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1、Grammar,The Passive ing-form (V-ing 形式的被动式),In the past few years, thousands of films _ all over the world.( produce) By the end of the last year, the book _ into many languages. (translate) At present, the deadly disease _by American scientist. (study) We went to the library after school, _ (结果却被告知

2、) that it _ .(正在装修),have been produced,had been translated,is being studied,only to be told,was being decorated,5. The theme park _ next year will attract a lot of foreigners. (build) 6. It is reported that the awards _ in ten days. (present) 7. The mother seemed _ the truth. (已经被告知),to be built,wil

3、l be presented,to have been told,V-ing形式的各种时态和语态:,时态,一般式,完成式,主动语态,被动语态,doing,having done,being done,having been done,否定,not doing not having done,not being done not having been done,V-ing 的被动式包括: 动名词的被动式, 在句子中作 主语, 宾语, 表语. 现在分词的被动式, 在句子中作 定语, 宾语补足语, 状语(having been done 常作状语),动名词(v-ing)的被动式:,1. 作主语 (

4、ones being done 也可作主语) Being laughed at in public is a terrible experience. 在公开场合被嘲笑是一件糟糕的经历。 Being killed by sharks was a common thing. 被鲨鱼咬死是一件很普通的事情。 His being admitted to Beijing University made everyone happy. 他被北大录取让每个人都很高兴. _by the coach made Tom unhappy. 被教练惩罚使Tom不高兴. _was not what we expect

5、ed. Tom被惩罚不是我们所期望的.,Being punished,Toms being punished,2. 作宾语 (ones being done 也可作宾语) I appreciate being given the chance to study abroad. 我很感激给我这次出国的机会. He couldnt bear being made fun of like that. 人家这样开他的玩笑他受不了. He did it without being asked. 没有谁让他做,是他自己做的. I am very pleased at his/him being accep

6、ted the invitation. 我很高兴他能接受邀请.,1. Do you remember _ to Beijing at the age of ten? 你还记得十岁时被带去北京吗? 2. I look forward to _his weddding. 我盼望能受邀请参加他的婚礼. 3.Do you mind _at home? 你介意Mary被单独一个人留在家里吗? 4.若不被邀请,他是不会来的。 (without) He wouldnt come without_.,being taken,being invited to,Mary /Marys being left alo

7、ne,being invited,3. 作表语 (ones doing 也可作表语) What I hate most is being laughed at. 我最痛恨的就是被别人嘲笑. What he couldnt bear is his brothers being made fun of by others. 他不能容忍的是他的兄弟别被别人取笑. What made his parents happy was _ _a famous university. 让他父母高兴的是他被名牌大学录取了.,his being admitted to,宾语补足语,现在分词的被动形式 (not) b

8、eing done 正被 ; (not) having been done 已经被,Youll find the topic being discussed everywhere. 你会听到到处都在讨论这个话题. He often watches the boats being unloaded. 他常常看船卸货. As we approached the village we saw new houses_. 走近村子时我们看到人们正在盖新房. I heard this song _in English then. 那时, 我听过有人在用英语唱这首歌.,being sung,being bu

9、ilt,2) 定语,The meeting being held now is very important. 正在开的会很重要.,但 (not) having been done 不能作定语。,正在被建在公园旁边的宾馆是由一群年轻人建的。 The hotel _(build) now beside the park was designed by a group of young men.,being built,比较: The meeting _next week is very important.,to be held,(Having been) told many times, he

10、 still made the same mistake. 已经告诉他很多次了, 他还是犯同样的错误.,5) 状语,Being protected by a thick wall, they felt they were quite safe. 被一堵墙掩护着, 他们感到很安全.,_such a good chance, how could she let it slip away? 人家给了她这样一个好机会, 她怎么能轻易放弃呢? _the Water Cube, we were then taken to see the Birds Nest. 被带领着看了水立方之后, 我们又被带着去看了

11、鸟巢.,(not) having been done 多做状语,(Having been) given,(Having been) shown around,注1:在need/want/require(需要)和 be worth (值得) 等词后面, 动名词的主动形式表示被动 意义。例如:a) 这件事需要调查。 The matter requires _. = The matter requires to be looked into.,looking into,b) 这本书值得一读。 The book _. = The book is worthy of being read.,is wor

12、th reading,下面短语中的 to 是介词, 后面只能跟名词或 V-ing:devote to (投入), get down to (着手干), lead to (通向,导致), object to (反对), pay attention to (注意), look forward to (盼望), be used to (习惯于),stick to (坚持), preferto 等。,No one can prevent the plan _. A. from carrying out B. to be carried out C. being carried out D. to ca

13、rry out,The bird was lucky that it just missed _. A. catching B. being caught C. to be caught D. to catch,C,B,admit (承认), appreciate, avoid, cant help (禁不住), stand(忍受), consider (考虑,打算), enjoy, escape (躲避), excuse, finish, give up, imagine, insist on, mind, miss (错过), practise, put off, risk, set about, suggest (建议)等后接v-ing。,He has always insisted on his _ Dr. Tuner instead of Mr. Turner. A. been called B. being called C. having called D. called,B,



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