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1、鹤岗一中2018-2019学年度下学期期末考试高二英语试卷说明:答题时间120分钟,总分150分。第I卷第一部分 单项选择(共20题;每小题1分,满分20分)从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Please read the _ on the bottle and take the right amount of medicine.A.explanations B.instructions C.descriptions D.introductions2.The old man could buy nothing _ . A.with his money

2、 to stealB.with his money having stolen C.with his money stealingD.with his money stolen3.We could see nothing in the thick fog at a _ of two meters, so we got lost.A.distance B.length C.way D.space4. -Its a long time _ I saw you last. -Yes, and what a pity! It will be a long time _ we see each othe

3、r again.A.when;when B.since;before C.before;since D.since;when5. Mr. Hiltons new house is almost _ the one he used to live in.A.twice the size ofB.as twice big as C. bigger twice thanD. the twice size of6. Clothing _ for pre-school-age children often follows the fashion for adults.A. decorated B.des

4、igned C.preferred D.organized7. Look at the timetable. Hurry up! Flight4026 _ off at 18:20.A. takes B.took C.will be taken D.has taken8. Id appreciate _ if you could come and help me once more and I always appreciate _ me with my English in the past.A.this; you to helpB.it; your helping C.it; you to

5、 helpD.that; you helping 9. _ it is to have a cool drink after an _ game.A. How fun; exhaustingB.What fun; exhausted C.What fun; exhausting D.How fun; exhausted10.-Is this the first time you _Beijing. -No. But the first time I _ here, the city wasnt so beautiful.A.visited; have come B.visited; came

6、C.have visited; have comeD.have visited; came11.A series of accidents caused by school buses will _the pressure on the government.A. come to B.turn to C.add to D.get to12._ is well known to us all is _ Jeremy Shu-How Lin has become one of the most popular NBA players.A. It; that B.As; that C.What; w

7、hat D.What; that13.Mum always _ great ways to celebrate our birthday.A. puts up with B.comes up with C. keeps up with D.catches up with14.Tom never works hard at his lessons, so its not _ to see a _ look on hisface after the exam. A.surprised; disappointingB.surprised; disappointed C.surprising; dis

8、appointed D.surprising; disappointing15.-Did you see the new movie directed by that famous director? Its said to be _great success.-No, I have been busy preparing all the office_ these days.A./; equipmentsB.the; equipmentC./; equipment D.a; equipment16.He speaks English well indeed, but of course no

9、t _ as a native speaker.A.as fluentB.more fluentC.so fluentlyD. much fluently17.I had just got up and was about to cook my breakfast_ the telephone rang loudly. A. whileB.whenC.asD. before18.Mr. Zhou is strict_his students in class but very kind_them after class.A.in; with B.with ;to C.with ;of D. i

10、n ;to19._, the boys were shouting and singing.A. Happy and excitedB.Happily and excited C.Happily and excitedlyD.Happy and excitedly20.Our headmaster spoke at the meeting for nearly an hour without_her notes.A.referring to B.looking for C.bringing up D. trying on第II卷第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题

11、2分,满分30分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出最佳选项ADuring ancient times, children didnt have smartphones, iPad or computers to entertain themselves. Instead, they came up with interesting games to play. Stone ballsDuring the Qing Dynasty, kicking a stone ball around was a popular sport in the northern part of China, an

12、d it was often played in the winter to protect kids from the cold. Stones were carved into small balls and kicked along with feet. In 1999, the sport was included in the 6th National Ethnic Group Traditional Sports Meeting held in Beijing. Flying kitesKites have quite a long history. The earliest ki

13、tes were made of wood, instead of paper. Nowadays, the four most famous kites are the Beijing kite, Tianjin kite , Weifang kite and Nantong kite, of which each has distinctive features. The kite which resembles a swallow is a well-known Beijing style. Hide-and-seekHide-and-seek is a traditional game

14、 for children, popular around the nation. There are two ways to play: covering a childs eyes while other kids run around to tease(戏弄) him or, more commonly, participants hide and one child must try to find them. Playing diabolosA diabolo is always made of wood or bamboo and has empty space in the center. By juggling(边抛边接) the diabolo on the rope, the high-speed spinning diabolos


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