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1、重庆初中英语学科简报第四期 2012年6月1日 主编:杨晓钰,杨涛 编者:柯燕萍,陈小琴,严思妹,赵月娥 Without grammar, very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed. Wilkins (1972)Learning strategies and teaching vocabulary 1. What does knowing a word involve? 1) Word meaning: basic/literal meaning, meaning in the contex

2、t, and sense relations (synonyms, antonyms, hyponyms etc.). 2) Word use: a. collocation b. metaphor and idiom c. style and register(语体和语域) 3) Word formation: affixation, compounding, blending and clipping, etc.4) Word grammar5) Active and passive words (积极词汇和消极词汇)2. Why are words forgotten?The impli

3、cation for teaching vocabulary: sufficient recycling and review regularly.提高单词的复现率和经常复习。3. What are common strategies used for vocabulary learning? The table is concluded from language learning strategies, written by Oxford (2008).StrategiesSpecific content Memory strategies(记忆策略)1. Create mental li

4、nkage: grouping, association, placing new words into a context2. Applying images and sounds: using imagery, semantic mapping 3. Reviewing well4. Employ actionCognitive strategies(认知策略)1. Practicing: repeating (imitation,), recombining(making sentence)2.Receiving and sending messages: using resources

5、(dictionaries, Internet, etc.) for receiving and sending messages3. Analyzing and reasoning: translation, analyzing contrastively (across languages)Compensation strategies(补偿策略)Guess intelligently from context (by word formation or sense relations )Social strategies(交际策略)Ask teacher or peers for hel

6、p4. How can we apply these strategies to teaching vocabulary? (Which strategies do the following tasks illustrate? You may discuss with your partner.)Task 1 Please send us homeTask 2 Labeling Task 3 BrainstormingTask 4 Create a song to remember new word.Task 5 Use new words to make stories.英语课程标准中对学


8、会;8积极参与课内外英语学习活动。交际策略1在课内外学习活动中能够用英语与他人交流;2善于抓住用英语交际的机会;3在交际中,把注意力集中在意思的表达上;4在交际中,必要时借助手势、表情等进行交流;5交际中遇到困难时,有效地寻求帮助;6在交际中注意到中外交际习俗的差异。资源策略1注意通过音像资料丰富自己的学习;2使用简单工具书查找信息;3注意生活中和媒体上所使用的英语;4能初步利用图书馆或网络上的学习资源。1. 英语教学中单词的归类对比余丽 英语单词和汉语的对比。学生初学英语,几乎总是自觉不自觉地进行英汉对比。这就需要教师因势利导,帮助学生正确理解掌握单词的含义和用法。这可从词义和词性两个方面着

9、手。比较词义:英语与汉语是两种完全不同的语言,词义很难等同,而学生往往把与汉语字词与相应的英语单词机械地套用,出现“ see a book”(看书)、“kick football”(踢足球)这样的错误。在教学中引导学生比较英汉词义的不同,可使学生正确理解单词本意,尽快摆脱母语的干扰。比较词性:英汉词性格有异同,有时用法差异很大。如汉语动词可直接用作名词充当主语,而英语中必须用其动词的非谓语形式。再如汉语中常成对地使用“因为.&127;.所以.”、“虽然.但是.”这样的连词,而英语中because和so、though和but则不可连用,必须去掉其中一个。通过对比可使学生分清其中的从属连词、并列连

10、词、副词的区别、避免类似错误。当然,单词的英汉对比不能孤立地进行,要在句子中才能取得较好效果。2. 巧记英语单词的方法周黎英文单字不要用背的,最好用记的!背=死记,通常都是一直读一直写,这很容易忘记!记=熟记,是稍微动动脑筋想一下。例如 Nobel (诺贝尔)是一位瑞典的化学家,曾发明火药,依据其遗嘱设立诺贝尔奖。获得诺贝尔奖的人(如我国*博士),他们的身分都很尊贵(noble)。记英文单字除字根字首记忆法外,要多用谐音与联想谐音与联想有博君一笑(会心一笑)的妙用。例如noise(n.噪音),它的发音类似挪椅子。我们在挪椅子的时候,总会发出刺耳的噪音。记英文单字要举一反三,一网打尽!noise

11、(n.噪音)的词类变化:noisy(a.吵杂的),noisily(ad.吵杂地);同义字或相反字.记英文单字,要走到那里就看到那里!“落花水面皆文章,四面八方学英文”,在公共场所、招牌广告、图书馆的标语都有中英对照。还有一些日用品的说明也都有中英说明, 尽量让自己处在英文的环境中。还可以将手机模式调整为英文模式, 电脑的应用程式版本也改为英文版本。记英文单字,最好随身携带电子辞典!电子辞典携带方便又快速,碰到不会的生难字词,就马上查一下。Confusing namesDeasle: Whats the 2nd students name.PABLO: Im not talking about

12、the 2nd student, I want to know the 1st student.PABLO: The 1st student.Deasle: Who?PABLO: The 1st kid.Deasle: Who is the 1st student.PABLO: WHAT ARE YOU ASKING ME FOR?! Im asking YOU! Deasle: Im not asking you, Im telling you. Who is the 1st student.PABLO: Who?Deasle: Yes.PABLO: UGH. Look, all I wan

13、t to know it, whats 1st students name?Deasle: Whats the 2nd students name.PABLO: I dont knowDeasle: Hes 3rd, were not talking about him.PABLO: WHAT IS THE 1ST STUDENTS NAME?Deasle: What is the SECOND students name.PABLO: Im not asking you whos 2nd.Deasle: Whos 1st.PABLO: I dont know Deasle: Hes 3rd, were not talking about him.PABLO: Now, why are you talking about the 3rd student?



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