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1、Yulin process PlantPrepared: fangzhi Date:2007.12.14 Page: 1 of 11Checked: pengchun Date:2007.12.20 Revision: 0Approved: zhangjun Date:2007.12.20Operation of ACCACC的运行2.0 General基本要求2.0.1 When the air in ACC is replaced with steam, ACC backpressure can be controlled by operating fansand rows, and no

2、w ACC is able to take load.当ACC内的空气被蒸汽完全置换后,就可以通过风机的运行和列的投切来控制ACC的的压力, ACC可以带负荷了。2.0.2 Out of the consideration of freezing protection, when ambient temperature is below +2C, ACCoperation is a combination of “row operation”and “fan operation”. While when air ambient temperature isabove +2C, ACC oper

3、ation is only “fan operation”. Whatever, GEA fan step chart must be followed.出于防冻角度考虑,环境温度低于2度, ACC的运行需要同时考虑列的投切和风机的运行。而当环境温度高于2度时,仅需要考虑风机的运行。不论是何种情况,必须遵守GEA的步序运行。2.1 Normal operation正常运行2.1.1 P&IDSee见G-1300258-03-001G-1300258-03-002Yulin process PlantPrepared: fangzhi Date:2007.12.14 Page: 2 of 11C

4、hecked: pengchun Date:2007.12.20 Revision: 0Approved: zhangjun Date:2007. Fan Step Configuration Chart风机步序图。Fan Speed风机转速A minimum speed is foreseen to protect the fan motors when operated. It is possible to run the fan motors with more than 100 pct speed, up to (110 pct).出于对电机的保护,限定了风机转速的

5、最低值。风机的最高转速可以达到110%。NOTE!注意Maximum speed is restricted to 100 pct at ambient temperatures “High”17Hz for present fan stepand风机转速已达到当前步序规定的高转速17Hz并且Actual exhaust steam pressure set-point + 5kpa ( sudden load change)实际背压比设定背压高5kpa (负荷突变时)Or或Actual exhaust steam set-point for a period of time实际背压大于设定背

6、压超过一定的时间2.1.6 Down-switch is carried out by switch off fans and shut off rows as load is decreasing.下切是通过减少运行风机和切除列来满足负荷减少的需要。Down-switch according to fan step chart when following condition are reached.当以下下切条件满足时,按风机步序表下切:Fan speed 2 3 4.Attention注意:Up-switch sequence is not reversible. In the proc

7、ess, if down switch condition is reached, fan step must be down switched from the present fan step according to fan stepchart. For example: as load increase, fan step is up switched from fan step 4 to 8. At ; however if down switch condition is reached, fan step must be down switched from 8to 7 inst

8、ead of 4.这个次序是不可逆转的。如果在升负荷的过程中,出现了下切条件,则从当前步按风机步序图下切。比如:随着负荷的增长,从步4上切到8,如果出现的是下切条件,这时应按步序图从8下切到7而不是下切到4。2.1.9 When ambient temperature is lower than 2C, continues down switch sequences from max. load are:当环境温度小于2C时,从最大负荷连续下切的顺序为:87651Yulin process PlantPrepared: fangzhi Date:2007.12.14 Page: 7 of 11

9、Checked: pengchun Date:2007.12.20 Revision: 0Approved: zhangjun Date:2007.12.20Attention注意:Down-sequence is not reversible either. If during this process, up-switch condition is reached, fan step must be up switch from the present fan step according to fan stepchart. For example: as load decrease, d

10、own switch from fan step 5 to 1. however if up switch condition is reached, then up-switch from 1 to 2 instead of 5.这个次序也是不可逆的。如果在降负荷的过程中,出现了上切条件,则从当前步按风机步序图上切。比如:随着负荷的降低,从步5下切到1,如果出现的是上切条件,则应按步序图从1上切到2而不是上切到5。2.1.10 Switch on/off rows列的投切的具体操作Switch on row投列1. start hogging ejector 1起启动抽汽器2. then o

11、pen distribution duct valve 2开配汽管道蝶阀3. When condensate temperature of these rows reached 35andmean condensate temp.- ambient temp. 5K3.当所有凝结水温度高于35度,且投入列凝结水平均温度比环境温度大5度时4Switch on Fans to speed of existing operating fan speed. 4.投风机,风机转速设定到当前运行的风机转速5Start holding ejector 5.起运行抽汽器Switch off row切除列1al

12、l fans are off 1.该列的风机已停2. close distribution duct valve first 2.先关配汽管道蝶阀2.2 Special Operating Conditions特殊工况的运行Yulin process PlantPrepared: fangzhi Date:2007.12.14 Page: 8 of 11Checked: pengchun Date:2007.12.20 Revision: 0Approved: zhangjun Date:2007. Condensate Sub-Cooling- Freeze Protec

13、tion凝结水过冷防冻保护Ambient temperature +2 degCANDOne operating condensate temperature is 15degC环境温度小于2C且任意一个运行列的凝结水温度小于15度an alarm (FREEZE PROT) is released则发出一个报警(FREEZE PROT)2.2.2 Dephlegmator Warm-up逆流风机回暖When air temperature is low than 2C, and ACC are taking rather high load, dephlegmator warm-up is

14、carried out by reverse operation the D fan for a short period of timerow by row.当环境温度低于2C,所投各列的逆流风机,逐列反转(15Hz)一定的时间,以防止逆流换热器抽气口结冰堵塞。2.2.3 Sub-cooling of air extraction抽气过冷Start up the second holding ejector if sub cooling of the mean air extraction temperature(operating rows)against saturate tempera

15、ture of exhaust steam duct exceeds 15Kfor a time period of 10min.如果运行列的抽气平均温度对于排汽背压下的饱和蒸汽温度的过冷度大于15C,持续时间10min.以上,起第二台运行抽汽器。Stop the second holding ejector if the sub cooling is less than 6K for 5min.当过冷度小于6C持续时间5min.后可以停第二台运行抽汽器。2.3 Important issue during ACC OperationYulin process PlantPrepared: f

16、angzhi Date:2007.12.14 Page: 9 of 11Checked: pengchun Date:2007.12.20 Revision: 0Approved: zhangjun Date:2007.12.20运行中的注意事项2.3.1 Lower limit of backpressure set point is decided out of consideration of air extraction limit and to prevent freezing problem in winter time operation. In summer timeoperation, actual back pressure is higher than set point as to keep the fan in full speed to achieve lowest possible backpressure.背压设定值的下限通常是出于对冬季运行抽真空系统的限制和防



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