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1、Unit 2 The United Kingdom练(一)语言知识运用组块专练练准度(限时:25分钟).完形填空I had an opportunity to see something special when I was visiting a friend. Now, my friend _1_ on a small farm. It is far from the street lights and business lights of the _2_. When darkness fell he _3_ me to his backyard where we _4_ and stare

2、d at the stars. The street lamps where I live block out all but a few _5_ ones, but here it was like the whole _6_ was alive with light.It was so wonderful to _7_. I had forgotten how beautiful the night sky could be. Instead of being _8_, it was blue and millions of stars seemed to twinkle (闪烁) wit

3、h happiness. I could see why our ancient ancestors spent lifetimes _9_ them, recording them and cherishing (珍爱) them. _10_ it was still the middle of winter, I felt the _11_ around me. Seeing this great creation of the universe was like being _12_ in a blanket of love. It was so perfectly peaceful.

4、Having all the lights of the night sky shining above me, I could see my own _13_ light shining bright as well. I wanted to live _14_, love well, and shine bright. I wanted to fill my life with love and then _15_ it with the world. I wanted to spend all of my days and nights _16_ the hearts and souls

5、 of others.I wish everyone could live off the beaten path so that each night they could _17_ and watch the stars. Too _18_ we let the artificial lights in this world distract (使分心) us from the light of the stars, the light of our _19_, and the love in our hearts.May you always keep your _20_ towards

6、 the sky.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者生活在城市,一次去农村在晚上看到了星星,这使他想到了一些人生哲理。1A.restsBstudiesCcalls Dlives解析:选D根据上文中的“visiting”可知,“我”去拜访一位朋友,他现在住在一个小农场里。2A.cameras BcampsCcities Dforests解析:选C从本空前的“street lights and business lights”推断,这个小农场远离了城市的路灯和霓虹灯。3A.led BexpectedCdrove Dforced解析:选A在晚上,朋友领着“我”去了他的后院。4A.ate BsatCre

7、ad Dargued解析:选B与本空后的“stared at”构成并列。我们坐在后院,抬头看天上的繁星。5A.brightest BnearestCbiggest Dhighest解析:选A根据本空前的“street lamps”判断,在“我”居住的地方,路灯遮住了星光,所以除了几颗最明亮的星星之外,我们什么也看不到。6A.backyard BskyCground Dearth解析:选B在这里,星星却使整个夜空充满活力。下文中的“the night sky”有提示。7A.learn BworkCsee Dthink解析:选C此处是指上文“我”在这里看到的夜空。8A.black BemptyCc

8、lear Dcloudy解析:选A根据上句中“night sky”可知,尽管是夜空,但是天空并不是漆黑一片,而是呈现出蓝色,群星闪烁。9A.following BcatchingCshowing Dwatching解析:选D与本空后的“recording”和“cherishing”构成并列。此时,“我”可以想象我们的祖先穷尽一生去观察星星,并记录它们。10A.Unless BBecauseCThough DSince解析:选C根据下文“a blanket of love”判断,尽管现在是寒冬,但是“我”感到了周围的温暖。11A.peace BchallengeCsound Dwarmth解析:

9、选D参见上题解析。12A.wrapped BstuckCcontrolled Dtrapped解析:选A根据本空后的“blanket”可知,看着这浩瀚宇宙的杰作,“我”觉得自己被一床爱的毯子包裹。13A.colored BinnerCcold Dearly解析:选B根据本空前“night sky”及下文“hearts”可知,头顶上有这么多的星星在闪烁,“我”觉得自己内心的光也在闪烁。14A.long BfastCsoon Dclose解析:选A与本空后的“well”和“bright”呼应。“我”想活得长久一些,过好每一天,用自己的光去照亮别人。15A.divide BmixCshare Ddi

10、scuss解析:选C根据本空前的“love”可知,“我”想让自己的生活充满爱,并与别人分享。16A.filling BbreakingCadmiring Dbrightening解析:选D“我”想日日夜夜用自己的光芒去照亮别人的心灵和灵魂。17A.speed up Bget offCgo out Dpass by解析:选C根据本空前后的“each night”和“watch”得出,“我”希望每个人晚上都能走出家门去看繁星。18A.eagerly BcarefullyCfar Doften解析:选D从上句“我”的愿望可知,人工的灯光常常遮盖了天上的星光。19A.friends BsoulsCro

11、oms Dcandles解析:选B从本空后的“hearts”可知,物欲横流的世界让我们忽略了夜空的星星,失去了心灵的光芒和心中的爱。上文也有提示。20A.nose BeyesCmouth Dfeet解析:选B根据本空后的“sky”可知,愿你能永远保持双眼仰望天空。.语法填空My neighbors eightyearold daughter used to stay in the countryside. She _1_ (bring) to town to live with her parents last November. Wild and uneducated, she often

12、used dirty words and hit others, _2_, of course, made her parents rather embarrassed. Sometimes she went so far as to roll on the ground in the _3_ (present) of many other people. Her parents tried to teach her _4_ she should behave by shouting and beating, only _5_ (make) things even worse. Finally

13、 they became completely disappointed with her.One day their nextdoor neighbor, _6_ retired woman teacher, gave the girl a very beautiful snowwhite dress. It caught the girls eye at once and made her eyes shine _7_ (bright)The girl put on the dress and became quite another person. She no longer said

14、dirty words or hit others, even _8_ (little) rolled on the floor. She knew she couldnt run wild in such a beautiful dress. Since then the girl has been gentle, neat, and lovely.Everyone has a beautiful dress _9_ (hide) somewhere in his or her heart. And beauty has the power to wake up fine qualities

15、 that humans are born with _10_ have so far not yet been found.语篇解读:邻居八岁的女儿是个没有规矩的野孩子,她的父母试图通过打骂管教她,但无济于事。自从退休的女教师送给女孩一条漂亮的公主裙后,女孩突然变得文雅、整洁、可爱起来。美能够唤起人们与生俱来的优良品质。1was brought主语She是谓语动词所表示动作的承受者,故用被动语态;根据本空后last November可知,此处用一般过去时。2which此处是非限制性定语从句,需要一个关系代词指代前面整个主句内容,并在从句中作主语,故填which。3presence空格中所填单词在句中作介词in的宾语,填present的名词形式;in the presence of sb.意为“在某人面前”。4how分析本句句意“她的父母试图通过打骂教会她如何学乖”可知,此处用连接词how引导宾语从句。5t



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