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1、null 26 null 6 2 v ( 1 S ) Vo.l 26null No. 6null null 2006M 12 JournalofNanjingUniversity of Posts andTelecommunications( NaturalScience) Dec. 2006null null c I | : 1673null5439( 2006) 06null0043null05s 0 3 9 Q # s 0 9 Q ) 洪null 龙1, 2,朱梧槚2,王建东21.2 v 9 , 2 null 2100032.2 t bt ? v S / , 2 null 210016K

2、 null 1 :分子生物计算是当今世界科学前沿的研究热点b由于分子生物计算领域研究者的兴趣已从验证性的算法阶段开始走向实际应用,所以研究通用分子生物计算机是一件重要且有趣的事b针对报道中频繁出现的分子生物计算机a分子生物计算机的硬件和软件等基本术语,文中继承性地提出了新观点,对这些概念的讨论有益于分子生物计算机的研究与发展b文中还设计了面向不同用户的分子生物计算机逻辑层次结构,并描述了各层的作用和对各类用户的知识要求b该文认为,在分子生物计算机中,至少应有面向用户和面向专家的程序设计语言,并以求解有向 Hamilton路径为例,分别描述了这两种语言的模式b此外,在建立了一种分子生物计算机物理

3、模型之后,还对分子生物计算机结构和组成进行了较详细的讨论b这些工作使研究分子生物计算机,有了不同的方向和途径b1 o M :分子计算;层次;模型;分子处理单元 m s | : TP384null null null D S M : AH ierarchical Structure of BionullM olecular Computers and D iscussionon Basic Concepts ofM olecular ComputationHONG Long1, 2, ZHU Wunulljia2, WANG Jiannulldong21. College ofComputer,

4、 NanjingUniversity ofPosts andTelecommunications, Nanjing 210003, China2. College of Information Science and Technology, NanjingUniversity ofAeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, ChinaAbstract: Bionullmolecular computation is a hot research field in international scientific frontier. As the

5、interest inmolecular computation hasalready advanced from validating algorithms topracticalapplications, developing concepts andgeneralnullpurpose bionullmolecular computers are mi portant and interesting. This paper presented somenew perspectives onseveralbasic terms frequentlyused in the field ofm

6、olecularcomputing, such asmolecularcomputer, molecularhardwareand software, etc., which could be beneficial to the research and developmentofbionullmolecular computation. A hierarnullchical structure ofbionullmolecular computerswas also designed, and the rules of each hierarchical level and the spec

7、ificrequirements forusers atdifferent levelsweredescribe respectively. We think that it is necessary to possessusernullorientedand expertnulloriented programming languages, and thepatternsof themweredescribed in theexamples ofsolving theHamnullilton Path Problem. Additionally, after establishing the

8、physicalmodelofbionullmolecular computers, the detailed architecnullture and organization of these computerswere discussed. The concept ofhierarchical structure provides different direcnulltions andways to study thebionullmolecularcomputer.K ey words:Molecular computation; H ierarchy; Mode;l Molecul

9、arprocessing elementnull null l : 2006null01null17 :S E null $ ? Z ? (G1999032701)aS E 1 S ( 60273037) 1null null 1994M , Adleman DNAs 0 % _ Hamilton 5 1, V 9 S NP 5 ? DNAs 0 T % , H 9 e 3 d 9 ? bAdleman L T W S = S i , DNA RNA s 0 9 ,i y H ,s 0 3 9 | 1 C L i O 0 9 B R b - ,s 0 9 E ! 9 aDNA9 Z X | T

10、 ( n D 2# ), , Y s 0 3 9 1 a ! 9 ,s 0 9 F 3- 4 3 9 d 59 $ # b D 3 4 s 0 9 q a q Q bK , Benenson B V 3 k a y . 0 Z Z s0 9 6,i s k - F l % h M y F F 0 - M , s0 9 T b S s 0 9 5 X V E 7 S , , , , , , , , , , , , ; null /* * /null null null endnull null goa:l null null null null null /* 9 S * /null null

11、null Ham ilton_path( 0, 6); null null /* f ,V U 1 s B H V0 6 Hamilton * /null null null output(Ham ilton_path). null null null null /* f * /ends 0 3 9 , 0 9 44 2 v ( 1 S )null null null null null null null null null null 2006M null ! ! : null 0- 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6 , 5 s bV V A , 1 s 0 3 Z M b3 E e s 0 3 E 3 9 Q b9 V ! 9 B _ E ,L = L 3 E AnullB iomb AnullBiom % - Hamilton 5 / :/* AnullB iom language* /SURFACEnull null null /* V Z T * /M AKE V(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) /* b


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