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1、巴菲特最著名的演讲价值投资为什么能够持续战胜市场每个人都期望自己能成功,但是我们后来者的成功建立在大师的肩膀上才能少走弯路,才能有所突破。自然科学的发展也证明了这一点,就像爱因斯坦不可能出现在 原始社会的部落中一样,原始社会没有发现相对论的基础,也不会出现这么伟大的科学家了。人类发展的历史永远是螺旋式的上升,可以有反复、甚至有倒退,向上 的趋势将永远不变,直到最后的崩溃,崩溃的结果是另一个智慧生命的开始,宇宙间的一切都是周而复始。有些朋友会说,前人的东西往往是不对的,是应该批判的。但是我们能够批判的依据和思想从哪里来,不要告诉我,你从没受过人类的教育,就能够批判,其实也是来自于前人思想的积累。

2、希望朋友们能认真的读,如果能有所收获也就达到目的了,能够突破的话就要恭喜你了!巴菲特最著名的演讲:价值投资为什么能够持续战胜市场每个价值投资人的投资业绩都来自于利用企业股票市场价格与其内在价值之间的差异。 巴菲特价值投资策略最终要归根于本杰明格雷厄姆(Benjamin Graham)的思想。1934年年底,他与戴维多德(David Dodd)合作完成了他酝酿已久的证券分析(Security Analysis)。这部划时代的著作标志着证券分析业和价值投资思想的诞生。这本巨著在过去70年间共发行了五版,被誉为投资者的“圣经”。纽约证券分析协会强调,格雷厄姆“对于投资的意义就像欧几里得对于几何学、达

3、尔文对于生物进化论一样重要。格雷厄姆“给这座令人惊叹而为之却步的城市 股票市场绘制了第一张可以依赖的地图,他为价值投资奠定了方XX的基础,而在此之前,股票投资与赌博几乎毫无差别。价值投资没有格雷厄姆,就如同共产 主义没有马克思原则性将不复存在。”人们通常认为是格雷厄姆确立了证券分析的原则,所以格雷厄姆被尊称为现代证券分析之父。1984年,在哥伦比亚大学纪念格雷厄姆与多德合著的证券分析出版50周年的庆祝活动中,巴菲特这位格雷厄姆在哥伦比亚大学的投资课上唯一给了 “A”的最优秀的学生进行了一次演讲,他在演讲中回顾了50年来格雷厄姆的追随者们采用价值投资策略持续战胜市场的无可争议的事实,总结归纳出价

4、值投资 策略的精髓,在投资界具有非常大的影响力.编者:“格雷厄姆多德都市的超级投资者们”作为巴菲特最著名的演讲名留青史,广为流传。巴菲特在中国十周年纪念八,从英文原版入手,尽可能罗列相关资料推出此次中英文对照的饕餮盛宴。敬请各位入席。格雷厄姆-多德都市的超级投资者们THE SUPERINVESTORS OF GRAHAM-AND-DODDSVILLE巴菲特1984年在哥伦比亚大学的著名演讲 年在庆祝格雷罕姆与多德合著的证券分析发行周年大会上,巴菲特这位格雷厄姆在哥伦比亚大学的投资课上唯一给了“A”的最优秀的学生进行了一次 题为“格雷厄姆-多德都市的超级投资者们” (The Superinves

5、tors of Graham-and-Doddsville)”的演讲,在他演讲中回顾了50年来格雷厄姆的追随者们采用价值投资策略持续战胜市场的无可争议的事实,总结归纳出价值投资策略的精髓,在投资界具有非常大的影响力。THE SUPERINVESTORS OF GRAHAM-AND-DODDSVILLETilsonfunds EDITORS NOTE: This article is an edited transcript of a talk given at Columbia University in 1984 commemorating the fiftieth anniversary

6、of Security Analysis , written by Benjamin Graham and David L. Dodd. This specialized volume first introduced the ideas later popularized in The Intelligent Investor . Buffetts essay offers a fascinating study of how Grahams disciples have used Grahams value investing approach to realize phenomenal

7、success in the stock market.Is the Graham and Dodd look for values with a significant margin of safety relative to prices approach to security analysis out of date? Many of the professors who write textbooks today say yes. They argue that the stock market is efficient; that is, that stock prices ref

8、lect everything that is known about a companys prospects and about the state of the economy. There are no undervalued stocks, these theorists argue, because there are smart security analysts who utilize all available information to ensure unfailingly appropriate prices. Investors who seem to beat th

9、e market year after year are just lucky. If prices fully reflect available information, this sort of investment adeptness is ruled out, writes one of todays textbook authors.格雷厄姆与多德追求“价值远超过价格的安全保障”,这种证券分析方法是否已经过时?目前许多撰写教科书的教授认为如此。他们认为,股票市场是有效率的市场; 换言之,股票价格已经充分反应了公司一切己知的事实以及整体经济情况:这些理论家认为,市场上没有价格偏低的股

10、票,因为聪明的证券分析师将运用全部的既有 资讯,以确保适当的价格。投资者能经年累月地击败市场,纯粹是运气使然。“如果价格完全反应既有的资讯,则这类的投资技巧将不存在。”一位现今教科书的作 者如此与写道。Well, maybe. But I want to present to you a group of investors who have, year in and year out, beaten the Standard & Poors 500 stock index. The hypothesis that they do this by pure chance is at least

11、 worth examining. Crucial to this examination is the fact that these winners were all well known to me and pre-identified as superior investors, the most recent identification occurring over fifteen years ago. Absent this condition - that is, if I had just recently searched among thousands of record

12、s to select a few names for you this morning - I would advise you to stop reading right here. I should add that all of these records have been audited. And I should further add that I have known many of those who have invested with these managers, and the checks received by those participants over t

13、he years have matched the stated records.或许如此!但是,我要提供一组投资者的绩效供各位参考, 他们长期的表现总是超越史坦普500种股价指数。他们的绩效即使纯属巧合,这项假说至少也值得我们加以审查。审查的关键事实是,我早就熟识这些赢家,而且 长年以来便视他们为超级投资者,最近的认知也有十五年之久。缺少这项条件换言之,如果我最近才从成千上万的记录中挑选几个名字,并且在今天早上提供给 各位我建议各位立即停止阅读本文。我必须说明,所有的这些记录都经过稽核。我必须再说明,我认识许多上述经理人的客户,他们长年以来所收取的支票确实符合既有的记录。Before we

14、begin this examination, I would like you to imagine a national coin-flipping contest. Lets assume we get 225 million Americans up tomorrow morning and we ask them all to wager a dollar. They go out in the morning at sunrise, and they all call the flip of a coin. If they call correctly, they win a do

15、llar from those who called wrong. Each day the losers drop out, and on the subsequent day the stakes build as all previous winnings are put on the line. After ten flips on ten mornings, there will be approximately 220,000 people in the United States who have correctly called ten flips in a row. They

16、 each will have won a little over $1,000.在进行审查之前,我要 各位设想场全国性的掷铜板大赛。让我们假定,全美国225亿的人口在明天早晨起床时都掷出一枚一美元的铜板。早晨太阳升起时,他们都走到门外掷铜板, 并猜铜板出现的正面或反面。如果猜对了,他们将从猜错者的手中赢得一美元。每大都有输家遭到淘汰,奖金则不断地累积。经过十个早晨的十次投掷之后,全美国 约有22万人连续十次猜对掷铜板的结果。每人所赢得的资金约超过1000美元。Now this group will probably start getting a little puffed up about this, human nature



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