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1、 初一英语Unit 1 This is me!短语归纳:look after take care of 照顾 on the first day 在第一天Class 1,Grade 7 7年级1班 play football 踢足球after school 放学后 become from 来自be good at do well in 擅长 fly kites 放风筝go home 回家 listen to music 听音乐play a game 玩游戏 wear glasses 戴眼镜at school 在学校 all the lessons 所有的课程talk about 谈论 over

2、there 那里a lot of hobbies 许多爱好用法集萃:lovelike doing sth 喜欢做某事 lets +动词原形 让我们I amMy name is 我叫 welcome to +地点 欢迎来到This is 这是 be good at do well in doing 擅长做in ClassGrade 在几年级几班 live within和谁住在哪里Im year old. 我几岁了。 I havehair.我留着头发典句背诵Whats your name?你叫什么名字?Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你。I love reading. 我喜欢阅读No

3、w lets meet our new classmates. 现在让我们认识下我们的新同学。I often play football after school.放学后我经常踢足球。She is tall and slim. 她个头很高,身材苗条。He is from Nanjing. 他来自南京。He is good at Maths. 他擅长于数学。Millie is 11 years old.米莉11岁。They are all very nice.他们都很好。I am good at dancing. 我擅长于跳舞。语法:连系动词be 的一般现在时动词be 的三变化 am is ar

4、e. 我(I) 用am ,你(you)用are ,is 用于他(he)她(she)它(it),单数名词用is,复数名词都用are句型结构:1、 肯定句:主语+amisare It is a football.2、 否定句:主语+amisare+not It is not a football.3、 一般疑问句:AmIsAre+主语+其他?Is it a football? 回答 Yes, it is. No, it isnt4、 特殊疑问句:疑问句+am/is/are +主语+其他?Whats your name?Unit 2 Lets play sports!短语归纳:play sports

5、 做运动 many times a day 一天许多次play football/tennis 踢足球/打网球 talk about 谈论after school 放学后 go swimming 去游泳a member of 中的一员 come from 来自listen to music 听音乐 in the next World Cup 在下届世界杯come true 实现 in ones free time 在某人的空闲时间live in 住/生活在 read books 看书at/ on weekends=at/on the weekend在周末stay at home 待在家里 a

6、lot of 许多ask sb about sth 问某人某事 on TV 在电视上Watch basketball matches 看篮球比赛 feel great 感觉特棒用法集萃:What about doing sth ?做怎么样?Enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事make sb/sth +adj 使某人/某物 make sb to do sth 使某人做某事want to do sth 想要做某事 hope to do sth 希望做某事have fun doing sth 做某事开心典句必背I like walking. 我喜欢散步。I enjoy swimming.Wha

7、ts your favourite sport? 我喜欢游泳,他最喜欢的运动是什么?I hope his dream comes true. 我希望他梦想成真。What does Li Hua do in his free time? 李华在业余时间做什么?What else do you want to do? 你还想做什么其他的事情?Reading is fun. 读书是有趣的事情。语法:行为动词的一般现在时行为动词的一般现在时的构成:主语+行为动词+(其他)当主语为第三人称单数(he, she, it) 时,谓语动词也要用单数形式。用好一般现在时,时间状态需牢记;主语人称是三单,动词要把

8、-s/-es 添;基本用法要记清,状态习惯经常性。行为动词的一般现在时的变化(1) 否定句:主语+ dont/doesnt + 动词原形+其他I dont like bread.He doesnt often play football.(2) 一般疑问句:Do/Does + 主语+动词原形+其他Do you often play football? Yes, I am /No, I am notDoes he often play football? Yes, he does/ No, he doesnt3、特殊疑问句:特殊疑问句+一般疑问句? When do you go to schoo

9、l? I go to school at seven oclock.动词的三单形式的变化:动词三单现在时,一般在词尾加SS,x,ch,sh,在词尾,直接加上-es词尾若是字母o ,加上-es 不用愁。词尾是“辅音字母+y” ,先变y为i, 后边再加-esUnit 3 Welcome to our school!短语归纳:on foot 步行 far away from 远离a few 一些,少量 learn about 学得,获知would like sth/to do sth 想要/想要做某事 after class 下课后on this day 在今天 all kinds of 各种各样o

10、n the phone 在电话中 look at 看ground floor 底层,一楼 on the wall 在墙上by bus 乘公共汽车 in front of 在前面let me see 让我看看 go to school 去上学reading room 阅览室 borrow from 从借get to school 到达学校 on the Open Day 在开放日用法集萃:Thank you for doing sth 为做某事而感谢你be ready to do sth 准备做某事It takes sb some time to do sth 花费某人多少时间做某事show s

11、b around 领某人参观need to do sth 需要做某事典句必背:Welcome to our school.欢迎来到我们学校。Whats the date taday?今天几月几号Lets meet at the school gate at 1:30.让我们1:30 在学校门口会面吧Whos that man in the white shirt?穿白衬衫的那个男的是谁?There are all kinds of books in our library.在我们图书馆有各种各样的书Id like to say hello to her.我想向她问好。Do you borrow

12、 books from the library?你从图书馆借书吗?We only have a few classrooms.我们只有几间教室It takes me about an hour to get to school.大约花了我一个小时的时间到达学校。语法:一、人称代词人称代词主格:作主语,表示谁怎么样了、干什么了。I am a teacher. You are student. He is a student, too.We/You/They are students.人称代词宾格作宾语,表示动作行为的对象。Give it to me.Lets go (lets =let us)人称单数复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称Imeweus第二人称youyouyouyou第三人称hehimtheythemsheheritit二、物主代词表示所有关系的代词叫做物主代词,也可叫做代词所有格。物主代词分形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词二种,其人称和数的变化见下表。数人称类别单数复数第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称形容词性物主代词myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名词性物主


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