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1、格式(Form) RWPAS707-F证书号No.中 国 船 级 社CHINA CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY焊 工 资 格 证 书WELDER QUALIFICATION CERTIFICATE本证书根据中国船级社材料与焊接规范的规定颁发This certificate is issued under the provisions of Rules for Materials and Welding of CCS焊工姓名 Welder name 性别 Sex 照片身份证号码ID No. 出生日期 Date of birth 工作单位 Employer 焊工等级 Grade of

2、 welder 考试委员会 Test Committee 考试委员会登记号Registration No. 兹证明本证书持有人已通过中国船级社认可的焊工考试委员会举办的资格考试,具有从事本证书规定范围内的焊接工作的资质。本证书持有人应严格按照本证书所规定的工作范围进行焊接操作,按照认可的焊接工艺规程及焊接操作规定进行焊接,并随时接受本社验船师的检查。如发现本证书持有人有违反上述规定的行为,本社有权暂停或取消其资质,其焊接操作不被本社所接受。THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the holder has passed the qualification test held by T

3、est Committee of welders qualification approved by China Classification Society, and is qualified to undertake welding operation specified in this certificate.The certificate holder shall be strictly in accordance with the provisions of the scope and the requirements of approved WPS and welding oper

4、ation specification for welding operation, and ready to accept CCS surveyor examination. The qualification will be suspended or withdrawn, and welding operations will not be accepted, if the certificate holders actions violate the above requirements.证书适用范围(参见证书背面)Scope of application (See overleaf)工

5、程Project焊接方法Welding Process焊接位置Welding position母材材质Base metal group焊接材料Filler metal type厚度Plate/pipe wall thickness管子外径pipe outside diameter对接焊型式Butt welding detail本证书有效期至 This certificate is valid until 发证地点 Issued at 发证日期 中国船级社签章Issued on Seal of CCS1、本社进行的焊工资格考试与评定,并不能替代制造方的工艺控制和质量控制活动。本证书的内容并不能减

6、轻船舶设计方、建造方、拥有方、制造方、销售方、供应方、修理方、营运方,以及其他方应承担的任何责任 (The welders qualification test carried out by this society can not replace the control of technological process and quality by builders or manufacturers. The contents of this certificate do not diminish any liability of the designers,builders,owners,

7、manufacturers,sellers,suppliers,repairers,operators and other parties)2、本证书仅限证书持有人向本社、国家主管机关和证书持有人所在工作单位证明其具备从事本证书规定范围内焊接工作的资质。本证书的内容不构成本社对国家主管机关、证书持有人和其所在工作单位以外的任何机构和人员的任何保证。国家主管机关、证书持有人和其所在工作单位以外的任何机构和人员因信赖本证书的内容而导致的一切损失,本社概不负责 (This certificate is limited to the certificate holder to prove to thi

8、s society, the state administration and his/her employer that he/she is qualified to undertake the welding operation specified in this certificate. The contents of this certificate do not constitute any guarantee of this society to any organization or personnel other than the state administration, t

9、he certificate holder and his/her employer. This society will not be liable for any loss of any results of trusting the contents of this certificate by any organization or personnel other than the state administration, the certificate holder and his/her employer)3、本证书持有人和其所在单位应对其向本社提供的信息、文件和证书的真实性负责

10、 (The certificate holder and his/her employer are responsible for the authenticity of the information, documents and certificates supplied to this society)1、在本证书有效期内,证书持有人未从事焊接工作的连续周期不得超过6个月。(Within the period of validity ,the consecutive period that the certificate holder has not been engaged in we

11、lding are not to be exceed 6 months.)2、焊接操作应遵守认可的焊接工艺规程的规定 (Welding operations are to comply with the requirements of approved WPS)3、各等级的焊工资格均可覆盖定位焊工资格 (The welders qualification of each grade may cover the welders qualification of tack welding of the corresponding welding position)4、外径大于25mm的管对接可以覆

12、盖相应位置的板对接 (The welders qualification of pipe butt joint with pipe outside diameter25mm may cover the welders qualification of plate butt joint of the corresponding welding position)5、板对接可以覆盖相应位置的外径不小于600mm的管对接,以及水平滚动焊位置的外径不小于150mm的管对接 (The welders qualification of plate butt joint may cover the weld

13、ers qualification of pipe butt joint of the corresponding welding position with pipe outside diameter600mm & pipe butt joint of 1G position with pipe outside diameter150mm )6、填角焊不能覆盖焊透角接焊 (The welders qualification of fillet welding may not cover the welders qualification of full-penetration fillet

14、welding)焊接位置Welding position板材对接焊Butt welding of plates管板角接焊Fillet welding of pipe and plateF平焊Flat welding2FG垂直固定平焊Vertically fixed flat weldingV立向上焊Vertical up welding4FG垂直固定仰焊Vertically fixed overhead weldingH横焊Horizontal welding5FG水平固定焊Horizontally fixed weldingO仰焊Overhead welding6FG倾斜45固定焊Fixed

15、 welding at 45 inclination管子对接焊Butt welding of pipe板填角焊Fillet welding of plates1G管子水平滚动焊Welding of horizontally rolling pipesFF船形角焊Flat position welding of fillet weld2G管子垂直固定焊Welding of vertically fixed pipesFH平角焊flat fillet welding5G管子水平固定焊Welding of horizontally fixed pipesFVu立向上角焊Vertical up fillet welding6G管子倾斜45固定焊Weld



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