八年级英语上册 unit 8 how do you make a banana milk shake section b1课件 新人教版

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1、Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?,Section B Period One,Objectives,To talk about the ingredients of sandwich you like To learn to describe the process of making sandwich To learn new words: sandwich, bread, buter,Review,Words and expressions,Read the words and expressions loudly.,Words revi

2、ew,sandwich butter turkey lettuce piece,n. 夹心面包片;三明治 n. 黄油 n. 火鸡 n. 莴苣;生菜 n. 片;块;段,How do you make fruit salad?,A: First, put the popcorn into the popcorn popper. Next turn on the popper.,How to make popcorn?,Do you like sandwiches? What do you like in sandwiches?,Free Talk,Lets study how to make a

3、cheese sandwich.,pieces of bread,tomato,onion,butter,lettuce,ingredients,cheese,First,First, put the butter on a piece of bread.,How do you make a cheese sandwich?,Next,Next, cut up one tomato. Put the tomato on the sandwich. Next, cut up an onion.,How do you make a cheese sandwich?,Next,How do you

4、make a cheese sandwich?,Next, put some cheese on the sandwich.,Then,Then, put some lettuce on the cheese.,How do you make a cheese sandwich?,Finally,Finally, put another piece of bread on top.,How do you make a cheese sandwich?,Group work,First Next Next Then Finally,turkey sandwiches,egg and beef s

5、andwiches,ham sandwiches,Tomato sandwiches,Design: a recipe for your favorite sandwich.,Make a list of the things you like in a sandwich.,1a,Ask and answer questions with a partner. Find out what he/she likes in a sandwich.,1b,Pair work,Look at 1a. Listen and circle the words that you hear.,1c,Liste

6、n again. Write the ingredients in the order you hear them.,butter,cheese,tomatoes,onion,another piece of bread,lettuce,1d,a piece of bread,你知道 Sandwich(三明治) 这个单词的来历吗? 三明治是一种方便食品,即在两片面包中加上一些肉和蔬菜。它的发明者就是Sandwich先生。据说Sandwich伯爵非常爱打牌。他常常因为打牌而顾不上吃饭。有一次他和他的朋友打了很长时间的牌。他们饿了,但是又不愿意停下来。于是Sandwich先生就叫人拿来一些面包(b

7、read)、肉(meat) 和蔬菜(vegetable)。他把肉和菜夹在两片面包中间。这样他既可以边吃边继续打牌,又不会因为手上有油而弄脏牌。,你知道 Sandwich(三明治) 这个单词的来历吗? 他的朋友们很快学会了他的这种吃法。以Sandwich先生名字命名的三明治(sandwich)也就慢慢流传了开来,现在三明治已成为风靡世界的快餐食品(snack)。三明治之王是用美国切片面包做的“沙拉三明治”。如果是用圆面包做的,在西海岸叫做“潜水艇”或“鱼雷”,而在东海岸叫做“旋翼直升机”或“英雄”。,1e,Tell your partner how to make your favorite s

8、andwich.,Pair work,Review,课时重点回顾,Useful expressions A: First, put some butter on a piece of bread. B: How much butter? A: About one spoon. Then put some tomatoes on it. B: How many tomatoes? A: One is enough.,Translate and write them down.,1. - 首先,把一些黄油放到一片面包上。 - 多少黄油呢? - 大约一匙。,First, put some butte

9、r on a piece of bread. How much butter? About one spoon.,2. 谢谢你给我制作三明治。 Thank you for making the delicious sandwich for me. 3. 请把牛奶倒入果汁机。 Pour milk into the blender, please. 4. 如果你把3和5相加,会得到8。 If you add 3 to 5, youll get 8. 5. 在做沙拉之前,检查一下所有的原料。 Before you make the salad, check you have all the ingredients.,First, put the Then Next Finally,Write a recipe for your favorite sandwich.,Homework,Preview,To preview the new words and expressions To know about some kinds of traditional food on special holidays,Thank you.,


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