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1、第5章 滚动轴承的公差与配合 Chapter 5 The tolerances and fits of antifriction bearings,GB/T 4199-2003 滚动轴承 公差 定义 Antifriction bearings tolerance definitions GB/T 6930-2002 滚动轴承 词汇 Antifriction bearings vocabularies GB/T 307.4-2005 滚动轴承 推力轴承 公差 Antifriction bearings thrust bearings tolerance GB/T 307.1-2003 滚动轴承

2、向心轴承 公差 Antifriction bearings radial bearings tolerance,滚动轴承的精度等级及应用 The accuracy classes and applications of antifriction bearings 滚动轴承与 轴和壳体孔的配合 The fits that antifriction bearings fit with shafts and shell holes,分类 Classify 安装形式 Installation form 滚动轴承的公差等级及应用 The tolerance grades and applications

3、 of antifriction bearings 滚动轴承的内、外径公差带的特点 The characteristics of antifriction bearings inradium and external diameter tolerance zone., 滚动轴承的作用 The functions of antifriction bearings 支承旋转轴 Bear rotation axis 减少轴与支承部件之间的摩擦力 Reduce the friction force between shaft and supporting component,传动支承的标准部件 Sta

4、ndardized components which have the functions of transferring motions and bearing.,5.1 概述 Summary,5.1 概述 Summary, 特点 Features 滚动轴承是一种标准件Antifriction bearing is a kind of standard component 有内外两种互换性 There are in and out two kinds of interchangeability 滚动轴承的精度要求很高 The required precisions of antifricti

5、on bearings are very high.,5.1 概述 Summary, 滚动轴承的结构 The structures of antifriction bearings,内圈 Inner ring,保持架Holder,滚动体Rolling element,外圈Outer ring,5.1 概述 Summary, 安装形式 Installation forms 外圈与箱体上轴承座配合.内圈与旋转轴颈配合 Housing washer fits with the bearing block which is on the cabinet. Inner ring fits with th

6、e journal of the rotation axis. 通常为过渡配合 It usually to be transition fit 考虑到运动过程中轴会受热变形延伸,一端轴承应能够作轴向调节;调节好后应轴向锁紧。Considering that shaft will be heated so becoming deformed and extended in motor process.So one end bearing should be adjustable on axial direction.After being adjusted it should be locked

7、 on axial direction.,5.1 概述 Summary,深沟球轴承 6200 d=10mm Deep groove ball bearing 6200,5.1 概述 Summary,5.1 概述 Summary,5.2 公差等级 Tolerance grades,GB/T307.1-2005滚动轴承 向心轴承 公差 Antifriction bearing Radial bearing Tolerance GB/T307.4-2002滚动轴承 推力轴承 公差 Antifriction bearing Thrust bearing Tolerance,基本尺寸公差 旋转精度 Ba

8、sic size tolerance Rotational accuracy,公差等级 Tolerance grades,轴承内外圈的径向跳动公差 The radical run-out tolerance of bearings inner and outer ring. 轴承内、外圈的端面对内孔轴线的跳动公差等 The run-out tolerance that the end faces of bearings inner and outer rings face to inner holes axis.,公差等级分为五级:Tolerance grades are divided in

9、to five classes,标注例:6200 /p6 Label case,2、4、5、6(6x)、0,最精密级 Most precision class,中等 精度等级 Middle accuracy class,普通级 Normal class,超精密级 Ultra precision class,精密级 Precision class,凡属普通级的轴承,一般在轴承型号上不标注公差等级代号 For each ordinary lass bearing.The tolerance class grade is commonly not labeled on bearing type.,应

10、用时主要考虑以下几点:The following several points should be mainly considered when applying 机器功能对轴承部件的旋转精度要求 Machine function requirements for bearing parts rotational accuracy. 0级:用于旋转精度要求不高的一般机构中。 0 class:It is used in the common mechanisms of which rotational accuracy requirements are not very high. 6级、5级、

11、4级:用于旋转精度要求较高或转速较高的机构中。 6 class,5 class and 4 class:It is used in the mechanisms of which rotational accuracy requirements are relatively high or rotation rates are relatively high 2级:用于高精度、高转速的特别精密部件上。 2class:It is used on special precise parts with high accuracy and high rotation. 转速 rotation rate

12、,转速高 High ratation rate ,旋转轴或孔的跳动 The run-out of rotation axis or hole 振动和噪音Vibration and noise,选用精度高的轴承 Select and use the bearings with high precision accuracies, 公差带特点:上偏差为0,下偏差为负值 The features of tolerance zones:The upper deviation is 0 and lower deviation is negative value, 滚动轴承配合制: 与外圈相配合:基轴制

13、与内圈相配合:基孔制 The fit systems of antifriction bearings:Fit with outer ring: Basic shaft system Fit with outer ring: Basic bore system,5.3滚动轴承的内、外径公差带的特点 The features of internal and external diameters tolerances in antifriction bearings,部分向心轴承dm和Dm的极限值 The limit values of partial radial bearing dm and

14、Dm,例:已知轴承的基本尺寸如图所示。根据实际工况采用 6级向心轴承,试画出轴承孔轴公差带。Examples:It is known that the bearings basic sizes are as shown in the figure. Adopting 6 class radial bearings according to actual working conditions and try to draw bearings hole and shaft tolerance zones.,+ 0 -,+ 0 -,90,50,es=0,ES=0,ei=-13,EI=-10, 轴承公

15、差带标注 The labeling of bearing tolerance zones,外壳孔 Outer shell holes,旋转轴颈 Pivot journal,5.4 滚动轴承与轴和壳体孔的配合 The fits that antifriction bearings fit with shafts and shell holes,1. 轴颈和外壳孔的公差带 The tolerance zones that axle journals fit outer shell holes 2. 滚动轴承配合的选择 The selections of antifriction bearings

16、fits,轴颈和外壳孔的公差带 The tolerance zones of axle journals and outer shell holes,GB/T307.1- 2005 滚动轴承 向心轴承 公差 Antifriction bearing Radial bearing Tolerance GB/T1801 - 1999 极限与配合 公差带和配合的选择 limit and fit The selection of tolerance zone and fit, 轴承内圈与轴配合的常用公差带关系 The common tolerance zones relationships that bearings inner ring fits with shaft,过渡配合 过盈配合 k5 k6 m5 m6 Transition



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