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1、,英 语,浙江新中考,第六讲 动 词,动词的分类,动词的分类,注意 有的动词有时作及物动词,有时作不及物动词,区分它们是及物还是不及物要看其后是否直接跟宾语。 He lives in Beijing. 他住在北京。 解析:live后面没有宾语,故live用作不及物动词。 He lives a happy life. 他过着幸福的生活。 解析:live后面有宾语a happy life,故live用作及物动词。,1(2013青岛)You look sad. What has happened? Everyone _ us to win the match, but we lost. Aexpec

2、ts Bexpected Chopes Dhoped 解析:考查动词辨析。句意为“你看起来很难过,发生什么事了?”“每个人都盼望着我们比赛获胜,但我们输了。”可以说expect sb. to do sth.不能说hope sb. to do sth.,由lost可知用过去式,故答案为B项。 答案:B,2If you eat bad food, you _ ill. Amay be Bcant be Cmust Dmaybe 解析:考查情态动词用法。may为情态动词,后加动词原形;maybe为副词,意为“大概,也许”,主句缺少谓语动词,故选A。 答案:A,3(2013安徽)The people

3、in Yaan have met lots of difficulties, but they havent _ hope. Apicked up Bgiven up Clooked for Dwaited for 解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意为“雅安人民遇到了很多困难,但是他们从没放弃希望”。pick up“拾起,拿起”;give up“放弃”;look for“寻找”;wait for“等,等待”。根据句意可知选B。 答案:B,4(2013山西)In April, the weather in some places in Shanxi was really changeable. Peo

4、ple still remember they have _ four seasons in a week. Aorganized Bexperienced Cdescribed 解析:句意为“在四月,山西一些地方的天气真的是变化无常。人们仍然记得他们一周内经历了四个季节”。organize“组织”;experience“经历”;describe“描述”。由句意可知选B项。 答案:B,5Why do you want to stay at home? Because I _ good when I am with my family. Asmell Bfeel Ctaste Dsound 解析

5、:考查系动词辨析。句意为“你为什么想待在家里?”“因为我感觉和家人待在一起很好。”smell“闻起来”;feel“感觉,觉得”;taste“尝起来”;sound“听起来”。故选B。 答案:B,6A concert will be held to _ money for homeless people. Acollect Bgive up Csend Dspend 解析:句意为“为了给无家可归的人筹款,将会举办一场音乐会”。collect“收集,募集”;give up“放弃”;send“送”;spend“花费”。根据题意选A。 答案:A,7(2013天津)He _ an English club

6、 last year and has improved his English a lot. Aprotected B produced Cjoined Dreceived 解析:句意为“去年,他参加了一个英语俱乐部,他的英语已经提高了许多”。protect“保护”;produce“生产”;join“参加”;receive“收到”。由句意可知选C项。 答案:C,8(2013重庆)Oh, it _ so nice. What beautiful music it is! Asmells Bsounds Ctastes Dlooks 解析:考查系动词。句意为“哦,它听起来是那么好听。多美妙的音乐啊

7、!”由句中的music可知应用sounds(听起来)。故答案为B项。 答案:B,9(2013青岛)Do you know why he didnt _ a word when he _ to? Because he was too nervous. Aspeak; speaks Bsay; was spoken Csay; spoke Dspeak; is spoken,解析:考查动词辨析和时态。句意为“你知道吗?当别人和他说话时他一言不发。”“因为他太紧张了。”say意为“说,讲”,着重说话的内容,符合语境;speak指说某种语言。第二空表示“别人和他说话”,因此,he与speak之间存在被

8、动关系;由“he didnt”可知,时态为一般过去时,因此,第二空应用一般过去时的被动语态。故选B。 答案:B,10(2013河南)If you want to change the world, you have to _ yourself first. Aenjoy Bcheck Chelp Dchange 解析:考查动词辨析。句意为“如果你想改变这个世界,首先你不得不改变你自己”。enjoy“享受”;check“检查”;help“帮助”;change“改变”。根据语境中的change the world和first可知答案为D项。 答案:D,11(2013烟台)My bike is br

9、oken. Could you help me to _? Afix it up Bset it up Cmake it up Dput it up 解析:考查动词短语的辨析。句意为“我的自行车坏了,你能帮我修一下吗?”fix up“修理”;set up“建立,设立”;make up“组成”;put up“张贴”。根据句意可知答案为A。 答案:A,12(2013江西)Anna is going on a tour of Xian, and she wants to _ Chinese history. Adream of Blearn about Clook through Dpass on

10、解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意为“Anna打算去西安旅行,她想了解中国历史”。dream of“梦想”;learn about“了解”;look through“浏览”;pass on“传递”。根据句意可知答案为B项。 答案:B,13You _ wear sports shoes when you climb a mountain. Acant Bshouldnt Cmustnt Dhave to 解析:考查情态动词用法。have tomust“必须,不得不”。 答案:D,14The baby feels _ while his mother holds him in her arms. Asa

11、ve Bsafe Csafely Dsafety 解析:句意为“婴儿的妈妈用胳膊抱着他的时候,他感到安全”。save动词,意为“节省”;safe形容词,意为“安全的”;safely副词,意为“安全地”;safety名词,意为“安全”。feel是感官动词,后常接形容词构成系表结构。故选B。 答案:B,15To protect the environment, supermarkets dont _ free plastic bags for shoppers. Atake Bshow Cprovide Dcarry 解析:句意为“为了保护环境,超市不给购物者提供免费的塑料袋”。take“带走”;

12、show“展示”;provide“提供”;carry“运送”。根据句意可知答案为C项。 答案:C,强化训练 6 动词的分类,1.(2013 安徽)I will meet Jane at the station. Please_ what time she will arrive. Acount Bchoose Ccheck Dcatch 解析:考查动词词义辨析。count“计算”;choose“选择”;check“核对,查对”;catch“抓住”。由句意可知选C。 答案:C,2(2013上海)Must I go to medical school and be a doctor like yo

13、u,Dad? No, you_, son.Youre free to make your own decision. Acant Bmustnt Cshouldnt Dneednt 解析:考查情态动词的用法。must引导的问句的否定答语要用neednt。故选D。 答案:D,3(2013连云港)Would you please see the film Iron Man 3 with me tonight, Kate? Id love to, but Ive_ Lindas invitation to dinner. Asuffered Bearned Creceived Daccepted,解

14、析:考查动词词义辨析。suffer“遭受”;earn“获得”;receive“收到”;accept“接受”。根据but可知,已经接受了赴宴的邀请。accept an invitation“接受邀请”,故选D。 答案:D,4The roof of the house needs repairing.Its raining now, youd better get something to_ rain drops. Acontrol Bcover Ccarry Dcatch 解析:考查动词辨析。catch rain drops“接住/装雨水”,符合语境。故选D。 答案:D,5(2013武汉)What does the instruction say? The colors in the dress will _ if you use hot water. Afall Bappear Crun Dshine 解析:fall“掉下;落下”;appear“显现;出现”;run“跑;褪色”;shine“发光;闪耀”。根



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