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1、,上海交通大学出版社,Book I,应用型大学英语系列教程,应用型大学英语综合教程,Application-oriented college English Course,2,上海交通大学出版社,Back,Next,Language Skills Development,Language in Use,Enhancement of Language Abilities,Unit 2,Unit Two,Table of Contents,3,上海交通大学出版社,Focus1 content,Back,Next,Starter,Text: The Landlords Mistake,Working

2、 with words and phrases,Discussion,Practice: interpreting,Practice: translation,Practice: writing,Surfing the Internet,Highlights,Table of Contents,Part 1 Language Skills Development,4,上海交通大学出版社,focus1highlights,Back,Next,Highlights S: Refusing guests L: What a snob R: The landlords mistake W: Compo

3、und sentences (1) Internet work: Searching for a seminar on presentation and public speaking in English,Part 1 Language Skills Development,5,A hotel can refuse to receive a guest if ( ) 1. the person is drunk, creating a public nuisance. ( ) 2. the person is suffering from a contagious disease. ( )

4、3. the person arrives in the middle of the night. ( ) 4. the person is bringing an animal into the hotel. ( ) 5. the person is bringing weapons or explosives. ( ) 6. the person is dressed plainly. ( ) 7. the person is unwilling or unable to pay for the hotel services. ( ) 8. the hotel has no accommo

5、dations to offer.,上海交通大学出版社,focus1starter,Back,Next,1. Starter,A. Brainstorming: when, in your opinion, can a hotel refuse gests? Mark the items with a tick “”.,6,上海交通大学出版社,focus1starter,Back,Next,1. Starter,7,B. Listen to a story about how an old man teaches a monk a lesson for his snobbishness. Th

6、en answer the questions briefly. 1. Why didnt the old man get a welcome at the temple? 2. Who did the monk run up quickly to welcome with a smile? 3. How did the old man give the monk a lesson?,上海交通大学出版社,focus1starter,Back,Next,Because he was not rich or powerful and the monk was snobbish.,The son o

7、f a minister.,He hit the monks head with a cane and said that he did that because he respected him in his heart, too.,1. Starter,8,上海交通大学出版社,focus1starter,Back,An old man went to a temple in a mountain and visited a monk there. The monk was snobbish. He didnt welcome the old man because he wasnt ric

8、h or powerful. Later, a man, son of a minister, also came to the temple. He brought many servants with him. As the monk saw the man, he quickly ran up to welcome him with a smile. After the man left, the old man unhappily asked the monk, “Why did you treat him so much better than me?” “Thats not tru

9、e. Although I seemed nice to him, in fact, I was not. And I didnt treat you so well because I respect you in my heart.” The monk lied. The old man heard that; he hit the monks head with a cane and said, “Good. Now I hit you because I respect you in my heart, too.” The monk didnt know what to say, so

10、 he could only cry out for pain.,Next,1. Starter,Tapescript,9,Text Lead-in,Warm up,1. Have you ever been ill treated in a place while you tried to lodge? 2. How do you treat a person in shabby clothes when he is trying to visit your place?,Back,Next,10,Text organization,The background of the story.,

11、Jeffersons rejection of the landlords offer.,The snobbishness of a landlord who mistook Jefferson for an old farmer.,The contempt of the landlord and his town fellows for the farmer-like Jefferson.,The revelation of the identity of Jefferson and the landlords somersault in his attitude.,1,2-4,5,2-3,

12、4,Back,Next,Text Lead-in,11,上海交通大学出版社,focus1text,Back,Next,Text: The Landlords Mistake,1 When John Adams was President and Thomas Jefferson was Vice President of the United States, there was not a railroad in all the world. People did not travel very much. There were no broad, smooth highways as the

13、re are now. The roads were crooked and muddy and rough. If a man was obliged to go from one city to another, he often rode on horseback. Instead of a trunk for his clothing, he carried a pair of saddlebags. Instead of sitting at his ease in a parlor car, he went jolting along through mud and mire, e

14、xposed to wind and weather.,jolt: vi./vt. 颠簸,震动 e.g. The train jolted into motion. A surge in the crowd behind him jolted him forwards.,vice: pref. 副的,代理的,次的 e.g. Only once in the American history did one vice president take over the job from the president. n. U, C 恶行,不道德行为;堕落;邪恶 e.g. Smoking is her

15、 only vice.,landlord: n. 1)(酒吧或招待所的)店主,老板 e.g. The landlord of the pub was arrested for providing his customers with drugs. 2) 房东;地主 e.g. Some Chinese students live and eat with a landlord during their stay in the United States.,Translation,at (ones) ease:舒适,自由自在 e.g. The boy never feels at his ease

16、 when talking with girls. He felt at ease and confident about the future.,ride on horseback: 骑马 e.g. It takes both skill and courage to learn to ride on horseback.,highway:n. C 公路;交通要道 e.g. Being free of charge, the old highway seems much busier than the new superhighway in the same direction.,Questions about Para. 1,旅馆老板的失算 詹姆斯鲍德温 1 在约翰亚当斯和托马斯杰弗逊当美国总统和副总统的时侯,世界上还没有铁路,人们很少出远门,当时还没有现在这样宽阔平坦的公路,马路都是弯曲泥泞、凹凸不平的。如果非要从一个城市到另一个城市,人们通常是骑马



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