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1、华侨大学 硕士学位论文 福建省建筑业产业组织结构与产业绩效研究 姓名:来艳红 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:管理科学与工程 指导教师:张云波 20090601 华侨大学 2009 届硕士学位论文 I 摘 要 建筑业是国民经济的支柱产业, 也是各地经济发展的富民产业, 建筑业 产业结构调整是目前经济结构调整的重要产业之一。 目前对建筑业产业组织 结构与绩效方面的研究, 多是针对局部或是全国性问题, 很少对特定地区建 筑业产业组织结构和绩效进行综合分析。 论文对福建省建筑业产业组织结构 和绩效进行综合研究,以优化产业组织结构,提高市场绩效,具有重要的现 实意义。 首先, 本文采用定量和定性分析相结合的

2、方法,从中观角度对福建省建 筑业绩效进行了总体分析和评价。通过建立福建省建筑业绩效评价指标体 系,运用模糊层次分析法测算了福建省 1997- 2006 年的综合绩效指数,从绩 效指数的变动情况并结各绩效指的趋势分析与横向对比分析, 发现福建省建 筑业绩效水平实现了从“九五”到“十五”的跨越式发展,近年来并呈现平 稳增长态势,但是其绩效水平依然很差,尤其是效率和技术进步水平依然发 展不足。 其次, 论文运用产业组织理论对建筑业绩效的影响因素进行了分析, 并 通过建立建筑业绩效影响因素的因子分析模型,采用福建省 2006 年各建筑 业企业的经济数据, 从较为微观的角度对福建省建筑业绩效影响因素进行

3、了 实证。实证结果表明目前影响福建省建筑业绩效第一主因子是产业集中因 子, 其次是企业规模因子, 按照产业组织理论可以统称为产业组织结构因子, 然后依次是技术进步、 企业效益和效率因子。 同时结合理论分析和实证结果, 建立了福建省建筑业决定因素模型。 最后, 论文对目前福建省建筑业绩效最重要的影响因素产业组织结 构的特征及其影响因素进行深入的剖析。 通过测算福建省建筑业企业的绝对 集中度和相对集中度、 分析福建省建筑业的专业结构和所有制经济类型结构 华侨大学 2009 届硕士学位论文 II 以及建筑业壁垒和产品差异,发现建筑业市场集中度过低、 企业规模结构不 合理,未能形成分层竞争格局、专业化

4、发展不足、产权不明晰以及行业进入 壁垒过低,但退出壁垒过高、 企业差异化工程服务能力较差,是福建省建筑 业绩效水平低下的深层次结构性原因。 并在相应研究的基础上, 论文认为应 该合理化产业组织政策, 继续加大结构调整力度和科技推广力度, 提高企业 科技创新能力,深化产权改革,提高企业效益和效率。 关键词:福建省;建筑业;产业组织结构;产业绩效;政策建议 华侨大学 2009 届硕士学位论文 III Abstract Construction industry is pillar industry of the national and territorial economy ,and the o

5、rganization structure adjustment of construction industry is one of the most important industry of economic structure adjustment. Presently, most researches on construction industry organization structure and performance target at the partial problem and the industry of whole nation, very few at the

6、 synthetically analysis of Specific area. So in order to optimize the construction industry organization structure, and improve the market performance, the dissertation studying on synthetically analysis of construction industry organization structure and its performance in Fujian Province has great

7、 practical significance. Firstly, the performance status of Fujian Province and the overall evaluation are presented in the paper, using both of quantitative and qualitative analysis method. The performance evaluation index system is established, and the total performance index (TPI) of construction

8、 industry of Fujian Province in 1997 to 2006 is estimated, using FAHP. The fluctuations of TPI ,the changes of all the single factors and their comparative analysis of horizontal show that the performance level of construction industry in Fujian Province has achieved development by leaps and bounds

9、from “ The Ninth Five- Year Plan” to “ The Tenth Five- Year Plan” , and in recent years, it is showing a steady growth. However, it isn t positive, the performance is still poor, especially the level of the efficiency and technological progress. Secondly, the dissertation discusses the factors which

10、 affect construction industry performance in Fujian Province, establishes the component analysis model, and takes the economic statistics of many kinds construction enterprises in Fujian Province in 2006 as the sample data to analyze the factors from the empirical and micro- pespective. The results

11、of empirical analysis demonstrates that at present what affects the building industry performance firstly is industry 华侨大学 2009 届硕士学位论文 IV concentration factor; secondly is enterprise scale factor; which can be concluded as industry organization structure factors according to the theory of industry

12、organization; and then are the technological progress factor, the firms effectiveness and efficiency factors. In the end, the dissertation proposes a mode which determines the performance of construction industry performance in Fujian Province, according to the results above. Finally, the characteri

13、stic of the industry organization structure which affects the building industry performance firstly and the factors which affecte the organization structure deeply are got further disucussion.The absolute and comparative industrial concentration ratio are measured, and the specialty structure, econo

14、mic structure, industry barrier, differentia of the construction industry product are analyzed, which come to a conclusion that the scale of the construction firm is not reseanable , and the structure of hierarchical competition don t shape yet, and the undeceive specialty, unperspicuity property ri

15、ght, too much low enter but high exit barrier and the differentia of the construction firm s engineering service capacity are the further structural factors which seriously affect the industry s performance in Fujian Province. Based on the discussion above, the dissertation points out that our indus

16、trial organization policy should take some corresponding measures as the efficient industrial organization policy, expedite the course of the adjustment of the structure and the revolution of property right, and enhance the enterprises creation capacity, effectiveness and efficiency. Keywords: Fujian province; construction industry; industry organization structure; industry performance; policy suggestions 华侨大学 2009 届硕士学位论文 原创性声明 本人声明兹呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下完成的研究成果。 论文写作中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究内容,如参考



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