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1、英语写作,段落,Typical Paragraph,Topic sentence(主题句) Supporting sentences(发展句) Concluding sentence(结论句),Sample writing We all know that cigarette smoking is a dangerous habit(习惯) because it causes health problems. Doctors say it can be a direct cause of cancer of the lungs(肺) and throat(喉咙) and can also co

2、ntribute to cancer of other organs In addition, it can bring about other health problems such as heart and lung diseases It is clearly identified as one of the chief(主要的) causes of death in our society,主题句? We all know that cigarette smoking is a dangerous habit,because it causes health problems 发展句

3、? 1. Doctors say it can be a direct cause of cancer of the lungs and throat and can also contribute to cancer of other organs 2. It can bring about other health problems such as heart and lung diseases 结论句? It is clearly identified as one of the chief causes of death in our society,Exercise,Directio

4、ns: Read the following paragraphs and find out the topic sentence, the supporting details and the concluding sentence, if there is one,The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also share a large number of social customs. For example, in both America and England, people shak

5、e hands when they meet each other for the first time. Also, most English men will open a door for a woman or offer their seat to a woman, and so will most Americans. Both in England and in America promptness(准时) is important. That is, if a dinner invitation is for 7 oclock, the dinner guest either a

6、rrives close to that time or calls up to explain his delay,Topic Sentence:_ Details 1_ 2_ 3_ Concluding Sentence:_,Sample two Jane and Karen have many things in common. To begin with, both girls have the same background. Jane was born and raised in the West, and so was Karen. Next, both girls are in

7、terested in the same kinds of subjects in school. Jane likes French, and English. In the same way, Karen likes Spanish, history, and English. Furthermore, both girls want to be teachers. Jane plans to become an elementary school teacher. But Karen wants to be a high school teacher. As you can see, t

8、he two girls are almost like twins.,Back,Topic Sentence:_ Details 1_ 2_ 3_ Concluding Sentence:_,Task1 Write an English paragraph, paying attention to the unity of English paragraph writing. The first sentence is already given to you.,The world has enjoyed many benefits from the invention of the tel

9、ephone._,1. And the telephone has also contributed greatly to efficient communication in the world of business. 2.people can contact with families and friends who live far away through telephones. 3.Besides, telephone shortens the distance between oceans and continents as people living in different

10、continents can talk with each other through telephones.,Back,Our neighborhood has been greatly changed. When I last visited there, about half the homes had been torn down(拆毁) to make way for a super highway. The remaining buildings were plastered(涂得满满的) with billboards(广告牌) and surrounded by traffic

11、 signs. Now the whole neighborhood has become dirty, noisy and full of cars 主题句: Our neighborhood has been changed 主题句关键词: changed 主题句隐含的问题:“How has the neighborhood changed? 细节 1 a super highway built noisy and full of cars 2 full of billboards, traffic signs and litter dirty 结论句: Now the whole nei

12、ghborhood has become dirty, noisy and full of cars 结论句关键词: dirty,noisy and full of cars 结论句总结了细节并回答了主题句提出的问题。,举例:for example, for instance, such as, takefor example 顺序: 首先 at first, to begin with, first of all, in the first place 其次 then, furthermore, next, second 最后 last but not the least, above al

13、l, at last,好段落的特征,一个好的段落应该具有以下三个特征 1)完整性(completeness) 2)统一性(unity) 3)连贯性(coherence),Practical Writing,Personal Letters,Back,几种常用的书信,道歉信 感谢信 邀请信,日期的几种写法: aJuly 7,1998 b1st October, 1998 c30 Nov., 1997 dSep. 3rd, 1999 特别注意英文书信日期应紧接着写信人地址下一行,不能像写中文书信那样写在书信签名之后,这是很多学生的常见错误。,月份 : 除May,June,July外,其它的月份都由其前三个字母表示, September是前四个字母。 JanuaryJan 一月



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