on,1. Last night, Danny stayed up late to make his invention. stay up late“熬夜;睡得很晚”,不及物动词短语。 Doctors suggest that people should not stay up late even on holidays. 医生建议,即使在节假日人们也不应该熬夜。,2. In the morning, on his way to school, he bought ten donuts. on the / ones way to sp. 意为“在去的路上”。 当表

4、示地点的词 是副词时,则要省略to。 I met my sister on my way to the station. 在去车站的路上,我遇到了我的姐姐。 Dont play on your way home. 不要在回家的路上玩耍。,3. Now Danny is standing at the front of the classroom. in front of“在的前面”,指某一范围以外的前面。 at/in the front of“在的前面”,指某一范围以内的前面。 Miss Gao is standing at the front of the classroom. 高小姐站在教

5、室的前面。 (指某一范围内的前面) There is a tall tree in front of the house. 房子前面有一棵大树。 (指某一范围以外的前面) Lets sit in the front of the bus. 我们坐在公共汽车的前部。(指某一范围内的前面),4. I would like to present my invention. would like 意为“想要”,后跟名词或动词不定式。 He would like some bananas. 他想要一些香蕉。 I would like to play football with you. 我想跟你去踢足球

6、。,5. With my invention, you dont need an airplane to fly. with 在这里的意思是“(表示手段或方法)以,用”。 We walk with our feet. 我们用脚走路。 We write with pencial. 我们用铅笔写字。, with 意为“具有,带有”。 China is a large country with a long histiry. 中国是一个幅员辽阔、历史悠久的国家。 with (表示伴随)意为“与一道,同一起”。 The teacher came into the classroom with two

7、books in his hand. 老师拿着两本书走进教室。 with (表示原因或理由) 意为“因为,由于”。 He has made some progress with his teachers help. 在老师的帮助下,他取得了一些进步。 with 意为“在身上,在身边”。 Have you had some money with you? 你身上带钱了吗?,with用法大本营,6. First, you put the Flying Donuts bag on your back. Then you turn it on and jump into the air. (1) Fi

8、rst,Then 意为“首先,然后”。 First, you should believe yourself. Then you can make the others believe you. 首先,你应该相信你自己,然后才能使别人相信你。 First, you should know about him well. Then you can make friends with him. 首先你应该很好地了解他,然后你才能和他交朋友。,(2) turn on 为固定短语,意为“打开(电器等)”。 Would you please turn on the TV? 打开电视好吗? The roo

9、m is too dark. Please turn on the light. 房间里太暗,请打开灯吧。 关于turn的短语 turn off 意为“关(电器等)”。 turn down 意为“把声音调小”。 turn up 意为“把声音调大”。 turn over意为“翻(页、身等)”。 turn to意为“转向(某人而寻求帮助)”。,7. To go ten kilometres, you need ten donuts. to go ten kilometres 是不定式短语做目的状语,修饰(非)谓语动词, 表示动作或状态的目的。 His grandma came to see him

10、 last Friday. 他祖母上周五来看他了。 为了强调目的状语,可以用in order to + v. ,可位于句首或句末。 In order to catch the train, Ill get up very early tomorrow morning. 为了赶火车,我明早会很早起床。,8. Do other types of food make the rockets go? make 在句中作使役动词,意为“使(让)”,后跟动词原形作 宾语补足语。 Mother made me clean my own bedroom. 妈妈让我打扫自己的卧室。 The boss makes

11、 the workers work ten hours a day. 老板让工人们每天工作10个小时。,9. Probably not, but he had fun, and he used his imagination! probably”大概,很可能”,表示有根据的推测。 He will be probably free then. 那时他可能有空。 This is probably the best vacation Ive ever had. 这可能是我曾经度过的最好的假期。,Conclusion,1. stay up late“熬夜;睡得很晚”,不及物动词短语。 2. on the / ones way to sp. 意为“在去的路上”。 当表示地点的词 是副词时,则要省略to。 3. in front of“在的前面”,指某一范围以外的前面。 at/in the front of“在的前面”,指某一范围以内的前面。 4. would like 意为“想要”,后跟名词或动词不定式。 5. with 的用法,Thank you!,



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