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1、,Since the emergence of pragmatics, there have been various attempts at applying its theories to the research of its disciplines. Among various application studies, the pragmatics of translation has attracted the most attention.,Unit 14 Pragmatics and Translation,Group 5,2,1,14.1 Translation as comm

2、unication,3,1,14.1 Translation as communication,14.2 Translatinng pragmatics meanings,2,4,1,2,3,14.3 Layers of pragmaticequivalence,14.1 Translation as communication,14.2 Translatinng pragmatics meanings,5,1,2,3,4,14.4 Strategies of pragmatic translation,14.1 Translation as communication,14.2 Transl

3、atinng pragmatics meanings,14.3 Layers of pragmaticequivalence,6,Leo Hickey 利奥希基(英): A Research Professor at the University of Salford. His research focuses on studies of stylistics, pragmatics, and translation studies with particular reference to legal translation. He is the author of several books

4、 and over a hundred articles on Spanish literature and language, including The Pragmatics of Translation 1998:4,Translation as communication,Translation as communication,Interlingual act of transference,Intercultural act of transference,Interlingual communication,Intercultural communication,在翻译过程中,对

5、译文话语正确地理解及准确地表达,必须关注语用含义的这方面价值,即语用含义不是揭示了人们说了什么,而是告诉人们说这句话意味着什么。,(1) A: I really disliked the man you introduced me to. B: Actually, he is your new boss. B意味着A应该重新考虑他的话,故译为:“说实在的,他是你的新上司。”,(2) A: I really disliked the man you introduced me to. B: Anyway, he is your new boss. B意味着A厌恶无关要紧,故译为:“不管怎么样,他

6、是你的新上司。”,(3) A: I really disliked the man you introduced me to. B: After all, he is your new boss. B意味着A之所以讨厌那人真的是因为那人是新上司,故译为:“他毕竟是你的新上司。”,(4) A: I really disliked the man you introduced me to. B: Still, he is your new boss. B意味着A应该尽量好自为之,故译为:“尽管如此,他是你的新上司。”,意义与翻译密切相关,而意义中的语用学上的意义更为突出。 (意义包括语法、语义学上

7、的意义和语用学上的意义),In communication, people may use different expressions for the same purpose.,1. Can I have some water? 2. Have you got anything to drink? 3. Shall we have some drink? 4. Dont you think wed better have some drink now? 5. Do you mind having some drink? 6. I can do with a cup of tea. 7. Im

8、 really thirsty. 8. I wonder if you have something to quench my thirst.,In communication, people may use the same expression for different purposes.,Someone says:Can I help you? 1.需要买点什么? (A shop assistant to a customer) 2.你找谁呀? (A host to a stranger who knocks at the door of his house) 3.我能帮你忙吗? 4.

9、我能为你做点什么?,在翻译时,我们不能只求得原文与译文之间在语法与语义上的最大描述等值,而更为重要的是争取其在语用意义上的功能等值。翻译者先要认识原文的语用含义,透彻理解作者的语用意义。在这基础上再进入用译语表达意义这一层次。,the descriptive use 描述性运用 -refers to the use of language whereby speakers say what they know or think. the interpretive use 解释性运用 -refers to the use of language whereby speakers communic

10、ate what others say or think.,Kate: Tom is sick today. b. Jim: Kate said“ Tom is sick today”.,Naturally, translation falls under the interpretive category of language use in that the translators need to restate in the target language what someone else has said or written in the source language .,Rel

11、evance Theory (Unit 11&Unit12) 关联理论,Relevance theory is a new cognitive and communicative approach of pragmatics, which is developed by linguists Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson in their co-authored book Relevance: Communication and Cognition in 1986.,关联理论(Relevance Theory)最早是由Dan Sperber(斯波伯)和Deirdr

12、e Wilson(威尔逊)在关联性:交际与认知一书中提出来的,他们的学生Ernst-August Gutt(格特)根据关联理论对翻译进行了研究,并在五年后出版了翻译与关联:认知与语境(Translation and Relevance: Cognition and Context)。 格特在此书中率先将关联理论应用于翻译研究中,并指出翻译是一种言语交际行为,是与大脑机制密切联系的推理过程。它不仅涉及语码,更重要的是根据动态的语境进行动态的推理,而推理所依据的就是关联性。作为交际的翻译,在对源语理解和翻译的过程中,人们对语码的选择所依赖的也是关联性。,Basic Concepts to the

13、Relevance Theory, The Principle of Relevance (The cognitive principle & The communicative principle) Descriptive and Interpretive Use The Inferential Nature of Communication Context and Cognitive Environment,Example: A: Will Jane be long? B: She is with John now. 关联理论和言语行为认为:听话人需要越过字面意思,结合语境 信息,通过推理

14、 达到说话人意义的正确把握。,(1) Long? Short? Depends on John.,(2) John is known to be very quick / slow with people.,As an interpretive use of language, translation aims to achieve: interpretive resemblance解读相似性 between the original and the translation . Such interrpretive resemblance consists ideally in the sha

15、ring of explicatures (explicit meaning)and implicatures(implicit meaning). The more explicatures and implicatures the two versions share, the more closely they resemble each other.,19,14.1 Translation as communication,To that end, translation is best treated as the interpretive use of language const

16、rained by the search for optimal relevance最佳关联.,original interpretation,presumption of optimal relevance,target readers interpreation,presumption of optimal relevance,20,Communication and Cognition(Sperber & Wilson,1995),21,P160,Presumption of optimal relevance:,a) The ostensive simulus is relevant enough for it to be worth the addressees effort to process it.,b) The ostensive stimulus is the most relevant one compatible with the communi



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