看过十遍friends后 整理学习笔记.doc

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1、看过十遍FRIENDS后 整理学习笔记(持续更新) http:/ Friends陪伴我度过了大学时光 带来不计其数的欢声笑语时刻 不会忘记,当我用ross那一句and try not to let my intense vulnerability become any kinda factor here成功为我break ice时的自豪 不会忘记,当初遗憾emily与ross的无缘眷属 不会忘记,rachel green的it matters to me!于笑中更有思考 不会忘记,phoebe buffay在公园里的蛙步 更重要的是忠于自己感受不用过度顾及他人如何评论的心态 不会忘记,chan

2、和monica跪地而婚,屋内插满温馨之烛 不会忘记,chan说新房子里会有joey的房子,”where you can grow old”,兄弟至情何许多言 看过10遍,多少有些笔记、心得,与同好分享,不亦乐哉。欢迎指正。 Season 01 Episode 01 The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate Written by: Marta Kauffman and David Crane Transcribed by: guineapig & Eric Aasen Scene: Central Perk, Chandler, Joey, Phoebe,

3、 and Monica are there. Monica: Theres nothing to tell! Hes just some guy I work with! 没什么好讲的啦!他就一同事! Joey: Cmon, youre going out with the guy! Theres gotta be something wrong with him! 得了吧,和你约会的人,肯定有哪不对劲! Chandler: So does he have a hump? A hump and a hairpiece? 额,莫非他是驼背?又驼背又带假发? 图片1 hump 驼背 图片2 hai

4、rpiece hairpiece=wig=toupee 假发 Phoebe: Wait, does he eat chalk? (They all stare, bemused.) Phoebe: Just, cause, I dont want her to go through what I went through with Carl- oh! Monica: Okay, everybody relax. This is not even a date. Its just two people going out to dinner and- not having sex. Chandl

5、er: Sounds like a date to me. 知识点 Chalk: 粉笔 (图片1) bemused: confused or confused 困惑 adj. go through: 在这里=experience. E.g. We went through hell while working on this project. 和约会相关的常用句子: (1)are you seeing anyone (special) 你有男/女朋友吗? (2)so its a date 那我们就约好了哈(把这个视为约会了) (3) dinner或者movie后想有进一步动作时:you wan

6、na go back to my place and maybe grab a cup of coffee or something? (4)礼貌的约会他人:土人极少直接说”will you go out with me?”,而一般多以: so, what are you doing this Saturday? I know this place where they serve fabulous Italian food 或者 I heard that xx (band or sth) is in Town this weekend, you wanna go have some fun

7、with me? (5) go out with somebody. 与某人约会 I went out with her for a couple of times 我和她约过两次会。 (6)have sex with someone = sleep with someone; get laid: It takes balls to get laid, both literally and figuratively. 这个例句好啊 nail: guess who nailed xx last night? (nail还有其他很多意思,比如he nailed the song 他驾驭/征服了这首

8、歌) 图片: eat chalk ; chalk Friends 共有10季 每季24集左右 每集约25分钟 那么10遍*10季*24集*25分钟=1000小时 排除LZ每天睡觉吃饭上厕所上天涯的时间,若LZ每天看5小时,每周休息两天,要看40个星期 Time Lapse Chandler: Alright, so Im back in high school, Im standing in the middle of the cafeteria, and I realize I am totally naked. All: Oh, yeah. Had that dream. Chandler

9、: Then I look down, and I realize theres a phone. there. Joey: Instead of.? Chandler: Thats right. Joey: Never had that dream. Phoebe: No. Chandler: All of a sudden, the phone starts to ring. And it turns out its my mother, which is very-very weird, because- she never calls me! Lapse: = elapse (时间)过

10、去 e.g. years had lapsed since we last met 离我们上次见面不知间已过去几年 cafeteria: a restaurant in which the customers serve themselves or are served at a counter and take the food to tables to eat. 顾客自助取食、统一于柜台结帐、而后将食物带回座位吃的饭馆。(一些有帮你装菜师傅的饭馆也可以叫cafeteria) high school cafeteria 高中自助式食堂 naked: adj. 裸体 同nude; naked有

11、另一意思“孤立无援/缺乏帮助” e.g. shes naked out there 她(这样去做卧底)在那可是很不安全,得不到我们任何帮助 cafeteria 图1 自取 图2 柜台付款图3 找位置开吃 Time Lapse, Ross has entered. Ross: (mortified) Hi. Joey: This guy says hello, I wanna kill myself. Monica: Are you okay, sweetie? Ross: I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my s

12、mall intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck. Chandler: Cookie? Monica: (explaining to the others) Carol moved her stuff out today. Joey: Ohh. Monica: (to Ross) Let me get you some coffee. Ross: Thanks. 知识点: mortified - embarrassed, humiliated用黑土大妈的话来说,就是:伤自尊了;囧/尴尬/很受伤的样子/因为受

13、伤的自尊或某件憾事而感到不舒服 made to feel uncomfortable because of shame or wounded pride; too embarrassed to say hello to his drunken father on the street; humiliated that his wife had to go out to work; felt mortified by the comparison with her sistergrab a bite (to eat) 吃点什么 e.g. you wanna go grab a bite or s

14、omething?想去吃点什么吗?pull 拉 pull together:齐心协力(一起拉) 图片1 intestine图片2 pull together 图片3 grab a bitePhoebe: Ooh! Oh! (She starts to pluck at the air just in front of Ross.) Ross: No, no dont! Stop cleansing my aura! No, just leave my aura alone, okay? Ross: Ill be fine, alright? Really, everyone. I hope shell be very happy. Monica: No you dont. Ross: No I dont, to hell with her, she left me!


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