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1、English for Railway Service 乘务英语教学,High-speed Beijing-Tianjin railway opens,铁路客运英语,Conversation 会话 A. On the train 在列车上,语法: 时间表达法: 1、直接表示法 eight seventeen(8:17) 2、past , to表示法 Seventeen past eight(8:17),B. On the train 在列车上,the Forbidden City 故宫 the Great Wall 长城 the Temple of Heaven 天坛 the Summer P

2、alace 颐和园 Souls Retreat Temple 灵隐寺 Six Harmonies Pagoda 六和塔,单词和短语,freight n. 货物、货运 supervisor n. 监督人、管理人 crew n. 全体人员(职员) personnel n. 人员、职员 direction n. 指导 coordinate v. 使协调 activity n. 活动、工作 communicate v. 沟通、通信 engineer n. 工程师、火车司机 dispatcher n. 调度员,单词和短语,coordinate sth. /sth.with sb. 协作某事 (同某人协作

3、某事) in charge of 负责 freight train 货车 passenger train 客车 train crew 列车乘务组 on board 车载 under his direction 在某人的指挥下 communicate with 与取得联系,一、问候语,Good morning . 您好!(早上好) Good afternoon. 您好!(下午好) Good evening. 您好!(晚上好) How do you do? Nice to meet you. 见到您很高兴。 Glad to meet you. Pleased to meet you.,二、欢迎语,

4、Welcome to our train. 欢迎乘坐本次列车。 Welcome aboard! 请上车!,Example 1:,A: Good morning! B: Good morning! Welcome aboard! A: Thank you. Its nice to be here. B: Hope you enjoy your trip.,Everyday English 日常生活用语(一),. Learn to say A. Greetings 问候 1. Welcome to China! 2. Welcome to our city! 3. Welcome to our t

5、rain! 4. Glad to take your train! 5. Glad to see you again! 6. Havent seen you for a long time. Long time no see.,Everyday English 日常生活用语(二),. Learn to say A. Thanks and Apologies 感谢和道歉 1. Its very kind of you. 2.Thank you for your help. 3. Thank you for the trouble you have taken to get me the tick

6、et. 4. Im very sorry./ Im so sorry./ Im terrible sorry. 5. Sorry, I dont quite understand you. Excuse me, I dont catch your meaning.,6. Sorry, my English is very poor, please speak more slowly. 7. Pardon? 8. I beg your pardon. Please say it once more. 9. Sorry to trouble you. 10. Sorry to have kept

7、you waiting. 11. Sorry to be in your way. 12. Sorry, the supper is not ready. 13. Sorry, the water has not boiled yet. 14. Im so sorry for what Ive said. 15. Ill try to make sure it doesnt happen again.,提醒、建议用语,Please be careful. 请小心。 Dont go far. 不要走远。 Pay attention to the departure-call. 请留心开车铃声。,

8、Why not go and have a look? 为什么不去看一看呢? Youd better go and see if its yours. 您最好去看一下是不是您的。 Dont worry. 别担心。 Take it easy. 放心好了(别着急)。 Just a moment, please. 请稍等。,三、答谢语,1、列车员答谢旅客:,Thank you very much. 非常感谢。,B. Requests 请求,1.Please tell me which train I should take for Guangzhou. 2. Wake me up at seven

9、tomorrow morning, please. 3. Will you please tell me how to check my luggage for Hangzhou? 4. I wonder if you could help me with my luggage.,四、道歉语,1、列车员向旅客道歉: Im sorry. 或 Sorry. 对不起。 Excuse me. 劳驾。 I beg your pardon? 或 Pardon? 您能再说一遍吗?,Im sorry, Ill do it right away. 对不起,我马上办。 Sorry to trouble. 对不起麻

10、烦您一下。 Sorry, I dont quite understand you. 对不起,我不太明白您的意思。 Excuse me. I dont catch your meaning. 请原谅,我没有领会您的意思。,2、旅客向列车员道歉时,一般说:,Thats all right. 没关系。 It doesnt matter. Dont worry about it. 也可以说: Never mind. Its nothing.,Passenger Train Classes,旅客列车类型,Seat Classes 座位等级,There are 4 standard classes of

11、seats:,hard seat, soft seat, hard sleeper and soft sleeper.,主要内容,Seat Class 座位等级 Passenger Train Classes 旅客列车类型 Propaganda for Not Carrying Prohibited Articles 严禁携带危险品上车 Passenger Cars 客车 Up and Down 上行和下行 Beijing West Railway Station 北京西站 The Qinghai- Tibet Railway 青藏铁路 Chief Conductor 列车长 Shanghai

12、 Maglev Train 上海磁悬浮列车,Unit Three Propaganda for Not Carrying Prohibited Articles 严禁携带危险品上车,“watch for”在字典上的意思是“等待,期待”之意。若将警示牌上的英文再翻译过来,是“请等待一个安全”。所以,不妨翻译为:“Carriage conjunction, please be careful”。,“keep out”的解释是,“用于警示牌,切勿靠近(进入)”。 这个翻译成“Danger !No Touch”更准确,翻译人员将fire fight一词理所当然地翻译成“消防器材”,殊不知,这一词在英文

13、中是“交火、炮战”之意 “Fire extinguisher, please dont move it at will”才符合其中文意思。至于“safety device”二词也是完全是可以删掉的。,Garbage only, not for cigarette butt,At the booking office,1 How long will this train take to go to Beijing?这列直达快车开到北京要多久? 2 This express will go straight from Beijing to Tianjin.这列快车从北京直达天津。 3 What t

14、ime is the next train to Beijing? 下一趟去北京的车几点开?,4 Id like to have two soft berth tickets to Shanghai for tomorrow.我想买两张明天的到上海的软卧票。 (hard berth, hard seating, soft seating) OK. It comes to 1,200 yuan including service fee.好的,加上手续费一共1,200元。 5 May I have two lower berths?我可以要两张下铺吗? Sorry. We usually pai

15、r the upper and lower together to sell.对不起,我们通常上下铺搭配在一起卖。,Checking-in and boarding 检票上车,1.Where do I board the train? First you go to the waiting room. The notice board will tell you which waiting room you need for your train.公告板上有你要乘坐车次的候车室编号。 2.In the waiting room you can access several platforms.候车室可以通向好几个站台。 Try to get to the platform 15 minutes before the train leaves. 尽量在开车前十五分钟到达站台。,Finding bed or seat 找铺位或座位,1.Excuse me, can you help me find my seat? 劳驾,你能帮我找一下座位吗? Please show me your tic


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