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1、 密 级: 学校代码:10075 分类号: 学 号:20090647 文学硕士学位论文 茅盾主编汉口民国日报 时期的编辑思想探析 学位申请人:李慧芳 指 导 教 师:刘 赞 教授 学 位 类 别:文学硕士 学 科 专 业:新闻学 授 予 单 位:河北大学 答 辩 日 期:二一二年六月 Classified Index: CODE: 10075 U.D.C.: NO. 20090647 A Dissertation for the Degree of M. Arts Analyze on the Newspaper-Editing Thoughts of Mao Dun During the H

2、an Kou Republic Daily Candidate: Li Huifang Supervisor: Prof.Liu Zan Academic Degree Applied for: Master of Arts Specialty: Journalism University: Hebei University Date of Oral Examination: June,2012 摘 要 I 摘 要 长期以来,茅盾以文学家而闻名于世,对他的研究也主要集中在其文学成就、文学 创作思想等方面。但究其一生,有三分之一的时间在从事编辑工作。他先后参与编辑的 报刊不下 10 余种,其中既

3、有文学类期刊和报纸的副刊等文学性较强的刊物,也有一些 新闻性较强的报刊。在主编这些报刊的过程中,茅盾的编辑理念和编辑思想也随之逐步 成型。本文以茅盾早期主编的汉口民国日报为研究对象,对茅盾这一时期的编辑工 作进行分析,从中总结出其编辑思想,并期望对当下的报刊编辑活动有所启示。 茅盾接任汉口民国日报主编后,改进了报道方式,并且在版面编排上进行了创 新。他非常重视报刊言论,在职期间发表三十多篇社论。除此之外,在白色恐怖下,能 够通过各种方式宣传党的声音,反对蒋介石的独裁,鼓舞革命士气,为工农运动做出了 很大贡献。 无论是茅盾先生强烈的读者意识,还是他谦虚认真的工作精神,都值得当代新闻工 作者学习。

4、他灵活的报道形式、文章写作的技巧,都为新闻工作者提供了有益的启示。 关键词 茅盾 汉口民国日报 编辑思想 Abstract II Abstract Mao Dun has been famous as a writer for a long time, the study on him is mainly focused on literature, but he engaged in editing work for nearly one-third time in his life. He involved in editing more than ten kinds of newspap

5、ers. In which involves some literary journals, some newspaper supplement and some news press. Mao Duns theory of editing is gradually forming in the process of editing those newspapers. The article makes “Hankou Republic Daily ” as the object of study, by studying on the period of Mao Duns editing w

6、ork, in order to summarize its editorial thoughts, and in forward to being beneficial to subsequent reporters. In his editing time, Mao Dun, as an editor, improved the way of reporting, and carried on the innovation on layout. He attached great importance on newspaper remarks, and published more tha

7、n 30 editorials in his editing time. In addition to, he has the spirit of innovation, and use a variety of methods to struggle with reactionary forces, in order to publicize the Partys voice. In short, he made outstanding contributions to the Workers and peasants movements in China. Not only the aud

8、ience awareness did he observed, but his hard working and pioneering spirit, are worth being learnt by present news reporters. It is clear that his flexible reporting style and the writing skill which beneficially inspired subsequent reporters. Keywords Mao Dun Hankou Republic Daily thoughts of edit

9、ing 目 录 III 目 录 第 1 章 绪 论1 1.1 题目的背景和来源1 1.2 研究现状2 1.3 本文的研究方法3 1.4 研究目的和意义4 第 2 章 茅盾主编汉口民国日报的历史背景6 2.1汉口民国日报的创办 6 2.2 茅盾接任汉口民国日报主编的社会背景7 第 3 章 茅盾任内汉口民国日报的变化9 3.1 报道内容的变化9 3.2 报道选题的变化 10 3.3 宣传方式的变化12 第 4 章 茅盾汉口民国日报的编辑思想15 4.1 新闻报道灵活多变,摒弃程式化15 4.2 言论至上,积极发挥舆论引导作用17 4.3 版式设计,以便于读者阅读为最高宗旨20 4.4 坚持客观报道新闻,巧用“春秋笔法”23 4.4.1 利用广告版,巧妙传递新闻信息23 4.4.2 以“启事”为外衣报道新闻内容25 第 5 章 茅盾编辑思想对当代新闻工作的借鉴作用27 5.1 突出报刊特色27 5.2 保证报道水准28 5.3 提升服务意识30 5.4 强化采编力量


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