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1、16类名言警句:一、 社会与人生:1、A cat may look at a king .猫可以看国王,我为什么不能看你,何况你又不像国王那么尊贵。2、A lion may come to be beholden to a mouse . 老鼠也能帮狮子,弱者也能帮强者。3、Art is long , life is short . 人生短暂,艺术千秋。4、A prophet is not without honour , save in his own country , and in his own house . “墙里开花墙外香”、“远来的和尚会念经”5、Bread is the st

2、aff of life . 民以食为天。6、Call no man happy till he is dead . 人生苦短。7、Dont put your finger in the pie . 不要多管闲事。8、Everyone to his taste . 人各有所好。9、Good swimmers at length are drowned . 善泳者溺于水。 “善泳者溺,善骑者坠”、“会水水下死,会拳拳下亡”10、If two men ride on a horse , one must ride behind . 两人合骑一马,必有一人在后。 “一山不容二虎”11、Life is

3、short and time is swift . 生命短暂,光阴飞逝。12、Life is sweet . 生命甜美。13、Live and let live .互相容忍,共荣共存。 遇方便时行方便,得饶人处且饶人。14、Live not to eat , but eat to live . 吃饭是为了活着,活着不是为了吃饭。15、No man is indispensable .没有“人是不可缺少的”。 “世上不管离开谁,地球照样运转。”16、No man is infallible . 无人不犯错。To err is human . 人必有过。Even Homer sometimes n

4、ods . 即使是荷马也会打盹;智者千虑必有一失。 “金无足赤,人无完人。”17、The bread never falls but on its buttered side .面包掉地上,总是涂黄油的一面着地。“屋漏更遭连夜雨,船迟又遇顶头风。”“人倒霉,吃豆腐也塞牙。”18、The golden age was never the present age . 人在福中不知福。19、The mills of God grind slowly . 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。Gods mill grinds slow but sure .善有善报,恶有恶报;不是不报,时辰未到。善恶到头终有报,远走高飞

5、也难逃。20、There is a tide in the affairs of men . 人生总有涨潮时。 “把握时机”21、You cant teach an old dog new tricks . 老狗学不了新把戏。 “朽木不可雕”、“八十难学吹鼓手”22、You cant have everything in this life . 万事如意古来难。23、What is bred in the bone will never come out of the flesh .遗传无法改变。Like father , like son .有其父,必有其子。二、 爱情与婚姻:1、 Abse

6、nce makes the heart grow fonder .小别胜新婚。 “离别增情意”、“眼不见,心更念”2、 Absence sharpens love , presence strengthens it .分别令爱愈深,相处使情更浓。3、 Choose a wife rather by your ear than your eye .选择妻子,多用耳朵,少用眼睛。4、 Choose neither a woman nor linen by candle-light .选女人如选布,绝不可只凭烛光。5、 Love me , love my dog .爱我,也爱我的狗。“爱屋及乌”、“

7、爱花连盆爱,爱女疼女婿”6、 Love is blind .爱情使人盲目。7、 Love will find a way .真情所至,金石为开。8、 Marriage are made in heaven .天定情缘。9、 Out of sight , out of mind .离久则情疏:眼不见,心不念。10、The course of true love never did run smooth .好事多磨。三、 为人与处世:1、 Courtesy costs nothing .礼貌不费分文。 “礼多人不怪”、“叫人不折本,舌头打个滚”2、 Do not cast your pearls

8、before swine .不要在猪前面丢珍珠。 “不要对牛弹琴”3、 Give and take . 有来有往,公平对待。One good turn deserves another .善有善报。4、 It is as well to know which way the wind blows .观时度势,上策也。 “识时务者为俊杰”5、 Its the thought that counts .贵在一番心意。 “千里送鹅毛,礼轻情意重。”6、 It takes two to make a quarrel .吵架必须有两人,独自一人吵不成。 “一个巴掌拍不响”7、 Let bygones b

9、e bygones .既往不咎。8、 Light not a candle in the sun .太阳光下无需点蜡烛。 “画蛇添足”9、 Lookers-on see most of the game .旁观者清。 “当局者迷,旁观者清。”10、Never ask pardon before you are accused . 尚未受控告,切莫先求饶。 “此地无银三百两不打自招。”11、No man serve two masters . 一仆难事二主。You cant serve God and Mammon . “两者不可兼得”“一马不配两鞍,一脚难踏两船”“一女不能二嫁”12、Padd

10、le your own canoe . 自己摇桨。自力更生。 自己事自己管。13、Take things as they come . 随遇而安。Dont cross a bridge till you come to it . 船到桥头自然直。14、The biter is sometimes bit . 骗人者有时反被人骗。15、There is no such thing as a free lunch . 世上没有不花钱的午餐。 “没有让人白吃的饭食。”You cant get something for nothing .16、Think with the wise , but ta

11、lk with the vulgar . 与智者同思,与庶民同语。 “近朱者赤,近墨者黑。”17、Two can play at game . 一报还一报。 “以其人之道,还治其人之身。” “以血还血,以牙还牙。”18、You scratch my back and Ill scratch yours . 四、 才能与经验:1、 Great minds think alike .英雄所见略同。2、 Little by little and bit by bit .一星半星,聚两成斤。Constant dripping wears away the stone . 水滴石穿。Little str

12、okes fell great oaks . 滴水穿石。Slow but sure wins the race . 慢而稳,赛中胜。3、 Mind your own business .别管他事。 “各人自扫门前雪,莫管他人瓦上霜。”4、 The wine in the bottle doesnt quench thirst .瓶中酒不解渴。 “画中饼不充饥”5、 What man has done , man can do .人已经做过的事,就不能再做。 “前仆后继”6、 What must be must be .必然发生的事情只好由它去。 “该来的躲不过”7、 You cant catc

13、h old birds with chaff .秕糠捉不到老鸟。 “老鸟不上当”“姜还是老的辣”8、 You cant have it both ways .不能两面讨好。 “两者不可兼得”9、 You cant run with the hare and hunt with the hounds .你不能既同兔子跑,又随猎犬追。 “又做巫婆又装鬼”“脚踏两只船”10、You may lead a horse to the water , but you cant make him drink . 凡事不可强求。 “匹夫之志不可夺”“师傅领进门,修行在个人”五、 品行与修养:1、A fault

14、 confessed is half redressed . 错误能承认,一半已改正。 “浪子回头金不换”2、Better bend than break . 宁曲不折。 “大丈夫能屈能伸”3、Dont meet trouble half-way . 不要杞人忧天。4、Each for himself and devil take the hindmost . 人各为己,迟者遭殃。 “人不为己,天诛地灭。”5、Every ass likes to hear himself bray . 凡是驴子都爱听自己的叫声。 “人贵有自知之明”6、Every man has the defects of

15、his own virtues . 人皆有与优点并存的缺点。 “人无完人,金无足赤。”7、Forgive and forget . 既往不咎。8、Self-preservation is the first law of nature . 自我保存,是自然界的首要法则。 “人不为己,天诛地灭。”9、Where theres a will theres way . 有志者事竟成。六、 交往与友谊:1、 Birds of a feather flock together .物以类聚。 “臭气相投”“一丘之貉”Like will to like . 同气相求。2、 He that toucheth pitch shall be def


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