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1、Unit 8 Celebrating Me!,Review,01,02,03,熟记本单元的重点 词汇,短语和句型,宾语补足语的用法,反身代词动词的用法,Learning Aims,Be confident in yourself, Be proud of who you are, Strive to be the best you can be! Were unique You are you and I am me!,You Are You,Be yourself and celebrate, How no one is quite like you! Be yourself and cel

2、ebrate You are special through and through!,Warming-up,Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.,1His father plans to _ from Canada next month. 2Anne was ill last week,and she is still very _. 3Collecting sports cards is a very _ hobby among students. 4He loves reading books.A trip without a boo

3、k is_ for him. 5No one is _.Everyone makes mistakes.,weak,impossible,common,perfect,return,Building Your Vocabulary,Complete the passage with the words from this unit.The first letter is given.,My dream is to be a writer.Some of my friends think writing is not my p_ strength,but I know I can improve

4、.My mum encourages me and makes me feel more c_.I will c_ reading and writing every day.My favourite writer is JK.Rowling.I think her writing is unique.In the future,I hope to write childrens stories,too.,ersonal,ontinue,onfident,Building Your Vocabulary,Complete the chart and then fill in the blank

5、s with the correct pronouns.,himself,yourselves,herself,ourselves,themselves,yourself,Grammar in Use,1. Mike told his mother to relax.He said he could take care of _. 2Steven is very confident._ thinks of himself as a good person. 3Help _ to some fish,please! 4We enjoyed _ on the playground. 5The mo

6、ther encouraged the little girl to clean her room by _. 6Dont worry about _.We can look after ourselves.,himself,He,yourself,ourselves,herself,us,Grammar in Use,Listen to the following sentences and underline the stressed words. 1My parents want me to study medicine. 2I saw my teacher smiling and my

7、 friends waving at me. 3I taught myself by listening to the radio and watching TV programs. 4Krista noticed Peter looking sad. 5Your voice sounds beautiful.,Listening and Speaking,Suppose your friend is having trouble at school. Complete the conversation to encourage him or her. You:How are you doin

8、g these days? Friend:Not very well! My English grade is very low, and my Chinese is even worse! You: _If you work harder, things will get better. Friend:Im not so sure.I failed my English and Chinese exams. You:Dont give up.I had the same problem,but I am doing well now! Friend:Really? Im still not

9、sure.What should I do? You:_ _ Friend:Thanks! Youre a good friend! You:_,Dont worry about that.,Make a good plan and study harder. Youll succeed. I can help you.,Its my pleasure.,Listening and Speaking,Read the article and fill in the missing sentences. How to Be Yourself Everyone is born to be uniq

10、ue.Its important to know yourself, to like yourself,and to always be yourself.However,its not alwayseasy to be yourself.Here are some tips. _ You cant be yourself if you dont know,understand or believe in yourself first. _ “Do you think Im funny? Does he like me? Does she think Im silly?” Its imposs

11、ible to be yourself if you are always worrying about these things.To be yourself,you have to let go of these worries and have confidence in yourself.,C,A,Putting It All Together,_ Stop thinking about the worst that could happen.If something embarrassing happens to you,learn to laugh at yourself and

12、turn it into a funny story that you can share with others.It lets them know that you are not perfect and makes you feel more relaxed,too. _ If your favourite way of doing something is different from others,do it and dont give up.You should learn to be proud of what makes you unique.,AStop caring abo

13、ut what others think of you. BRelax. CFind yourself. DDevelop and express yourself.,B,D,Putting It All Together,Play a writing game. Task tips:Do you have any questions for the doctor? Write a letter to Sue.Shuffle your letters and trade them with other groups.Everyone gets a letter.Now suppose you

14、are Sue and write a letter back.,Dear Sue, I am a middle school student.Im a pretty girl.And Im good at all my subjects.But I dont have any friends. The girls in my class enjoy themselves after class.But no one speaks to me.I dont know how to speak to others. Im very lonely. Lonely Girl from Washing

15、ton,Dear Lonely Girl, You are doing so well in school. You should be proud of yourself. After school you can help your classmates. And you can share interesting things with your classmates. Look in the mirror and smile at yourself every day. Maybe you can join a club and make more friends. Sue,Find more examples from this unit. Then mark your stars. Expressing Encouragement I am proud of you. _ I know what to say when my



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