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1、Unit 2 Will books be replaced by the Internet?& Unit 3,课前自主预习,课堂互动探究,Module 9 Great inventions,Unit 2 She Will books be replaced by the Internet? & Unit 3,课前自主预习,printing,print,development,develop,result,result,spread,spread,spread,introduction,introduce,amount,replace,connection,connect,single,Unit

2、 2 She Will books be replaced by the Internet? & Unit 3,direction,等等看;等着瞧,快速阅读;浏览,进行研究,寻找;搜寻,每次;一次,Unit 2 She Will books be replaced by the Internet? & Unit 3,in a way,as a result,by hand,a large amount of,compareto,Unit 2 She Will books be replaced by the Internet? & Unit 3,Knowledge and ideas spre

3、ad faster than ever before.,Later, developments in printing made it possible to produce books more quickly and cheaply.,Unit 2 She Will books be replaced by the Internet? & Unit 3,But it seems impossible to imagine life without them.,But it was the invention of the World Wide Web that made it really

4、 useful to people.,Unit 2 She Will books be replaced by the Internet? & Unit 3,A,B,A,B,Unit 2 She Will books be replaced by the Internet? & Unit 3,课堂互动探究,词汇点睛,1 look through 快速阅读;浏览,Unit 2 She Will books be replaced by the Internet? & Unit 3,观察 Every evening, my mother looks through magazines at hom

5、e. 每天晚上,我妈妈都在家翻阅杂志。,探究 look through意为“快速阅读;浏览”。,拓展,由look构成的短语 look at 看 look for 寻找 look up 查阅 look after 照顾 look out 当心 look like 看起来像 look forward to 期待;盼望,Unit 2 She Will books be replaced by the Internet? & Unit 3,活学活用,12017泰州 Before you choose a book, youd better _ the first few pages to know w

6、hether it is too easy or too difficult for you. Alook out Blook after Clook through Dlook for,C,Unit 2 She Will books be replaced by the Internet? & Unit 3,【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:在你选择一本书之前,你最好_前面几页了解一下这本书对你来说是太容易还是太难。look through表示“浏览”,和下文“了解太容易还是太难”意义对应。look out意为“当心,小心”;look after意为“照顾”;look for意为“寻找”,均与

7、句意不符。故选C。,Unit 2 She Will books be replaced by the Internet? & Unit 3,Unit 2 She Will books be replaced by the Internet? & Unit 3,2 at a time 每次;一次,观察 In those days, books were only produced one at a time by hand. 在那个年代,书是靠手工制作的,一次只能制作一本。,探究 at a time意为“每次;一次”。,Unit 2 She Will books be replaced by t

8、he Internet? & Unit 3,辨析 at a time与at one time He often takes exercise two hours at a time. 他经常一次锻炼两个小时。 Mr Li was a driver at one time. 李先生曾经是一位司机。,2Pay attention: only one person can enter the room _ Aat one time Bon time Cat a time Din time,C,Unit 2 She Will books be replaced by the Internet? & U

9、nit 3,活学活用,Unit 2 She Will books be replaced by the Internet? & Unit 3,3 result v. (因而)产生;发生,观察 A trade in books resulted, and more people learnt to read. 图书交易产生了,更多的人学会了阅读。 As a result, there were not many books, and they were expensive. 结果,书籍数量不多,价格又贵。,探究 result在第一个句子中为动词,但常用作名词,常用短语是 _, 意为“因此;结果”

10、,起副词作用,在句中作状语。,as a result,Unit 2 She Will books be replaced by the Internet? & Unit 3,拓展 as a result of意为“由于”,表示原因,相当于“because of”。 As a result of his fathers illness, he left school. 由于他的父亲生病,他辍学了。,3. He was late _ the traffic jam. A. because B. as a result of C. as a result D. so that,B,Unit 2 Sh

11、e Will books be replaced by the Internet? & Unit 3,活学活用,Unit 2 She Will books be replaced by the Internet? & Unit 3,4 replace v替换;取代,观察 Tom is absent. I will replace him. 汤姆缺席了,我将代替他。 Can we replace cars with bikes? 我们能用自行车代替汽车吗?,探究 replace作动词,意为“替换;取代”,常与介词by或with连 用。主动语态中用with或by,而_中常用by。 You cant

12、 be replaced by others. 你不能被他人取代。,被动语态,Unit 2 She Will books be replaced by the Internet? & Unit 3,4为了避免交通拥挤,市政府决定用地铁代替部分公交车。 In order to avoid the heavy traffic, the government decides to _ some buses _ the underground.,replace,Unit 2 She Will books be replaced by the Internet? & Unit 3,with/by,活学活

13、用,句型透视,Later, developments in printing made it possible to produce books more quickly and cheaply. 后来,印刷术的发展使更快、 更便宜地出版图书成为可能。,Unit 2 She Will books be replaced by the Internet? & Unit 3,探究 (1)make it possible to意为“使成为可能”,其中 _ 为形式宾语,possible为宾语补足语。,it,Unit 2 She Will books be replaced by the Interne

14、t? & Unit 3,(2)“make it形容词动词不定式/从句”意为“使变得”, 形容词常用表示事物性质的easy, difficult, interesting等。it在此结 构中作形式宾语,真正的宾语为动词不定式短语或从句。,1The television has made _ possible for us to watch movies at home. Athat Bthis Cit Dthey,Unit 2 She Will books be replaced by the Internet? & Unit 3,C,活学活用,2 but it was the inventio

15、n of the World Wide Web that made it really useful to people. 但是,是万维网的发明使它变得对人们确实有用。,Unit 2 She Will books be replaced by the Internet? & Unit 3,探究 这是一个强调句型,被强调的部分是“the invention of the World Wide Web”。强调句型的基本结构为“It is/was被 强调部分that/who句子的其他成分.”,其中的it没有实际含 义,被强调部分可以是主语、宾语、状语。,若被强调的是人, 且为句子主语时,用who或that 皆可;若被强调 的是其他成分, 则一律用_ 引导。强调句型的判断方法是“It is/wasthat/who” 去掉,若剩余内容为一个完整句子,即为强 调句型。 It was on a cold morning that I was born. 我是在一个寒冷的早晨出生的。 It is his mother that/who prepares the meals. 是他母亲做饭。,that,Unit 2 She Will books be replaced



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