高考英语一轮复习 模块综合检测试题 新人教版必修2

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《高考英语一轮复习 模块综合检测试题 新人教版必修2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语一轮复习 模块综合检测试题 新人教版必修2(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、模块综合检测试题I.语言知识及应用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从120各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。出处:四川省成都七中2016届高三二诊模拟考试新鲜度难度话题 善举虽小 意义非凡 关键词kind体裁 记叙文 短文词数343 建议时间17分钟 正确率 /20I had worried myself sick over Simons mother coming to see me. I was a new1 , and I gave an honest account of

2、the students work. In Simons case, the grades were awfully low. He couldnt read his own handwriting. 2 he was a bright student. He discussed adult subjects with nearly adult comprehension. His work in no way reflected his 3 .So when Simons mother entered the room, my palms(手掌心) were sweating. I was

3、completely 4 for her bisses on both my cheeks.“I came to thank you,” she said, surprising me beyond speech. 5 me, Simon had become a different person. He talked of how he 6 me, he had began to make friends, and for the first time in his twelve years, he had 7 spent an afternoon at a friends house. S

4、he wanted to tell me how grateful she was for the8 I had nurtured(培养) in her son. She kissed me again and left.I sat, stunned (惊呆), for about half an hour, 9 what had just happened. How did I make such a life-changing difference to that boy without 10 knowing it? What I finally came to 11 was one da

5、y, several months before, when some students were 12 reports in the front of the class. Jeanne spoke13 , and to encourage her to raise her voice, I had said, “Speak up. Simons the expert on this. He is the 14 one you have to convince, and he cant hear you in the 15 of the room.” That was it. From th

6、at day on, Simon had sat up straighter, paid more attention,16 more, and became happy. And it was all because he 17 to be the last kid in the last row. The boy who most needed 18 was the one who took the last seat that day.It taught me the most 19 lesson over the years of my teaching career, and Im

7、thankful that it came 20 and positively. A small kindness can indeed make a difference.1. A. cleaner B. reporter C. monitorD. teacher2. A. Or B. And C. But D. So3. A. courage B. abilities C. feelings D. dream4. A. desperate B. responsibleC. unpreparedD. unsuitable5. A. Because of B. In spite ofC. Ap

8、art fromD. As for6. A. loved B. enviedC. pleased D. criticized7. A. graduallyB. constantly C. recently D. obviously8. A. self-respectB. self-doubt C. self-pityD. self-defence9. A. imaginingB. observing C. wonderingD. regretting10. A. also B. evenC. alwaysD. still11. A. expectB. remember C. believe D

9、. accept12. A. writingB. reviewing C. editingD. giving13. A. quietly B. repeatedlyC. quicklyD. firmly14. A. luckyB. lonely C. onlyD. likely15. A. entranceB. middleC. front D. back16. A. slept B. smiled C. shouted D. quarreled17. A. intendedB. pretended C. refusedD. happened18. A. changeB. praise C.

10、thanks D. visits19. A. difficultB. painful C. valuableD. enjoyable20. A. early B. slowly C. frequently D. occasionally【读后反馈】. 靓词1. palm n. 手掌心 2. nurture v. 培养 3. stunned adj. 惊呆. 难句1. She wanted to tell me how grateful she was for the8 (self-respect) I had nurtured(培养) in her son.本句是复合句。how引导宾语从句;I

11、 had nurtured(培养) in her son为定语从句,修饰self-respect。2. What I finally came to 11 (remember) was one day, several months before, when some students were 12 (giving) reports in the front of the class.本句是复合句。What I finally came to 11 (remember)为主语从句;when引导定语从句,修饰one day。. 拓展练1.单句语法填空He had a lot experienc

12、e and became an expert _ this subject. 2.句式仿写(1)对于所看到的,我给出了真实的陈述。_(2)在他一生中第一次,他听到如此美妙的歌曲。_本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。常言说“小小的善举意义重大”,在文章中,作者作为一位新老师,在一次课堂中的无心之举,使得班级里的后进生Simon有很大的变化,以致他母亲亲自到学校道谢。通过这件事,作者感慨万分,认识到有时候小小的无心善举也能发挥巨大的作用。 1. D下文语境题。根据下文中的“the studentswork”以及“my teaching career可知,作者的身份是一名教师。cleaner意为“清洁工”;re

13、porter 意为“记者;monitor意为“班长”,都与语境不符。故选D项。2. C上下文语境题。根据上下文语境可知,上文提到Simon是一位差生,成绩很差,但后面又提到他是一个很聪明的学生,由此可知,此处表示转折关系。故选C项。3. B上文语境题。根据语境和上文中的“He discussed adult Subjects with nearly adult comprehension”可知,Simon是一个理解能力很强的学生, 故用ability,此处指他的作业根本不能反映出他的能力。courage 意为“勇气”;feeling 意为“感受”; dream意为“梦想”,都不符合语境。6.

14、A下文语境题。根据下文可知,Simon非常喜欢作者这位新老师,所以用 love来表示对作者的喜爱。envy意为“嫉妒”;please。意为“使高兴”; criticize意为“批评”,都不符合语境,故选A项。 7. C上下文语境题。根据上下文可知,Simon现在交了很多朋友,最近还去朋友家待了一下午。根据上文“for the first time in his twelve,years”可知,空格处是说明Simon的一次经历。故选C项。gradually意为“逐渐地”; constantly意为“不断地”;obviously意为“明显地”,都不符合语境。8. A上下文语境题。根据上下文可知,S

15、imon的母亲感谢作者对Simon自尊心的培养。故选A项。selfdouht意为“自我怀疑”;selfpity意为“自怜,自哀”;selfdefense意为“自卫”,都与语境不符。 12. D上文语境题。 根据上文可知,当时一些学生在教室前做课堂报告,故用give reports,意为“作报告”write意为“写”;review意为“复习”;edit意为“编辑”,都不符合语境。故选D项。13. A上下文语境题。根据语境可知,当时Jeanne的声音非常轻,同学们都听不到,故选quietly。repeatedly意为“重复地”;quickly意为“快速地”; firmly意为“坚定地”,都不符合语境。故选A项。14.C上文语境题。结合上文可知;Simon是唯一一个坐在最后的人,他坐在教室最后听不到


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