五年级下册英语同步拓展-module1 unit 1 what a mess 代词牛津上海版(一起)

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《五年级下册英语同步拓展-module1 unit 1 what a mess 代词牛津上海版(一起)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五年级下册英语同步拓展-module1 unit 1 what a mess 代词牛津上海版(一起)(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、游戏名称:“I am looking for the owner,规则: 一名同学到前面背对大家,我将要从你们其中某学生处拿一件实物,让前面这位同学去找失主。这位同学可以问其他同学:“whose ruler is it?/Is this your ruler?”如果找错了,则回答:“No,its not mine. Maybe its his/her、.”(指着其他同学),然后接着寻找失主。,词汇梳理,重点语法,音标学习,跟同学一起学习好嗨森,glue 胶水,tape 胶带,crayon 蜡笔 & paints 绘画颜料,1.Whose crayons are those? 2.Look at

2、 the paints. They are for your brother.,Look , this is tape , not glue.,词汇梳理,notebook 笔记本,Its time for class, hurry up! Can you give me my schoolbag?,- Whose brushes are these?,brush 毛笔,schoolbag 书包,These notebooks are for you.,物主代词,形容词性物主代词,名词性物主代词,my your his her its our their,mine yours his hers

3、its ours theirs,名词性物主代词相当于一个名词,不能用在名词之前,可单独使用:my book = mine,形容词性物主代词起形容词作用,不能单独使用,后面+名词:my book;,咳咳,你听懂了吗?,重点语法,Whose T-shirtis this? Its my T-shirt.(me) Its his notebook.(he),Whose notebook is that? Its mine . (me) Its his .(he) Its hers .(she),his/my/her/your/its/ our/their + 名词,his/mine/hers/you

4、rs/its/ours/theirs,还能多举出几个例子吗?,Whose school bags are those? They are their school bags. They are theirs.,Whose crayons are these? They are Peters They are Peters crayons.,Phonetics - 双元音 /ei/ baby favorite grade rain stay eight /ai/ pilot white fly light die /i/ boy noise,音标的类型,本节课重点音标,音标学习,Read and

5、 judge(判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音,相同的用T表示,不相同的用F表示) ( ) 1. baby bag ( ) 2.sky yes ( ) 3. race rice ( ) 4. whose who ( ) 5.dont do ( ) 6. grade grape ( ) 7. white this ( ) 8. Her here ( ) 9. book too,Keys: FFF TFT FFF,像柯南一样去断案吧!,总结有助于我们复习知识点喔!,1.及时复习精讲提升部分; 2.在限定的时间内完成课后作业; 3.对不确定有疑问的题目做标记; 4对错误率较高的题目相关的知识点进行复习

6、。,一、听英语歌【Yesterday once more】填歌词。 when I young I listen to the radio waiting for my favorite songs when they Id sing along, it me smile. those such happy times and not so long ago how i where theyd gone. but theyre back again just like a long lost friend all the songs i love so well. every shalala every wowo still shines. every shing-a-ling-a-ling that theyre starting to sing so fine,二、检查预习单词的发音并找出这些动物对应的单词,



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