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3、ASP技术和Access开发网上选课系统时的数据库访问技术和动态网页制作技术,并给出了部分实现代码。通过该系统,使学生可以方便地在校园网上进行网上选课。该B/S结构的系统使用ASP开发语言,Access作为数据库。系统有较高的安全性和较好的性能。主要有教务、教师、学生三类用户。客户端主要功能包括:用户登录、个人信息维护、教师提出开课申请、学生选课、查询课程相关信息、课表打印。服务器端主要内容包括:用户管理、教师管理、学生管理、信息发布、简单和综合查询。关键字:选课; ACCESS;ASP; Dreamweaver;AbstractWith computers and the rapid dev

4、elopment of Internet technologies, network-based paperless office mode gradually been widely used to allow the computer to manage the information of students of various colleges and universities are now actively at work, and is also teaching management job one of the important contents. National Sch

5、ool cultivate talents are the cradle of science and technology at the strategic, under the guidance of implementation of the modernization of education, science and technology is an inevitable trend, and to achieve this, we must first achieve the education and management methods and modern managemen

6、t tools and technology. Student Online Course Selection System belong to the teaching of information management system. Online course with the traditional methods of course more to save resources and increase the autonomy of elective students. Online Course Selection System for students and teachers

7、 in school use. From the students point of view, because of school system reform, and now the majority of colleges and universities are beginning to implement the self-selection model of the students. Traditional teaching mode (School students in accordance with the best arrangements for curriculum

8、classes) can not adapt new modes of teaching, if they remain on paper the way through the course, on the one hand, waste a great deal of manpower, material resources, on the other hand, waste time and will At the statistical summary of man-made process inevitable errors and so on. With the growing n

9、umber of colleges and universities, the above-mentioned drawbacks will be more and more and more exposed. If the use of network selection, as long as the students at the computer before entering their personal information to complete the academic course department several times the original amount o

10、f homework. From the perspective of teachers, class teachers completed the course to apply for release of job easier, get the information faster and more teaching, so through the online course system can significantly reduce the workload of teachers to facilitate the teaching job. In this paper, by

11、analyzing the browser / server architecture combined with the characteristics of the actual situation of course, based on browser / server structure of online course system, the basic design idea, briefly introduce the system function modules and database design, focused on Using ASP technology and

12、access to develop online course system of database Sql Server 2000 technology and the production of dynamic web page technology, and give some implementation code. Through the system so that students can easily online at the campus online course. The B / S structure of the system use ASP language, A

13、CCESS 2007 as database. System has higher security and better performance. Main has the Senate, teachers, students three types of users. Client main features include: user log, personal information maintenance, start to apply for teachers, students elective inquiries related to curriculum informatio

14、n, school timetable print. Server-side main contents include: user management, teacher management, student management, confirmed that the application easy Timetable (mainly manually, automatic supplement) Published information, easy and comprehensive inquiries, schedule printing.Key Words:Chooses th

15、e class, ACCESS , ASP , Dreamweaver目录第1章 绪 论61.1 选题背景61.2 现实价值61.3 开发工具介绍71.3.1 ASP 简介71.3.2 ACCESS简介7第2章 需求分析82.1 项目需求82.1.1 系统目标82.1.2 开发概况82.1.3 信息描述82.2 基于B/S结构的方案设计82.3 用户需求调查92.4 系统可行性分析102.5 用例图分析102.6系统的用例描述12第3章 概要设计143.1 系统设计架构153.1.1系统架构153.1.2系统功能模块163.2系统操作流程173.3 数据库需求分析19第4章 数据库设计194.

16、1 数据库概念结构设计204.2 逻辑结构设计224.3 数据库的表设计22第五章 界面设计235.1 界面设计原则235.2 易用性245.3 美观和协调性:245.4 页面之间的跳转:255.5 页面说明26第6章 详细设计和实现276.1 模块头尾结构设计276.2 功能模块276.2.1 登录模块276.2.2 修改密码286.2.3 课程查看模块296.2.4 添加课程模块296.2.5 修改学生模块306.2.6 删除选课模块316.3 编码规范32第7章 测试总结337.1 运行337.2 测试337.2.1 测试的目的337.2.2 测试的准则347.2.3 测试的方法347.2



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