英语人教版本九年级全册unit 14 section a 1a-2d

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1、,Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.,人教版 九年级下册,Look at the following pictures,what do they remind you of?,Well, junior high school days are over. Do you have any special memories?,winning a prize,being a volunteer,a friend helping me with a problem,doing a school survery,1b,b.,a.,d.,c.

2、,Listen and match the memory with the person.,n. 标准;水平,winning a basketball competition.,putting a plastic snake into a classmates desk.,getting a wish card on Christmas Day.,n. 一排; 一列; 一行,learned to sing many English songs.,learned to play basketball with my friends.,n. 键盘式电子乐器; 键盘,ever got full ma

3、rks,Memories and experiences,language poits,1. encourage vt. 1). 鼓励;怂恿 She encouraged him to talk to her. 她鼓励他与她交谈。 2). 促进,助长;激发 Dont encourage her laziness by doing things for her. 别替她做事,这会助长她的懒惰。,2. At junior high school, I remember a friend helping me with a problem. 在中学时,我记得一个朋友曾经帮助我解决问题。 help s

4、b. with sth. “帮助某人干某事”。 例如: Lucy often helps her mother with housework on Sunday. 露西星期天经常帮助她妈妈做家务,help 构成的短语: help oneself 自助, (进餐时) 自己取用 cant help doing sth. 禁不住做某事 with the help of 在的帮助下 例如: Children, help yourselves to some fruits. 孩子们,请随便吃些水果吧。 I couldnt help crying. 我忍不住哭了。 With the help of the

5、 neighbors, the fire was at last brought under control. 在邻居们的帮助下,火势终于被控制住了,3. remember losing a schoolbag full of homework. 记得丢失了装满作业的书包。,remember doing sth. (记住已做过的事) e.g. I remember reading about the earthquake in the news paper. 我记得在报纸上看到过关于这次地震的消息。 remember to do(表示记住要做的事) e.g.Ill remember to ri

6、ng Bill. 我会记得给比尔打电话的。,比较: regret doing sth 表示对做过的事表示遗憾、懊悔; regret to do sth 表示对要做的事表示遗憾、懊悔。 For exampe: I regretted _(talk) back to mum in the past . I regretted _(tell)you a piece of bad news .,talking,to tell,_Someone didnt like P.E. _Someone was advised to take a break from running by a teacher.

7、_Someone had a health problem. _Someone joined the school band. _Someone liked Mr. Hunts teaching methods.,Listen to the conversation. Check () the facts you hear.,n. 方法; 措施,advise sb to do=sb be advised to do ; advise doing 比较:allow sb to do =sb be allowed to do; allow doing,2c,Role-play a conversa

8、tion in your group using the information in 2a and 2b.,Do you remember Mr. Hunt?,Of course! Hes a great teacher. He gave really clear instructions during the P.E. class.,n. 指示; 命令,Yeah, he was kind when I hurt my knee. He told me to take a break from running.,Do you have any special memories?,My bes

9、t memory is when Thats Life played at school. Remember we wrote a letter to the band about our dream of hearing them play, and they offered to come?,Yeah, that was so cool.,Read the conversation and answer the following questions.,1. Which teachers will they miss? 2. What subjects do the teachers te

10、ach? 3. Why will they miss them? 4. What will they do to thank them?,2d,2d,Role-play the conversation.,Which teachers will you miss the most after junior high school, Clara?,Ms. Lee and Mr. Brown.,I know that Ms. Lee was always patient with you in math class. She helped you to work out the answers y

11、ourself no matter how difficult they were.,Yes, and Mr. Brown guided me to do a lot better in science. He always took the time to explain things to me clearly whenever I couldnt understand anything. Who will you miss?,Ms. Griffin. She encouraged me in English class. She always told me, “You can do i

12、t!” Because of her, I put in more effort and my exam scores doubled.,Shall we get each of them a card and gift to say thank you?,Good idea. Lets go shopping tomorrow!,1. I remember scoring two goals in a row during a soccer competition. 1) in a row 连续几次地; 成一排 2)a row of 一排,一行 e.g. 1. In the basketba

13、ll match ,he won prizes in a row .在篮球赛中他连续几次获奖。 2.They stood in a row to wait for me.他们站成一排等我。 3.There are rows of trees in front of the house.房屋前面有几行树。,2. I put in more effort and my exam scores doubled. double v. 加倍; 是的两倍 adj. 两倍的; 加倍的 e.g. They bought a double bed. 他们买了一张双人床。 I think we can doubl

14、e our marks in one year. 我认为我们可以在一年内把成绩翻一番。,3. Shall we get each of them a card and gift to say thank you? shall modal v. 将要; 将会(多用于第一人称) e.g. Shall we all go to the film tonight? 我们今晚都去看电影吗? I shall follow all your instructions. 我一定照您的指示去做。,Homework 1. Recite the conversation in 2d. 2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.,Thanks!,


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