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1、摘 要随着科技的发达,以及人民生活水平的提高,人民室内生活环境不断改善,出现了空调、智能温度器、室内净化器等一系列改善人民生活条件的高科技产品。然而这并不能满足人民越来越高的生活需求,有些人提出了湿度的要求,本设计就在此基础上,设计一种基于89C51单片机控制的智能湿度控制系统。此系统采用了精密的检测电路(包刮精密对称方波发生器、对数放大及半波整流、温度补偿及温度自动校正及滤波电路等几部分电路组成),能够自动、准确检测环境空气的相对湿度,并将检测数据通过A/D转换后,送到处理器(AT89C51)中,然后通过软件的编程,将当前环境的相对湿度值转换为十进制数字后,再通过数码管来显示;而且,通过软件


3、h the development of science and technology, the improvement of and the living standards of the people, the people are improving constantly in indoor living environment, the air conditioner , intellectual temperature device , high-tech products of such peoples living conditions of a series of improv

4、ement as the purifying device ,etc. in the room have appeared. But this can not meet higher and higher life demands of people , some people propose the demand for the humidity, this text is just on this basis, design one on the basis of intellectual humidity control system which 89C51 MCU controlled

5、. This system has adopted the accurate measuring circuit (is it blow accurate symmetrical square wave generator , logarithm enlarge and halfwave rectifier , temperature compensation , temperature correct and strain wave circuit odd parts of circuit not to make up automatically to wrap up), can measu

6、re the relative humidity of the surrounding air automatically and accurately , and after measuring the data and changing through A/D, send it in the processor (AT89C51 ), Then through the programming of the software, after changing the value of relative humidity of the environment at present into th

7、e decimal digit, and then in charge of the number to show; And, through software programming, in addition, corresponding control circuit (such some circuit as photoelectric coupling and relay ,etc. make up ), design the relative humidity of the present environment of regulation that can be automatic

8、: When the indoor air humidity is too high, the control system starts the exhauster automatically, reduce the vapor in the indoor air, in order to achieve the goal of reducing air humidity; When the indoor air humidity is too low, the control system starts the steam engine automatically, increase th

9、e vapor of the air , in order to achieve the goal of increasing humidity , makes the air humidity keep at ideal state; The initial value of the humidity that the keyboard is set up and adjusted, in designing a course in addition, have considered the anti-interference of the processor, monitored the

10、circuit after putting into the MCU. Through designing the controller of relative humidity based on one-chip computer , strengthen the knowledge of the technology of the sensor and detection technique, the ones that consolidated to knowledge of the one-chip computer were mastered, and the systematic

11、knowledge that a speciality has been studied of review. Keyword: humidity detection, logarithm is enlarged, humidity control and humidity regulation, temperature compensation。目 录摘 要IAbstractII绪言11.1 课题背景11.2 课题研究的目的和意义11.3 国内外发展状况12 系统设计方案的研究32.1 系统的控制特点和性能要求32.1.1 系统控制结构组成32.1.2 系统的性能特点32.2 系统的设计原理

12、32.3.1 湿度测量的名词术语42.3.2 湿度检测方案分析53 系统的结构设计83.1 电源电路的设计83.2 相对湿度电路的设计93.2.1 相对湿度检测电路的原理及结构图93.2.2 湿敏电阻传感器113.2.3 精密对称方波发生器123.2.4 对数放大器及相对湿度校正电路123.2.5 断点放大器133.2.6 温度补偿电路133.2.7 相对湿度检测电路的调试及校正143.3 转换模块的设计143.3.1 模数转换器接受143.3.2 A/D转换器ICL7135153.4 处理器模块的设计163.4.1 单片机AT89C51简介及使用163.4.2 单片机和ICL7135接口20

13、3.4.3 处理器的功能203.4.4 CPU 监控电路203.5 湿度的调节模块设计203.5.1 湿度调节的原理203.5.2 湿度调节的结构框图213.5.3 湿度调节硬件结构图213.5.4 湿度调节原理实现213.6 显示模块设计223.6.1 LED显示器的介绍223.6.2 单片机和LED接口233.7 按键模块的设计233.7.1 键盘接口工作原理243.7.2 单片机和键盘接口243.7.3 按键产生抖动原因及解决方案243.7.4 窜键的处理254软件的设计及实现264.1 程序设计及其流程图264.2 程序流程图说明275 总结和展望28致 谢29参考文献30附 录323

14、0绪 言1.1 课题背景在工农业生产、气象、环保、国防、科研、航天以及现代生活的各个方面,经常需要对环境湿度进行测量及控制。对于生物制药、食品加工、造纸等行业,准确的测量湿度更是至关重要的。此外,湿度还直接影响到人们的舒适程度和身体健康,但在常规的环境参数中,湿度是最难准确测量的一个参数。这是因为测量湿度要比测量温度复杂得多,温度是个独立的被测量,而湿度却受其它因素的影响,湿度和大气压、温度呈函数关系1。因此,用常规的方法测量湿度的误差可达5%20%,此外,湿度的校准也是一个难题2。过去用干湿球度计或毛发湿度计来测量、通过查表得到湿度的方法3,早已无法满足现代科技发展的需求。干湿球湿度计和普通

15、的湿度计并能用做标定,就是因为标定后的精度无法保证。湿度的标定对环境条件要求十分严格,而在国外的湿度标定设备(例如过生产的MC741HP型湿度校准仪),价格又十分昂贵。本设计就是在此基础是,提出一种基于AT89C51单片机控制的比较简单而实用的湿度检测及控制方法4。1.2 课题研究的目的和意义(1) 讨论一种测量湿度的简单方法,利用我们常用的电子元器件来组成简单而实用的湿度检测电路,并在此基础上讨论湿度检测影响条件呵环境因数的作用以及湿度检测的精确性问题,。(2) 在湿度检测的基础上,简单了讨论湿度的控制问题,分析湿度调节的可行性以及怎么样调节的问题。1.3 国内外发展状况早在18世纪人类就发明了干湿球湿度计,干湿球湿度计的准确度还取决于干球、湿球两支温度计本身的精度;湿度计必须处于通风状态:只有纱布水套、水质、风速都满足一定要求时,才能达到规定的准确度。干湿球湿度计的准确度只有5一7RH。干湿球测湿法采用间接测量方法,通过测量干球、湿球的温度经过计算得到湿度值,因此对使用温度没有严格限制,在高温环境下测湿不会对传感器造成损坏。干湿球测湿法的维护相当简单,在实际使用中,只需定期给湿球加水及更换湿球纱布即可。和电子式湿度传感器相比,干湿球测湿法不会产生老化,精度下降等问题。所以干湿球测湿方法更适合于在高温及恶劣环



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