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1、密 级: 学校代码:10075 分类号: 学 号:20090564 文学硕士学位论文文学硕士学位论文 福尔摩斯侦探小说汉译研究 学 位 申 请 人 : 郑钰洁 指 导 教 师 : 任淑坤 教授 学 位 类 别 : 文学硕士 学 科 专 业 : 英语语言文学 授 予 单 位 : 河北大学 答 辩 日 期 : 二一二年五月 Classified Index: CODE: 10075 U. D. C: NO:20090564 A Dissertation for the Degree of M. Arts A Study of the Chinese Translation of Sherlock

2、Holmes Candidate: Zheng Yujie Supervisor: Prof.Ren Shukun Academic Degree Applied for: Master of Arts Specialty: English Language and Literature University: Hebei University Date of Oral Examination: May,2012 摘 要 I 摘 要 侦探小说(Detective Story)是西方通俗小说中一个新的类别和流派,最初产生于 欧美国家,以案件的发生和推理侦破过程为主要描写领域,强调侦探侦破犯罪事实

3、的过 程,凭借其曲折多变,引人入胜的的情节深受广大读者的喜爱。侦探小说自诞生至今已 有近二百年的历史; 真正将侦探小说推上创作高峰的则是英国作家柯南道尔创作的 福 尔摩斯探案全集 ,该作品一经出版便在全世界掀起了一股翻译热潮。当时处于晚清时 期的中国正在寻求输入文明的渠道,自然不会错过这次机会,也加入了这股福尔摩斯翻 译的热潮当中。 本文通过对不同时期福尔摩斯侦探小说在中国的翻译研究, 分析了每个时期不同的 翻译特点。 晚清时期福尔摩斯侦探小说翻译首次出现在中国读者面前, 受到当时社会历史环境 的影响,该时期的文学翻译主要以译入语文化为参考对象,无论在形式上还是语言上, 都深受中国传统小说的影

4、响,因此在翻译过程中主要采取了意译的策略,删节,增译, 改译等都是当时译者比较推崇的翻译方法。虽然译文在某些地方不尽忠实,但这一时期 福尔摩斯侦探小说翻译的确给中国文学带来了深刻的影响, 中国的译者在翻译的同时也 开始着手模仿其创作模式,为中国本土侦探小说的产生与发展奠定了基础。 五四前后, 大批的文学作品被引入中国, 翻译实践的活跃也引领了翻译理论的进步。 该时期的福尔摩斯侦探小说翻译发生了很大的变化,译文的“忠实度”得到了很大的提 高。 建国以来福尔摩斯侦探小说仍广受读者追捧,虽然经历了文革时期的翻译低谷,但 很快就重新出现在读者面前,尤其是进入新世纪以后,出版社争相出版,各种不同版本 的

5、福尔摩斯侦探小说翻译出现在读者眼前,令人眼花缭乱。尤其是 1981 年群众出版社 出版的福尔摩探案全集几乎成了各家翻译的依据,是一版非常成功的译作。然而, 随着翻译理论日趋成熟,福尔摩斯侦探小说翻译越来越多,在翻译质量上却并无再大的 提高。这一现象值得引起注意。 福尔摩斯侦探小说自登陆中国以来便深受读者喜爱, 并对中国文学产生了深远的影 响,不仅促进了中国本土侦探小说的产生,在描写,叙述手法上也为中国文学注入了新 鲜的血液,为中国近代文学的产生以及后来当代文学都作出了巨大的贡献。 关键词 福尔摩斯侦探小说 翻译 规范 特点 影响 Abstract II Abstract Detective s

6、tory is a new school of popular fiction of European countries; it focuses on the description of the happening and the cracking of the criminal cases. What attracts the readers most is the complicated and alluring plots. It has been nearly 200 years since the first detective story was created by Edga

7、r Allan Poe; but it is Sherlock Holmes The Complete Novels and Stories Volume written by Conan Doyle that has pushed detective story to the summit which was translated into many languages as soon as it had been published. At that time, China was eagerly seeking for a new way to reform and joined in

8、the translation boom without any hesitation. This thesis focuses on the different versions of the translation of Sherlock Holmes The Complete Novels and Stories Volume of different periods in China and analyzes the characteristics of the translation of each period respectively. In the late Qing peri

9、od, the translation of Sherlock Holmes The Complete Novels and Stories Volume was first translated into Chinese by Zhang Kunde. Because of the special social environment at that time, the translation was profoundly influenced by the target language and culture. Most of the translators adopted the st

10、rategy of “free translation“, amplification, abbreviation, creative translation were widely used at that time. Although the translation was not as faithful as those of today, it still made great contribution to Chinese literature. Chinese translators began to imitate the new mode and created many Ch

11、inese detective stories while translating. During the Period of the May 4th, more and more foreign literature had been translated into Chinese, the flourishing of the translation activity had also advanced the theories. The translation of Sherlock Holmes The Complete Novels and Stories Volume had be

12、en improved a great deal during this period, it was much more faithful compared with that before. Since the founding of the Peoples Republic of China, the heat of the translation of Sherlock Holmes The Complete Novels and Stories Volume has not gone down. More and more publishers competed with each

13、other to publish different editions of it. The edition Abstract III published by Peoples Publishing House can be called a classic and many other publishers take it as an basis of their own translation. But with the flourishing of the translation activity and translating theory, the quality of it has

14、 not been improved as expected in the new century. That is quite a phenomenon that worth peoples attention. Sherlock Holmes The Complete Novels and Stories Volume has always been loved by readers since it was translated into Chinese in Late Qing period. It has brought many new narrating modes and wa

15、ys to Chinese literature and contributes a lot to the birth of Chinese detective story; it made indispensable contribution to Chinese modern literature. Key words Sherlock Holmes The Complete Novels and Stories Volume Translation Norm Characteristics Influence 目 录 IV 目 录 第 1 章 引 言1 1.1 研究目的和意义1 1.2 研究现状述评1 1.2.1 福尔摩斯侦探小说在中国的翻译和接受


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