中考英语复习 形容词(共54张)

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1、形容词,形容词主要用来描述和修饰名词或代词,说明其性质、状态和大小、形状、颜色等具体特征。,语法,作定语,常置于被修饰词的前面 He is a good actor. 2. 作表语,置于连系动词后面 The baby is still asleep. Will you please make less noise? 宝宝还在睡觉,你小声点好吗? 3. 作宾语补足语,置于宾语后面 Have you got everything ready for the meeting? 你为这次会议做好准备了吗?,形容词作定语一般放在被修饰的名词之前。 如果有两个或两个以上的形容词修饰一个名词时,则由它们和被

2、修饰的名词之间的密切程度而定,越密切的形容词越靠近名词。 如果几个形容词的密切程度差不多则按音节少的形容词放在前面,音节多的形容词放在后面。,alive, afraid, awake, alone, asleep等表语形容词作定语需后置。,Who is the greatest man alive? 谁是当今最伟大的人物? The baby still asleep might be awake very soon. 还在熟睡的婴儿可能马上就会醒来。,仔细观察下面句子,你能找到有关形容词的规律吗?,英语单词中something, anything, nothing等不定代词被形容词修饰时,形容

3、词放在不定代词后面。,I have something important to tell you. 我有重要的事要告诉你。 Is there anything interesting in the film? 电影里有什么有趣的内容吗? There is nothing dangerous here. 这儿一点都不危险。,仔细观察下面句子,你能找到有关形容词的规律吗?,away,long,wide,high,deep,old等词附有数量词语说明时需后置。,The road is about 50 metres wide. 这条路大约50米宽。 The river is 30 metres d

4、eep. 这条河30米深。,仔细观察下面句子,你能找到有关形容词的规律吗?,形容词+介词短语或不定式短语作定语需后置。,He is a man full of energy. 他是一个充满活力的人。 The music pleasant to listen to interests me. 这动听的音乐使我感兴趣。,仔细观察下面句子,你能找到有关形容词的规律吗?,用and或or连接的两个意义相反的形容词作定语需后置。,She has a family, happy and rich. 他有一个幸福美满的家庭。 A country, big or small, should be equal.

5、国不论大小应该平等。,仔细观察下面句子,你能找到有关形容词的规律吗?,形容词作表语位于连系动词之后。,The weather here is very pleasant. 这里的天气很宜人。 Your mother looks very well. 你妈妈看起来很健康。,仔细观察下面句子,你能找到有关形容词的规律吗?,形容词作宾语补足语,位于宾语之后。,The news made her mother very angry. 这消息使她妈很生气。 I found the story very interesting. 我觉得这个故事很有趣。,仔细观察下面句子,你能找到有关形容词的规律吗?,形容

6、词或形容词词组作状语使用时,可房子句首、句中或句尾。,Tired and hungry, he returned home. 他又累又饿地回到家里。 He went home, full of fear. 他满心恐惧地回到家里。,仔细观察下面句子,你能找到有关形容词的规律吗?,a big round black new wooden French table 一张新的大而圆的法国黑色木桌子。 a famous German medical school 一所德国著名的医学院 some green eating apples 一些绿色食用的苹果 a beautiful tall young Br

7、itish policemen 这些年轻高大的英国警察 a pretty purple silk dress the boys little nice red toy,仔细观察下面例子,你能找到有关形容词的规律吗?,多个形容词修饰名词的大体顺序是: 限定 描绘 大(小) 长 (短) 高 (低) 形状 年龄 新 (旧) 老 (少) 颜色 国籍 出处 材料 作用 类别等 +名词,下面顺口溜有助于你记忆: 限观形龄颜国材-县官行令宴国才,例如:There is a small old black wooden desk in my room. 在我的房间里有一个又小又旧的黑色木桌。 His livi

8、ng room is decorated with a large green Chinese carpet. 他的起居室里装饰着绿色的中国大地毯。,形容词有些有两种形式,即比较级,表示“比较”和最高级,表示“最”,与之相对的形容词本身称为原级。 这三种形式总起来称为形容词的比较级别。,形容词的比较级用于两个人或事物的比较,最高级用于三个或三个以上人或事物的比较。形容词的比较级和最高级是在形容词的原级形式的基础上变化的,可分为规则变化和不规则变化。,规则变化,词尾 + er,词尾 + est,taller,tallest,smaller,smallest,把y改成i + er,+ st,nic

9、er,nicest,finer,nicest,把y改成i + est,prettier,+ r,easier,prettiest,easiest,双写最后一个辅音字母 + est,slimmer,slimmest,bigger,biggest,双写最后一个辅音字母 + er,前面 + more,前面 + most,more beautiful,more important,most beautiful,most important,better,best,worse,worst,不规则变化,less,least,more,most,older/elder,oldest/eldest,farth

10、er/ further,farthest/ furthest,funnier,funniest,better,happier,best,happiest,more interesting,most interesting,larger,largest,smarter,smartest,thinner,thinnest,Complete the table below.,其他,有些形容词没有比较级和最高级,只有原级一种形式:,whole asleep correct excellent double perfect alive enough junior alone right senior a

11、wake wrong complete favorite total,形容词比较级的用法,形容词的比较级用于两个人或事物的比较,其结构形式如下:,She is shorter than I am. My book is more interesting than his book.,主语 + 谓语(系动词) + 形容词比较级 + than + 对比成分。,形容词最高级的用法,形容词最高级用于三个或三个以上的人或物进行比较,其结构形式为:,This is the biggest apple I have ever met. She is the best student in her class

12、.,主语 + 谓语(系动词) + the + 形容词最高级 + 名词 + 表示范围的短语或从句,as + adj. + as的用法,as . as 意为“和一样”,表示同级的比较。其基本结构为:as + adj. + as,1. She is as slim as I am. 2. Amy is as tall as Peter. 3. This film is as interesting as that one.,Can you guess the meaning of the following sentences? Could you figure out the usage of “

13、asas”?,as + adj. + as的否定形式为: not as + adj. + as,This dictionary is not as useful as you think. Amy is not as tall as Peter.,as + adj. + as的用法,The book is no better than that one. 2. This book is not better than that one. 3. He is no more careful than Jack. 4. He is not more careful than Jack.,Can yo

14、u guess the meaning of the following sentences?,这本书和那本书一样不好。,这本书不及那本书好。,他和杰克一样不细心。,他不象杰克那样细心。,no+比较级+than 和一样不 not+比较级+than 不象那样,1. More and more people are using the Internet. 2. The earth is getting warmer and warmer. 3. China is becoming more and more beautiful. 4. The busier he is, the happier h

15、e feels.,Can you guess the meaning of the following sentences?,地球变得越来越暖和。,越来越多的人在使用互联网。,中国变得越来越美丽。,他越忙越高兴。,more and more +名词 越来越多的 比较级+and+比较级(单音节) 越来越 more and more +adj. 原级(多音节) 越来越 the+比较级,the+比较级 越(就)越,1. This room is 3 times as large as that one. 3 times the size of,Can you guess the meaning of

16、 the following sentences?,这房间是那房间的3倍大。,2. My desk is 4 times as long as yours 4 times the length of,我的桌子是你桌子的四倍长。,基数词+times as + adj.原级+as the+名词+of 是的倍,1. This room is 3 times larger than that one. larger than that one by 3 times.,Can you guess the meaning of the following sentences?,这房间比那房间大3倍。,2. My desk is 4 times longer than yours. longer th



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