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1、【精品】爱立信薪酬体系内部培训资料 Ericsson Compensation & Benefit爱立信薪酬体系 Ericsson Compensation & Benefit爱立信薪酬体系 What are Ericssons business measurements?爱立信业务的衡量尺度?(它随着公司业务的转变而变化,去年可能是净销售额、客户满意度、现金流,今年则是订单数量和应收帐款等) The business measurements decide the c&B strategy 业务的衡量尺度决定公司薪酬体系的战略(如奖励机制中目标的制定直接与业务战略相关) Why HR nee

2、d to look at money?人力资源为什么向“钱”看? How to build HR management into business process?如何把HRM建立到业务流程? Key elements of HR operation人力资源运作的关键要素 Motivation characteristics of Successful Companies 成功企业激励机制的特点 Compensation & Benefit薪酬体系 仁者见仁,智者见智的薪酬体系 Factors to be considered in C&B Strategy 薪酬战略的考虑因素 C&B Obj

3、ectives 薪酬目标 Attract 吸引 Retain 保留 Motivate 激励 Key Elements of C&B 薪酬福利的关键要素 IPE (International Position Evaluation) System 国际职位评估系统 C&B Package 薪酬内容 Performance Management 绩效管理 Factor 1: Impact 影响力 Factor 2: Communication 沟通 Factor 3: Innovation 创新精神 Factor 4: Knowledge 知识技能 C&B Package Designing Pr

4、inciples 薪酬设计原则 Externally competitive 外部竞争力 Internally equitable 内部公平性 Cost Affordable & Appropriate 成本承受力及合理性 Understandable 员工及公司的认同性 Efficient to administer 便于操作 Externally Competitive 外部竞争力 Select competitors. 选定竞争对手 Select the appropriate type of survey 选择适当的市场调查 Determine current market posit

5、ion 了解目前在市场上的位置 Set target on Market positioning 设定市场定位目标 (e.g. 25P, 50P, 75P or 90P) Adjust C&B policies accordingly 相关薪酬政策调整 Example1:Market Survey Data Analysis 举例1:市场调查数据分析 Example2:Market Survey Data Analysis 举例2:市场调查数据分析 Salary Structure Setting 工资结构的设定 Incentive vs Guaranteed Pay奖金与固定薪酬的比重 In

6、centive Objectives Setting 奖金目标的设定 -Sales Incentive销售奖金 Turn Over(order booking, net sales) 营业额(定单,净销售额) Market Share市场份额 Cash Flow现金流 Product Mix产品组合 Based on 5 business perspectives of financial, customer, employee, innovation, internal efficiency, Y2K 基于财务、客户、员工、创新、效率等5个方面,以及Y2K。 25% of financial

7、 objectives, 75% of KPIs with financial & non-financial 须至少有25%为财务指标 No restrictions on number of objectives 对目标的设定无数量限制。 When To Have PD Discussion? 何时进行个人发展谈话? First quarter of the year 每年的第一季度 6 months after new employee on board(Objective can be set once employee on board) 新员工入职后的6个月(目标设定可于员工入职后

8、即完成) Employee status change 员工情况变化时 Promotion升职 Demotion 降职 Transfer 工作调转 . Step 1Review Job Description 回顾工作描述Step 2Set Objective/Goals - SMART 设定SMART目标Step 3Set Standards and Measurement设定衡量标准Step 4Discuss Competence Profile 讨论技能要求Step 5Individual Development Plan 设定个人发展计划 Training 培训 Coaching an

9、d Feedback 教练、反馈 Counseling咨询 Review 审核 Coaching & Feedback 教练、反馈 Good Communication Skill 良好的沟通技巧 Coaching教练 Coaching is the following up of feedback, incl. Solving the problem and action plan. 教练是对反馈的跟进, 包括解决问题及行动计划等。 Feedback: The IDEAL State 给予反馈的理想状态 F=Frequent 时常 A=Accurate 准确 S=Specific明确具体 T

10、=Timely 及时 What to be appraised? 评估什么 Results & achievements 工作结果评估 Objectives 目标 Responsibilities/key results areas 职责 Performance factors 表现因素评估 Attitude in performing 工作态度 Competence 能力 Five Levels of Performance 绩效的五个等级 Performance Appraisal 绩效评估 Rating and Weighting 分值与权重 The overall rating of

11、Performance Appraisal should derive from both rating of objectives/responsibilities and performance factors. 表现评估的最终结果来自目标/职责及表现因素的评估。 Weighting 权重: Objectives/Responsibilities = 60% 目标/职责占60% Performance factors = 40% 表现因素占40% Performance appraisal 绩效评估 . Initiative 主动性 . Problem solving 解决问题能力 . C

12、ustomer oriented 客户导向 . Team work 团队精神 . Communication沟通技巧 Performance Factors 表现因素Examples 例如: 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 90P 75P 50P 25P IPE Annual Total Cash - One Companys position in the market 公司在市场上的位置 Internally Equitab

13、le 内部公平性 Base Pay - Systematic Salary Structure 基本工资 - 系统的工资结构 Variable Pay - based on Co.s achievement. 浮动奖金 - 与公司业绩挂钩 Benefits - secure program for every employee 福利计划 - 为每位员工提供保障 Stock Options - to retain & motivate key contributors 股票期权 - 保留和激励关键员工 Performance Management - Standard measurements

14、绩效管理 - 统一的衡量标准 Internal equity is reflected in the following areas : 内部公平性反映在以下方面: Cost Affordable & Appropriate 成本承受力及合理性 - Financial Analysis 费用的管理 C&B Cost Forecast - decides if its affordable 薪酬费用预算 - 决定公司是否有能力支付 OPEX Forecast - decides if its appropriate and acceptable by Management 营运成本与净销售额的比

15、值(OPEX)的预算 - 决定薪酬是否合理,并能 为管理层所接受 Understandable 员工及公司的认同性 Win-Win Principle 双赢原则 Employees create value for Company 员工为公司创造价值 Company provides employees competitive compensation and helps employees to achieve individual objectives. 公司为员工提供有竞争性的薪酬并帮助员工实现个人目标。 Efficient Communication 有效的沟通 Efficient to administer 便于操作 Negative Example : 负面例子: Base Salary Setting 基本工资设定 Salary Structure Setting 工资结构的设定 Salary revision 调薪 实例1: abc = Mid-Point Progression 中值变化 a1 - a2= Range Spread 幅度范围 s1 - s2



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