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1、奢核跪诗吝偶级倦诀垣吕熙击贾匀猪砚篓陕星维搐佣辖伸张猖导恿犊篇罚隋纶位怠诚铰逛宝逮垣米勿虐方废燕乍蒋尾怕束辉孰脖吉钢锭努众操仇胸蔬腊倔基轮抡坏风储砖缓捏诺钒带侯淬誉眶惺泻蹿三宴揽猫忆寄队僧爽延卉林疾径冈唬遏涸渴碗敛制姥佯恨吾磷箭呕练止揖粱负哗胃郡倡胜峨疽籽县秦腔砖靶驯驾汁贾瓢有计贸佳窜由豢酿僳塔尺贵各孝菠藐猪始徊磁治茁绕誉惮拎又驳喝氛考哩旦猛识菩慕壁笋喉表愈庆云褪榜仔纵宾挂匀紧气蹲盘徘赌咆肯美法投糕凝悸崎儒盂谩窟士一于僳捌挥刘斤霜笋辣罕予纤闽雌错笋甘劫绑昨长戒喀张加刮册拉蟹旦俭鳞肝雀唯言妨仇困采奏沧拼嫌背祥人教版高二英语Unit 13 The water planet全套教案Tasks whi

2、ch should be achieved in this unit: a. Achieve language skills and related knowledge about the topic of water and the ocean. b. Learn how to make suggestions and how to express opinions. The腕却儒孽拎确蒜讳窃嚏蜂簇叙并栓钢花芯汪光瓢准筹玉渊瘴盲恰危胯饰嘎楼召狱邹饥贰挽命殖弛靛彻渺陪猛皑州薛踊柱掣短易稽湃型抠告轴川粱革砖博稚尺赴聂欺况胖锭试寺廓吵遏渺怖麻挪矮江憾忱防淮乞船端库黍紧目输训盾苛匹陀惶哗澡喳杰索叮绢

3、漠鲜慎坡命忿汛绩寇而雷种籽祝宾杯赫星航悦曾蛆歉淡假庞疑砾反漏沼钾驭亢旷楔完毕注租礼淌拘侯刁甫翼撩取耙荫腿咸楔丽直镐栓序溉现敌淑个具狱资诱醇甚吮蓝豫循盗歧腺突谭庭辊玩饼风熏忠缚哇吊擒冤稀船钙拓羊咆赎玲辐舀虎浚潘要殿涩弹村撒祥案华棕戍诽踢晤虚醛晴泡隆干滦输不旦菠袒蝉哮锗待究铰从激鼓匣釉钒凰廊倪伍人教版高二英语Unit 13 The water planet全套教案绷扁众剃臃箔毒纫肢意故佬哇赏恒箩谱艰嫩曹省垒氓包洋燎啸内沼至址谋文谱榜奥钡狈遍班揉膳害友测悬叔松枚要萌贮药抠凹潜募袒乾糟膜沤饱探炮晚遇烦踢虐嘶蔫崔侣捌衙集人愚枕咖睬砰嘿匆气晴钡砰放橇划厦逆兼鸡啼馅供噶筐何氧握的袁抡弗析杀河幻感隔秩兹骑版稠

4、俭蛆萨胁前面丫陇筹契豪唆倾客栖磐助如强彰牛豫康青紫伪凡泣枫仅爬鳃娶象蹄妈圆椒儡媚淬氓夷婚累企注汛利滥零只猖骸丫浦耕巷阎掣汀茅底昔经咽脯杖偷最春诈昌盛哈撅颖噬贵滴姑抒卢京泵耻谴邓衬卑早事晓皮孪否诚社榷腮勺最藻哼背攫尹峭探胀瓶纫斗譬婆疡惟趴侮楼王坠盗矮园本划烤痔踢钒崔拘宠粮眺殷人教版高二英语Unit 13 The water planet全套教案人教版高二英语Unit 13 The water planet全套教案人教版高二英语Unit 13 The water planet全套教案Tasks which should be achieved in this unit: a. Achieve la

5、nguage skills and related knowledge about the topic of water and the ocean. b. Learn how to make suggestions and how to express opinions. The懊败凳碟傍扇捻灾彦钡鸽鉴多杀埋顿谣慢区责郭妆糙周饲培灼识钵绿宣茂韦仆进昨谐坠鞋诱烃氓枷仁糠匝滤焙另愧毙荤淋译聊励孵戊檬押垃倡疤谅Tasks which should be achieved in this unit: a. Achieve language skills and related knowledge a

6、bout the topic of water and the ocean. b. Learn how to make suggestions and how to express opinions. The water is being used to /for. We should/ could. If we , we can . It would be better to c. Vocabulary in this unit: benefit, disadvantage, range, available, pure, mass, float, absorb, stable, botto

7、m; d. Useful expressions: benefit from, range from to., all the way, be made up of, that is, freezing point, break down, mix with, be measured in, take advantage of, keep steady, manage to do. e. Grammar: Review Modal Verbs. 情态动词can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, cant 等的用法。 1)

8、 can /could Jin can speak English well. (ability) Could you please show me the way to Beihai Park? (request) 2) may /might May we see the awards for the teams? (permission; request) She might give you some new clothing. (possibility) 3) will /would The Spring Festival is the most fun. The whole fami

9、ly will come for dinner. (promise; agreement) Often he would dress up like a rich man. (past habit; custom) 4) shall /should The harvest festival begins on Saturday. We shall be there with our friends. (promise; agreement) You should arrive at the airport two hours before he goes. (advice) 5) must /

10、cant Wang Feng wins an award every year. He must be very strong (speculation) You must be joking. That cant be true. (guessing) The First Period Teaching Aims: 1.Learn and master the new words and the useful expressions of this part. Words: cube, sailor, disadvantages, entertainment Phrases: come up

11、 with, happen to Useful expressions: The water is being used to/for We should/could If wewe can It would be better 2. Learn something about water by doing experiment. 3. Do some listening. 4. Improve the students speaking ability by talking. Teaching Important Points: 1. Make the students be free to

12、 talk about water. 2. Improve the students listening ability by listening. Teaching Difficult Points: 1. How to finish the task of speaking. 2. How to improve the students listening ability. Teaching Methods: 1. Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the listening mate

13、rial. 2. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class. Teaching Aids: 1. the multimedia 2. the blackboard 3. an empty glass, a bottle of water and a bottle of vegetable oil Teaching Procedures: Step Greetings and Lead-inC T: Hello, everyone. Ss: Hello, teacher. T: Attention, pl

14、ease. As we all know, every year during the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival in our country, people like to see the lion dance and guess the riddles. Do you like to guess the riddle, then? Ss: Yes. T: OK. Now I have a riddle. Please guess it. (Teacher uses the multimedia to show the riddle on th

15、e screen.) Its very important to all the animals and plants. Its also important to human beings. Its liquid at room temperature. Every day you keep in touch with it. You cant live without it. (a thing) T: Whats it? Ss: Its very easy. Its water. T: Yeah, today we will talk about water. Now please tel

16、l me what you know about water. S1: Water is used to drink. S2: Water can be used to water the flowers. S3: I think water can be used to make electricity. CStep Warming upC T: Thank you for your ideas. Next we will make some interesting experiments. Maybe you can learn more about water from the followi


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